Thursday, August 15, 2024

"The Corona of The Demon Conceals The Outline of The Angel that is Hidden Behind The Appearances... Created by Our Fear."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Sadly... I am observing unfortunate physical conditions emerging in The World and among the people who come here. Some have passed, and all of them from maladies that are suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Is it the poisonous WiFi? Is it The Killer Vaccines? Is it raining down from the toxic skies? Is it something occurring by mysterious agency? Is it a combination of all of them?

These are perilous times to be alive in, AND... I would like to clear up a pervasive fantasy that has been abroad for a very long time now, and that is that a long life is some kinda wonderful. A long life is ONLY of value when one's wisdom grows by the day. Otherwise... it is a torturous extension of time... a time of chronic physical pain and diminished capacity.

I would also like to affirm... in my official capacity... that Death is not the end of anything, but either a promotion or a demotion based on the direction and intentions that existed at the moment of passage from The Visible Plane to any one of The Invisible Planes.

I have been told on good authority that many people find themselves in attendance at their own funeral, and are witness to what others thought about them, and are saying about them, in a place where thoughts are things. Transiting from this plane leads one to states of glorious wonderment, as well as a consistently approaching terror... that seems always about to arrive, and... never does or... does indeed.

I realize that there are people out there who might differ in opinion with me according to what I have stated, and... what I am about to state, BUT... the general report of legitimate clairvoyants and people whose spiritual senses have been opened is in the same ballpark with what I will be saying about the matter.

I think it is important to discuss these subjects in a time like this where everything is so very uncertain, and... As Above... So Below; always keep that term in your mind when you consider The World you can see, and... The World you cannot see.

Death is called... in some circles, that I am familiar with; The Great Liberator. Death would not come at all if you were in a state of continuous adaptation. You would then be experiencing Death as a regular part... of the process... of eternal life.

When it comes to life on the material plane, I would recommend that you read Chapter 13 from The Bhagavad Gita; The Field and The Knower. In its brief exposition, it contains a wealth of valid information.

Extract from The Bhagavad Gita
Chapter 13: The Field and The Knower

I should probably mention that in The Western Mystery Tradition... the #13 is associated with Death, and that is why it is considered an unlucky number, although... most people don't know this.

However... most people know very little about anything except for temporary... transitory things... that are always changing. Can you see the degree of futility that is present in that? It accounts for the tale of Sisyphus.

For most people, Death is the great mystery. I would suggest that Life is also a great mystery... going by the way most people operate... within the obvious parameters and limitations of The Senses. How is it that The Divine can be present in every particle of Life... be the source of all force, and... on the material plane... blaze forth in light... each day... as the source of all physical life on this planet, and yet... the majority are oblivious of this or... have circumscribed God with all sorts of anthropomorphic fantasies and fear-based laws for conduct; courtesy of The Priest Class.

The Priests are the politicians of The Hidden Kingdom, which... they often do not represent whatsoever. The politicians make the rules for everyone moving about on The Visible Plane, and USUALLY... those rules are for the benefit of the politicians.

As Diderot the Atheist (not the novelist) said; “Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” Human freedom is constrained in The Temporal by politicians, and in their minds by The Priest Class...

Satan has several seats of power in The Temporal World. One is The City in The City of London. Another is the nation of Israel, and then there is The Vatican. A lot of dark shit takes place in all of them, and they exist to condition the existence of everyone else.

When you are not motivated to exist according to their rules, at first they come around and slap you with censure or a prison term; perhaps they will rough you up as well. Next, they will come and offer you a position in their criminal industries; according to what your talents make you fit for. Many of the people... seemingly... working for your interests... are really working for their interests. It's where their money comes from.

If you still are not inclined to take a position in one of their firms... they kill you; provided that is allowed because... in the final shakedown... they are not running things either. They only think they are. Evil can't touch you unless Heaven allows it to, and Heaven... if you are a true servant of Heaven... will only do that For The Purpose of Demonstration. The Life of Jesus Christ covered all of those bases. Lives like that are a high honor. Not everyone gets that demonstration.

I know these things to be true based on my own experience.

When I know that friends and readers are in a troubled passage... when Death is winking at them across the room, I pray for them because... there is no greater power that we have... generally... than the power of prayer. Such prayers when they are sincerely offered on behalf of another possess tremendous power, BUT... all prayers are not answered as we might personally wish them to be. God... in his truly infinite wisdom knows far better than we what is called for.

This is why I say that Death is very often a good thing... unless you have lived an evil life. Then you can expect something along the lines of that scene at the end of the film; Ghost. Do not fear Death. Death is your friend. Death is The Liberator coming to you in disguise. There's a great scene in Jacob's Ladder where Danny Aiello (who keeps giving Tim Robbins 'adjustments') discusses the appearance of angels and demons.

Whether you see angels or demons, it's good to know that the red corona around a demon conceals the outline of the angel that is hidden behind the appearance given by our fear. Whether you live in a world of good or a world of evil, you will see... eventually... the entities that police the territory. Demons do a job, just as angels do. They are each here for a purpose.

Demons are the ones who bring about the experiences of The Carnal Plane. They are facilitators. If you are a servant in The Vineyards of The Lord... they will flee your presence. You'll not have to worry about them UNLESS there are certain trials you must pass through, and all of that is only temporary. You can expedite the process by simply letting go of whatever it is that demons are trying to tear away from you.

Letting go is a great arcane secret. You let go of the one, and you rely on The Other. The Infernal Kingdom will give you no grief if they have no business with you. It goes back to not storing your treasures where moth and rust do corrupt and where thieves can break in and steal stuff. Let go of that and you will be as free as a bird, who... I might add, is not completely free because the bird is bound by Nature, and a prisoner of The Grooves in The Skyways, BUT (grin) no one wants to hear about that.

Look at it this way; everybody seems to be coming and going here all the time. Some leave early and some leave late, BUT... everyone leaves, and even those who discover the key to immortality leave because there's some kind of rule that says you can't stay around and freak everyone else out by never dying, so... they have to disappear into The Great Anonymity of God... where you will work ceaselessly while moving from place to place or residing in a remote location.

Not everyone is up for that working ceaselessly thing, even though that is what God does. There would be a huge disorder here if God were not ceaselessly working all the time. If you are... sooner or later... you will be running into what I am talking about.

Do not concern yourself with Death. Concern yourself with Life. If you are living in accord with The Great Architect, you will have some wonderful surprises ahead because; “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him,” and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be over at GAB= shortly;

Someone posted this at another location. It's something out of The Past speaking to The Future, and... it will happen.


M - said...

and it just so happens that Death is #13 in the Major Arcana of the Tarot...but you knew that. Death is also known as "The Child of the Great Transformation" and is the Zodiacal Trump of Scorpio.

Lady Death symbolizes transformation, metamorphosis, conclusions, change, rebirth/regeneration, sleep/hibernation/resurrection, releasing, growth and decay, spiritual evolution, past lives, sorcery, and The Underworld. As an Archetype it represents the neverending cycle of death and rebirth as the prerequisite for new life and creation.

Death is certainly not to be feared - in the conventional sense.


AL said...

"a time of chronic physical pain and diminished capacity."

So true my friend. I have been going through this tribulation since January this year wondering how long will this last and will I see the changes coming from this side or the other. I guess I had to get past caring or worrying about that and placing all faith and trust in the One and only. I have made more progress in the past 8 months of pain and self induced torture than in the previous 58 years.
I had a dream and in it I was outside on the streets of an old village, maybe the early 1100-1200s AD and I was playing outside with Jeshua, we were playing catch at about 12-13 years of age we were. Having a great time running around. I felt sad and was not of a family that had much, my tunic was ragged and he was of a wealthy family who owned the village linen factory and they made all kinds of fabrics, the finest in fact. I felt bad and he says to me "don't worry my Father will rap you in the finest cloth we have" and I just smiled and thanked him for being my friend.

I keep that dream with me everyday now because of how he made me feel when we were friends and he was rich and I was poor, now I feel wealthy just to have had that dream. Live or die matters not to me any longer although being around a while yet would be nice just to aid my family through the rough spots of what's ahead and although I know they will be fine I would like to be part of the reason why since they gave me so much and I to them so little in the past.

Anyway thanks for the great post man! Much love Brutha!

0 said...

Its curious huh. Tamas, to Rajas, to Sattva... almost like partitions of individualized consciousness are put thru the iterations of form so that they are drawn into Action from their initial pegged state of unrealized potential. Tamas we call low, but it could be seen to be the induction of motion from stillness to a little action. Rajas seems to be touted as will to act for good or bad... a good medium of Acting and such action produces consequences in the iteration of forms context which starts the one in Rajas to start thinking about What his actions do and the consequences caused... and the action then moves to a higher frequency of Will which seems to be equated to Sattva or realization of oneself... and its not that the iteration of forms actions have stopped, its just they've moved into a new bandwidth beyond that which requires their iteration of form to produce the action itself... its Will is then superior to they who gave way to debasement thru the call to action by the reincarnation of iterative forms one inhabits for a period of experiences.

I remember in my early 20s talking to the all... and it was sorta posed to me, do I want to do everything I can now and potentially live a shorter life being the result of Using my form to Do the Work to Know or would I want to live longer and not make that effort... which was an odd thing but it was mentally framed as a candle burning one end... versus the candle burning both ends simultaneously. I picked burning it from both ends. Whats the point of an iteration of form if you don't make as much use of it as possible to be-come.

hmmmm it was just presented to my mind that a candle burning on one end stands upright... while the candle burning both ends is then perpendicular so that both ends can burn but the resulting wax drips off away into space beneath it. eh.. how curious.

Anywho, not dead yet, but the iteration of form certainly shows the wear from the efforts made. :P


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

When I tell someone, "May you have a very long life," it's meant to be a curse. After all, I HATE 'life'. "May the Earth reject you" is another version, but that's a curse to become a vampire. I thought the concept was neat when I was in my teens, but I changed my mind on that not too much longer. Gotta admit Stuart Townsend was a divine hottie in the looks department (Queen of the Damned), though. Stiff competition for David Selby (Not the greatest actor. He couldn't even keep his Southern accent in Night Rider, but WHO CARES?!) and Ashton Kutcher, who I've only seen pictures of. No telly in 30 odd years, so. . . I'm not into actors these days. That's an immature twit thang.

I remember in the Bhagavad Gita, it said what you expect, you will find when you 'die'. So for me, first stop to the way station of Tech Duinn, then Akashic Library, then the Elysian Fields, then Tir na nOg, then off to my tacked up comet to explore the Nose-iverse.

I've often wondered what it would be like to wear a NUKE THE VATICAN t-shirt to the Temple of the Raspy Tongue (Cat licks. . .raspy.). Probably make you as popular as singin' Another One Bites The Dust at a funeral, or a HAIL MOLOCH t-shirt in Utah, but hey. (No, I don't have any of those, but a friend did buy me a I'M GOING TO HELL IN EVERY RELIGION, and SATAN'S LITTLE HELPER t-shirt. A preacher's daughter complimented me on the latter shirt, and told me what she was. I had to say I have a strong Cathar slant, and that the church killed off most of the Cathars in the Albigensian crusade, and she put her finger to her lips, "SHHHHHHHHHH! We're not supposed to talk about that." I'm still laughin'.)

Satan's seats of power? Don't fergit D.C.. As for high honour, it was an honour to get your heart ripped out in Mesoamerica, assuming you weren't a POW, that is, but a tribal volunteer or 'chosen one'. Think I went like that at least once. That's enough, thank you. Kinda like bein' burnt at the stake. Once is DEFINITELY enough.

This post resonates completely, and NOSTRILS TO THE EDGE OF THE NOSE-IVERSE!

Anonymous said...

Google has done something bizarre. Your site has suddenly become hard to find. Did you piss off someone?

Sukh said...

This is the source material for the Snordster video linked at the end of the article:

Patrick, if by any chance you come across this comment, please update this wonderful piece by adding the above link to the description field below the video along with the author's full name. There are a number of such videos based on Visible's work but which carry unclear attribution, if you wouldn’t mind fixing those as well; it would only be fair and expand the reach of these critically important writings.

Visible said...


I'm sure I've been pissing off certain factions for a long time, but unless you are a first time user, you have my web address, so... I'm not really sure what this amounts to. I've been marginalized for years. Ironically...or perhaps coincidentally, I am watching a film called Compliance. I wonder if there is some kind of a connection?

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"Now an Enormous Specter Looms over The World and a Great Rolling Sandstorm of Darkness Begins to Take Shape. Poof!"

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your stuff for years. I don't always agree but always appreciate the way it is presented. I just found it curious that on my phone Google search, suddenly you dropped to, "see more results" than being at the top like you have been for years.

Visible said...

Well how about that. It shows how often I check what I look like on the search engines; probably every other year or so/ Thanks for pointing that out. It might be something for me to look into, BUT... they're been doing this to me for 20 years or so.



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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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