Tuesday, August 20, 2024

"Righteous Efforts by Inspired Souls... Do Fall Afoul of The Big Foot Church Daddy with a Sacred Feather Duster up His Ass."

God Poet Transmitting.......

What is really going on? What are we to make of all the different takes on any one thing? No matter what the subject matter may be... there are differences of opinion. Two people can be looking at the same event, and it will have a different meaning for them. Add another person and still another interpretation appears.

There is a Japanese story called Rashōmon that explores this conundrum... dichotomy... paradox; whatever you want to call it. It all comes out of the force of appearances, and our varying degrees of awareness, which has much to do with how we read a situation. A man who wants nothing from The World will see externals... in a very different manner... than does one who wants many things from The World. Desire is a veil that filters what we see, and alters perception.

Romance follows the same principles. Friends might wonder what does she/he see in her/him? It's said love is blind. I doubt that is true of Love, but I am certain it applies to the lover. We project ourselves upon the objects of desire. We read what we want into them, even though it might not be present. Well, I can tell you with Certitude that it is not present there, but no one who thinks themselves in love is likely to listen to anyone who tells them different than what their own hearts are so emphatic about.

Someone said that Love makes The World go round. Actually, that is true in more ways than one, but... we are speaking of Impersonal Love here, a love untinted by personal expectations, which... is another way of saying projection.

Someone else said that all The World loves a lover. That is also somewhat true, excepting those who hate everything that walks... because their own... misanthropic self-hatred has reached a truly venomous stage. There is the universal drive to love that is resident in most of us. There is a reason for this. The reason is that Love and Freedom are synonymous in every way.

Let us explore it scripturally. In The Bible, it says that at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow. Jesus is a name derived from Joshua. Joshua was the son of Nun. Without going into detail... let me say that the name Jesus represents Freedom, and at the name of our liberation... our Freedom, every knee will bow. The Bible is a book that can be understood on several levels. The Old Testament is a work of Gematria, but you can still get other surface meanings from the associations that take place there, and things that are said there.

In The New Testament, which is a fulfillment of the promise of The Old Testament, there is meaning that is interpreted by the uninitiated, and there is meaning that is given to the apostles. Then there is the meaning given by Revelation, when scripture comes alive, and its truth is revealed to the listening soul. True scripture is already written on the human heart, AND... when resonance is achieved... between the mind's contemplation of scripture, and The Inner Bible... revelation occurs.

Fundies do not like it when someone talks like this. A particular rage envelops them, and they get very angry indeed. Anyone who departs from The Letter of The Law, which is what The External Church demands from its ignorant prisoners of dogma and cant... is considered a blasphemer... a heretic, and is not one of those sheep who are looked after by the wolves in ceremonial garb who feed on them; thank God for that!

Governments and religions are the same animal. In government, the pigs from Animal Farm... feed at the expense of the other animals... because some animals are more equal than other animals. In religion... the priest class feeds at the expense of the parishioners.

The church went South at The First Council of Nicaea in 325. This is where Reincarnation and an understanding of Karma were removed from the teachings, OR... presented under certain concealments. They had this council because it was at that point when the church became a power, and set out to discourage anyone of an apostate mind. It was their way (the low way) or the highway.

Many revolutions in doctrine... many schisms followed. I am not fond of The Church. I have had my problems with it at other times. Soon now... this church is to be neutralized by The New Gospel... which will appear when it is meant to. Already the infrastructure of the established church is crumbling. It is riddled with scandal and hypocrisy. The World's biggest drag queen sits on the throne of St. Peter, surrounded by his scheming pederast priests... in orders of importance.

The reformed and alternative Christian churches are not much better. The pulpits have been politicized and always... there is... The Love of Money. Weaknesses created by the fell spirit of materialism have caused many of the faiths to embrace perversity for the sake of (cough cough) inclusion.

The drawing together of people... into a common faith... plays a big part in the order of civilization and the state of The Culture. When righteous behavior ceases to be an attractive road, well... sooner or later all Hell breaks loose. The last gasp of religion is a suffocating fundamentalist mind of cynical hypocrites; harmony is no longer of primary concern. Enforcement becomes the tool that defines the way certain religions behave.

Over the centuries, The Bogomils... Albigensians... Templars... Gnostics... Essenes, and sundry righteous efforts... by inspired souls... fell afoul of The Big Foot Church Daddy with a Sacred Feather Duster up his ass. I'm not supporting any particular one of these traditions, though I look favorably upon the Gnostics and The Essenes; depending on who is in charge. The idea is... always... that the congregation should have the same mind as that which was/is in Christ Jesus. However... that is seldom realized except in orders like The Invisible Order of Rosicrucians and others with no name given.

My church... The First Church of The Presence of God is celebrated before the altar of The Rising Sun. It has no fixed address... but is resident wherever two or more are gathered in his name. I suspect it is present where even one is gathered. It is the general church of The Brotherhood of Initiates, and nowhere is a schedule or an address posted. It is easily discovered within... wherever one sits or kneels in communion with The Higher Self.

One is then... immediately in touch with The Invisible Brotherhood... whether sensing it or not. Persistent and protracted applications of focused attention WILL result in other members revealing themselves... over occasionally fantastic distances and reaches of Time... via the interior communication module. Everyone has one, but... in most cases, it has fallen into disuse.

Take heart, however!!! A renaissance of spiritual awakening is upon us, and one can access this awakening by an emptying out of whatever is blocking The Light within. If you are sitting on the vast ocean of collective consciousness, and you are waiting to catch The Wave, you are in the right mindset. As Ramakrishna said, raise your sails and let the winds of God take you where they will; winds... waves... whirlpools turning inwards... express the idea as it pleases you.

God is like water... in that, he can take the shape of whatever container he/she pours her/himself into. People worshiping the container are missing the point and that is how fundamentalism raises its retarded brain-dead head every time. It is not in the outer form that one is meant to celebrate The Presence. The word Presence is redolent with deeper meaning.

Fortunately... The next world teacher will be bringing the doctrine of Brotherhood, a true gathering of tribes in a sense; something finer and more enduring than the present claptrap of Diversity and Inclusion, which exists only to mainstream perversity. The World has fallen hard into the usual cesspits of depravity, and people are drowning en masse. The Legion of Psychopaths is using every lever for crowd control, via the usual route of divide and conquer, BUT... it is all under control, as will be more apparent when the dust settles.

The Dust will include the dust of The Psychopaths who have hastened the need for a hero... or band of heroes to materialize. Time will tell, and we shall see, and...

... one more thing.

End Transmission.......

Links... more or less appropriate to the conditions of the moment... will be at GAB shortly=


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky.

robert said...

Visible folding and unfolding of paper truths, releasing Truth from its paper box!
Thankfully, making a space for the heart of the matter to express beyond word salad sandwiches...

Well, I can tell you with Certitude that it is not present there, but no one who thinks themselves in love is likely to listen to anyone who tells them different than what their own hearts are so emphatic about.

With our language being crushed into sound bite size for NPC control, our power to know and rely on our greater being is taken hostage.
The cult's examples of degraded slang, deceptive idioms and the deliberate lies and inversions train us to use our language in sloppy generalizations that do not even hit the target we aim it in general!

Imprecise language reflects inaccurate thinking and creates only a mess of consequences to which we must continually react
Swatting flies away from our stinking thinking is the polar opposite of creative thinking!

"The heart is deceitful"

Yes, but not the true heart at the center of our being!
Only the captured heart, being led through illusion by a degraded mind chasing what looks shiny but is slimy with delusions of grandeur

Personal infatuation and desire to die accompanied is just another diversion from our purpose in being here, or not as most commonly occurs

The deepest force, diverted into objects of desire, other clueless with which to remain clue-free, is a tiny analog of Love in bondage.
A fetish like that on display demonstrating the power of the psyop on NPC's cut off from their heart center and cutting off sexual body parts!

This tainted love is not coming from our heart, only passing through similar to our intestinal squeeze play!

The heart is corralled by the willfully ignorant mindset
KEENLY feeling its containment from free feeling
Seeks ANY relief from that smothering constraint
Our projection upon and escape into the being field of another
Where the mind ungenerously allows the heart to play more
But ONLY on a slightly larger playground slide

This pattern is what gives Love a bad name
Even the tiniest trickle down from What-Is, powered by universal Love, would give us increased awareness that there is more there there!
But not when we spew our attention and juices from a mad mind, off balance and off target, under disordered direction!

Bitter recriminations to the One about how our personal love power makes a mess of things
Impresses only our hoard of pain and gives more weight to our baggage.

Absent from our death spiraling culture are examples of personal love transcending itself

Parents who raise children who retain their joy of living have transmuted self into Self in order to make way for that to happen

Lovers who give the rest of us some of the fruit of what they have found
when going deep enough into the other to find the deeper aspect of themselves
May produce art, literature dance, ideas and inventions as well as happy children

Instead of giving up on love, because we lost touch with the Love of the One
constantly pushing us to grow from inside out
Giving in to the dark pole neuromancers' nonsense
We step back from our projected persona and fall back into our inner sun

We burn off our barnacles and vow again to sail forth with lighter ways
Touching from a distance until our spirits are free of crusty limitations
Then when our feet touch the earth, we walk in heaven

Anonymous said...

The doctrine of papal infallibility was made official in 1870, in the first Vatican Council Up until then in was merely implicit.


Anonymous said...

The Sphere's have their music.

Duntoirab said...

Have you seen this chap?
He comes across as sincere.

Visible said...

At the risk of coming off critically when it's just an observation. He seems unsure of what he thinks and is trying to say. I found it difficult to buy what he was saying due to the difficulty he seemed to have making simple things clear, and his persistent hesitancy as if he did not agree completely with what he was saying or... maybe he didn't fully understand it. I am cursed with reacting sincerely to first impressions. Hopefully, this does not cost me; and then I realize; how could that happen?

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"IF You can Grasp The Theme, and... The Scheme... of The Thing. You can Step Out of The Film, and into The Director's Mind."



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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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