Monday, August 12, 2024

"The #1 Product of Materialism is an Ever-Greater Concentration of Bullshit... Served Warm, with... a Sprig of Parsley Garnish."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Okay... Okay... I knew that... eventually... I was going to have to address... COMPREHENSIVELY... The Minotaur in the room... The Lady in The Lake... and the sea monster in the ocean; maybe the people living underground... the kiddie-diddler laboratories... the Adrenochrome manufacturing complexes... and ESPECIALLY... the industry-level 24/7... conveyor belt of bullshit... that streams and steams along... wafting across the landscape like Eau-De Sewer Line #5.

What has triggered this? Perhaps it was Elizabeth... The Gatekeeper... Nickson's latest ride into the nation's living room... on a white charger... like Lady Godiva who mixed up her diet pills with her MMDA?

Before I get started here, let me say... with emphasis! I am NOT saying such things do not exist. We KNOW they exist or... let us say I would not want to be hit in the back of the head by a phone book equivalent of the circumstantial evidence... that surrounds all of these matters, BUT... you and I know that The Bad Guys... whoever they are... make sure to sprinkle lies over the truth... or dip the truth into lies... like those chocolate shells... that aren't chocolate... at Dairy Queen, so... you get some of The Story the way they want you to get it, and which conceals what is actually going on, behind... the... subterfuge.

You're still being fed shit, with a sugar coating. Um-mm! You like that, don't you? Some of you will... indeed... eat shit if they serve it to you warm.

I got something in the mail from eBay yesterday which included a 4-color business card... promoting the works of several intelligence operatives... using Bible scripture to validate The Flat Earth nonsense. The Earth is not flat. End of story, and you're a Twinkie with a questionable filling if you think so.

Here's the thing with lies. They start off small, and they start at school, and even before that... if your parents are nutjobs... using telepathic invasion on you. Then the lies get bigger. You've already been conditioned to accept the media as generally telling you the truth because; how could The World be completely covered with lying sacks of shit that have so much power? Why! Why! The very idea is absurd. Yeah... well it's true.

Have any of you EVER yet seen a container of legitimate Adrenochrome? Have we ever seen a lab analysis of the contents on Alex Jones or... any of the other Gatekeeper sites? Mike Adams? Rense? Have we? No! We have not.

Has Big Foot ever been on CNN yet? Cause you know that people dress up like that and run through the woods where people can take their picture, and... often enough... their buddies pretend to be people who just happened to be there. What about the Loch Ness Monster? Whatever became of the 8-foot aliens at the Florida mall? Did you know there are cottage industries of people... living off the promotion of... the outrageous and fantastic? They create scenarios to put on the coffee cups and t-shirts that they sell. Like the gas stations and country stores on the way to Area 51; might as well be Area 69.

Have we yet seen ANYTHING conclusive about alien abductions? What about those laser cow surgeries? I know saucers exist. I had one land right in front of me, and... I was not alone. Once again... let me say... I am NOT saying such things are not true, in some form, BUT... are they true the way the sensationalists paint them? Are these bloodline families what they say they are? Or are they a front for what is REALLY going on out of sight?

Wake up people! Obviously, what you are being told is so... are manufactured tales to suck you in, and divert you from the actual truth... that is concealed behind them, and some of what you hear is true and most of it is not. You know that is how propagandists work! You know that is what disinfo is all about. The Truth is at right angles to everything else.

You know how they get those fat... sleazy perverts... dressed up as women... to go around and be disgusting travesties... in public libraries for Drag Queen Story Hour... so that children can be conditioned to accept the unacceptable? Imagine... if you will... for a moment... that you also are sitting on someone's lap, and you are being told stories for adult consumption, but you don't know any more about what is happening to you than those children do. It's just different lies for... your different level of consciousness.

Don't tell me interested parties can't get their hands on Adrenochrome samples. Don't tell me that people couldn't prove The Earth was flat; if it were flat! BUT! It's the stories that suck you in, and WE KNOW... that there is a significant amount of people, who are... truly... bone-deep stupid. They are a growing demographic because... as Materialism increases... so does Stupidity. These are the people that are used to swing elections. They provide the quotable commentary you see on TikTok and X.

The manipulators use Hope and Fear to motivate. They use lies to confuse and manipulate. They inject dumb-ass garbage into your heads, if... you let them. There are many people who do not read the ingredients on processed food packaging. There are people who line up to get The Killer Vaccines. The former head of YouTube just went down from Turbo Cancer. Turbo Cancer suddenly started appearing when?

You know those magazines at the checkout line in the supermarkets? People read them. A lot of people must read them for them to be everywhere. This is a large group of people whose mindset is focused on consumption, and... being personally and professionally stupid. It's an Olympic event.

Diseases begin in The Mind, and then take up residence in the body... as persistent thought forms precipitate, and crystallize in the body. Specific diseases follow in the tracks of specific appetites and desires.

The #1 product of Materialism is an ever-greater concentration of Bullshit... served warm, with a sprig of Parsley garnish. The Actual Truth about everything is to one side or the other... around the corner from the bullshit, and... going through a door to somewhere else... while The Bullshit does its song and dance. Did you know that cows and cowshit are carbon negative? Howabout that?

The Truth is also concealed in the last place that most people would ever think to look for it. It is concealed within you. The purpose of The World outside is to distract you, and... those bad guys... that so many people think are running The World... are ONLY running that part of The World occupied by the people who believe them, and... the people too stupid to be capable of independent thought... that is where The Herd Mind comes from. Moooo!!!

The FACT is that The Divine runs The World... PERIOD! End of Story. Everything is under control FOR... The Purpose of Demonstration. God is on The Left... celebrated by those who see it that way because... The Devil is the way The Wicked see God, and... God is on the right... where those working for brownie points ply their righteous ways. God is... in truth... above and beyond both of these, while yet in every particle of all of it, and employs them both for his pleasure and entertainment. He lives in and through all of it. He is the best of the best at everything, and a shining role model forever and ever... amen.

Do not look for it to make sense because it does not.

The idea that some Illuminati control group... some collection of Masons and Black Nobility... ancient bloodlines and yabba dabba doo... are the architects of our existence is Bullshit!! I am not saying they do not exist. Of course, some permutation of this construct... some facsimile of the fairy tale... that you are given... as your daily feed... is true. What is not true is that they are in control of overall Outcome. They are not. They are delusional, and... they destroy themselves, over and over again, BUT...

...some version of them is always with us because The World... The Flesh... The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea... are always with us ON... THIS... PLANE... OF... OPERATION. Somewhere... some version of everything you have ever heard about... no matter how fantastic it might seem... is present in some form; not necessarily the one you think it is. Some of these things exist on other planes. I know this because I have seen some of them, and I am not The Lone Ranger.

Bravo good sir; I never much liked this fellow's comic antics; too Jerry Lewis for my taste, (The Thick as a Brick heads like him though) BUT... WOW! I knew that he was a member of MENSA, so... extremely intelligent. Maybe he's got some stones and integrity as well... maybe... maybe.

He had to go and quote Obama, didn't he? I never know where any of these people are coming from, but he says some pretty telling things, and he's on the money with what he says, AND funny.

Nothing cuts through the bullshit like ridicule that can be backed up. Scorn The Devil and he will flee from you.

I don't care what someone is telling you. Mr. Apocalypse and Lady Awakening are as real as real can be. A new age is coming through the door, and The World is going to be transformed. It's still going to have elements of Evil and Stupidity because... God AND Good need raw materials to work with. Try to remember that what you are hearing are the fairy tales they want you to believe in... as a distraction... from what is really going on. The ONLY real good is God.

While all this bullshit is playing out on the stages of The World... The Avatar is rising and appearing... in those hearts that have been prepared for him; HIS WILL TO BE DONE! You can go either way. You can be swept up in the tidal wave spectacle of ever more ridiculous bullshit, and tinsel-town Materialism, OR... you can seek within, and hold yourself still... while containing The Reactive Mind... as The Great Love swells your heart, and informs you of its presence and...

... one more thing (colon cancer? Well... that's a whole other thing; not to mention the hormones)

End Transmission.......

Let me introduce you to someone who is well-informed about certain things.

Aquarius Age

She's densely detailed, and there are mountains of commentary to explore, but at least she's not an airhead, which... Aquarius, being an air sign... You are likely to see plenty of them. She's a continuation of Alice Bailey... Annie Besant, and Madame Blavatsky. If you're intelligent and patient... you might be rewarded with some insight. Otherwise... pick up a magazine at the supermarket. (grin)


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Every time I see the word: adrenochrome, I think of that movie, Death Becomes Her. Gods, it started slow to an annoying degree, but the end was gruesomely hilarious.

Gods, I can't wait until this crap is over. Nostrils to the sky!

Anonymous said...

Have you heard of urine as a cancer cure? Basically your own urine has the STEM cells specific to your DNA type and thus it cures cancer and many other things. I've been reading a few alternate types of people on instagram and they have very interesting stuff to say.

Visible said...

I have heard that. I imagine there is some truth to it and many ancillary factors probably militate for or against a good result. Nature; our own, and the one at a greater reach that surrounds us on all sides has at least one cure for every malady there is.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"It is Critically Important that You Find Someone Who has Been There and Back or... You won't Be Getting There Yourself."

0 said...

If you have cancer and are drinking your own pee, its doubtful that will help. Theres a reason its Excreted instead of redirected to some storage mechanism inside ones iteration of form.

You would be better off doing a parasite cleanse, as its the parasites waste products that end up creating the cancer inside the human body. Hulda Clark wrote a book called "The Cure for All Disease". Its worth a read.



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