Friday, September 13, 2024

"EVERYTHING Which is not in Resonance with The Supreme Will... is Going to be Squeezed Out of You, and... It Hurts."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Remember when we said that people were going to start outing themselves and then only realize it in the aftermath? A couple of days ago, John Kirby... the National Security Director mailed disparaging commentary on soldiers and mistakenly sent it to Fox News. Now we have this from another quarter.

Shannon Sharpe

I could give you a collection of these from only the last week or two, BUT... they will come to your attention. Mr. Apocalypse is... comprehensive.

I think it was Shakespeare who said something about there being a destiny that shapes our ends, rough-hew them as we may. We have come into a time of instant Karma, coupled with chickens coming home to roost, and Mr. Apocalypse is guiding both themes into a central greeting zone of; “Oh shit! Long time no see.”

Many times I have mentioned that I have a fascination with Trends and Patterns. If one were to refer to it as an interest of mine, it would have to be called, a compelling interest. The same is true of the science of Physiognomy, and the application of Internal Dowsing which... you might call, The Intuition; though it is only a feature of The Intuition.

Well... I think this fascination came about in my early sojourns with the spiritual blasting caps of LSD. One evening, I was sitting on a rug. I think it was a blue or green rug, and I picked up a metal teapot with a long spout. I knew it was empty, and... as was so often the case with me, I acted on an interior impetus and began pouring the empty teapot out onto the rug, and it was not empty at all. A stream of paisley liquid streamed from the pot and spread all across the carpet into a wonderland of forms.

I was with at least one other person who saw the same thing happening. It was quite a moment. There were so many moments like this. They became routine. I don't know if the transference of the experience came about through telepathy or some other means, but I remember the patterns appearing in a symmetry of complementary shapes. I realized that at the core of existence, there is an inviolable harmony... just like the destinies that shape our ends... mess with them as we may.

Over that period of a few years... while I lived in Washington D.C. I came to understand that there is a supreme being within and all around us and that the key to life was to be in resonance with it. Even the best of us go in and out, but... the best of us remain still when it does go out... or when we go out... due to a spiritual force that is similar to The Tides, and... simply wait until it comes back in.

There are two kinds of people who get things done on this planet. There are those who come in with a head of stream that is particularized to a specific end, they are called creatures of destiny. Then... there are those who have activated... or had activated... The Spiritual Will in them.

Here is a fact that is generally unknown, and it is also kept unknown by governments and highly placed religious functionaries... for reasons of crowd control and personal gain...

...there is only one will... from which all other seeming wills... borrow their ability to function in a willful manner (pun intended). The One Will is Supreme. It is the origin of Thy Will be Done. All other wills are a willful separation from that one will for a multitude of reasons. It accounts for The One Mind dynamic, and the attendant Separated Mind dynamic. It accounts for the angels in good standing (or flying), and it accounts for The Fallen Angels.

Those who are a channel for The Spiritual Will seem able to do remarkable things as if they were a breed apart, BUT... in actuality... they do nothing. They simply do not hinder the free expression of The Spiritual Will through them, everyone else is... to some degree... hindering the passage of The Spiritual Will through them, and that accounts for Personal Will; a puny thing indeed. Electrically it would be called a resistor.

It is true that we can only channel what we are capable of channeling or it would incinerate us. What I am trying to say... without a whole lot of detail... is that everything conforms to the laws of its own nature or it suffers accordingly, and Nature itself is both subject to, and an expression of... The Supreme Will.

Perhaps you can see the advantage of aligning yourself with The Supreme Will? It is similar to the way minor political figures cozy up to the more powerful players. It's the same in the religious pecking orders... in business, and... in criminal gangs. When The World goes out of order... every single one of these becomes a criminal gang... until agents of The Supreme Will arrive... to adjust the scales.

You might well wonder why there are not more people seeking to be in accord with The Supreme Will, and why so many... instead... prefer to cozy up to the (temporarily) big dogs. Well... The Supreme Will does not grant you the latitude to fuck around and find out... if you are looking for a spot in his organization. You have to seize that on your own and go back to being a separated will, also known as; a tiny splinter... of a fragment... of impotent stupidity.

The Supreme Will demands everything in exchange for granting you Liberation, but the do's and do nots of this... are not all spelled out... and have to be discovered through trial and error. So... if you decide you want to cozy up to The Supreme Will... instead of one of The Big Dogs (who really are dogs) you have to understand that... EVERYTHING that is not in resonance with The Supreme Will... is going to be squeezed out of you, and... it hurts. It really hurts, and most people are not inclined to put up with that.

Now... it only hurts for a specific period of time and that is different for everyone; not really... cause it doesn't all get done in a single life (usually; exceptions almost never) and it is hard to tell why it is worse for you than for someone else... or why it looks that way... because... you... can't... see... in true panorama mode, due to the cycling of existence being accomplished in a helix. Some things must be taken on faith. That also hurts.

The suffering aspect continues... only for so long as any part of you... still remains separated from a complete union with The Divine Will. This is why you must become suffused with Love... because love is the quickest... surest, and most certain route to Unity. There is only one True Unity, and it is accomplished when a specific part of you comes into harmonic resonance with another part of you, and both of these parts are within you,

It's simple enough, and... a burning aspiration... with a certain amount of continuity... WILL get you there, but... that also hurts. Comfort yourself with this... it hurts regardless, and it hurts a lot more... in the long run... to not do it.

All the things I could have said
the words just rush together
and all the things I could not say
the thoughts inside my head
are in a language I can't speak
from books, I never read

in all the moments passing
thru the timeless place that rests
outside the reach of suffering
and we keep coming back
into this state of grief
and Time... he is... a thief

between the time that I was born
and when I knew I could not die
and... I still could not escape
the dreams inside my head
Life goes on forever
Life goes on forever
Life goes on forever
and time... he is... a thief

time is the measure of our pain
as we keep coming back again
turning on the wheel of fire
burning with a fool's desire
and then... we're born again
and time... he is... a thief

Oh how bright the candle burns
The windows catch the light
And I dream on cloudy seas
the world has brought me to my knees
why did I seek this place of grief
and time... he is... a thief

between the time that I was born
and when I knew I could not die
and... I still could not escape
the dreams inside my head
Life goes on forever
Life goes on forever
Life goes on forever
and time... he is... a thief

How long will the river run
The Sun forever shines
I lost my way some time ago
when I lost my mind
and the parts I can't remember
have not come back to me
and Time... he is... a thief

a thousand years is but a day
as angels hold the world in place
as endless light shines from the face
of one we cannot name
whose beauty is a flame
that burns inside of me
and Time... he is... a thief

between the time that I was born
and when I knew I could not die
and... I still could not escape
the dreams inside my head
Life goes on forever
Life goes on forever
Life goes on forever
and time... he is... a thief

Once some degree of selflessness is attained... the pain diminishes in proportion to the degree of selflessness attained. Once the inflexible determination sets in... the suffering is far less noticeable. However... once the parts of you that suffer... (and which only suffer because of your separation from The Divine Will...) have been eliminated from your being... through the rites of purification... your suffering is at an end, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Once again, I did not have my links together, so bear with me while I go and get them. They should be up shortly at GAB=

Maybe I'll find something for here over the weekend. I am busy recording some new albums and that's where my time and focus is at a lot of the time.


0 said...

That one last thing was funny. The waffle was burned on one side and it was the same waffle with the burnt side up on half. You see it when the dog drops it in front of the pig.

The more important aspect is it gives to the pig first and takes for itself last. When one be-comes the least, that one always has enough as damn near nothing is needed for itself.

Reminds me of the bit in yoganandas autobiography where he talked about the woman who would cook food for everyone Else and just smelling it was enough for her as she stopped eating. Nourishment comes from the All to they who willfully put themselves beneath the least of the formed iterations of the All.

The "tesla switch" shows how this works "electrically". Since all formed iterations of forms are positive offset from the Nothing of the Vacuum of space, all formed Things have a positive offset volt potential and setting oneself in the place of the parallel batteries in the context of the tesla switch allows all things greater to flow into/thru self. Better be sure ones in a place to pass it thru rather than dam it up or one will burn up/out.


Visible said...

I am always impressed at how you get things, and your outlay in yesterday's post was both startling and stunning... on more than one occasion. I thank you for that. I was going to make a metaphysical association between supercapacitors and batteries in the post, when I realized it was better to leave that area to you. (grin)

0 said...

hehe all good, I just try to be helpful. Especially to those who are helpful to me. :) The resistor analogy works... and the resistance heats up till it burns out if more and more amps flow thru it. Did you know theres also something called the negistor? Resistance forces entropy, Negative resistance which might be equated with permissivity, sets the resistance negative so that as current flows thru it more current is drawn into that flow. Sorta like how they have those valves on Jets emergency inflatable ramps which use a small pressurized tank to draw in extra ambient air to fill the ramp to full pressure.

Thanks for being a friend. I hope I'm considered similarly.

Visible said...

Well, you most certainly are.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

That poem/song(?) was wonderful. Is it yours? It's worthy of Shelley.

Again, your post speaks volumes of TRUTH! Nostrils to the sky!

Anonymous said...

Last point makes sense. The more the personal self with all of it's desires, angers, goals, opinions, feelings, disappear, the less suffering there is. Just fade away until all that remains is God. Perfection

Visible said...

It's one of the songs from the musical recordings I am doing. I'm really backed up from not having done something sooner. Glad you liked it!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Please post it when it's done.

Visible said...

I'll post every single one of them.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Thank. Might wanna drag this comment to the next post you make, since not everyone backtracks for comments:

THE ABRAHAMIC 'GOD' IS EVIL (7 min. video that indoctrinated believers won't watch, BUT SEEKERS OF TRUTH WILL WATCH);read=246176

You might even include a bunch of your own commentary on the topic, being you have a Cathar slant. Gods, I wish Tom posted this on a weekday.

Visible said...

Why would you not just post it there too?

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

What a concept! Duuuuuuuuh. Will do. Selective intelligence strikes again. Or maybe I should stop being 'dead'?


Anonymous said...

"Everything which is not in resonance
with the supreme will is going to be
squeezed out of you and…it hurts.”

The soul must return to its Father and home and cannot do so without being cleansed. just as spring automatically returns after winter so to this cleansing of souls and matter must by universal law come to pass..

There are two ways in which this cleansing occurs. one can have a direct relationship with this one called God the seed of the human world tree which is remembered as the tree and be cleansed with the fire of yoga or..

One will be cleansed through what some would say is punishment for one past deeds but is infact an intense state of repentence. Father does not punish anyone. the scriptures are books of deception and lies..

We are quickly approaching the final moments of the divine drama and those souls playing the parts of masters of death are in the advance stage of setting fire to the world stage of earth. then all souls will return home and the play will begin again from the beginning..heaven..

Every moment is deja vu..every thought. word. deed and moment has happen before and will eternally continue to happen..

It is as it was and as it was so shall it be again forever world without beginning or end .

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"Sex at The Lowest Level... Sex at The Highest Level. It is All Stages of Love through The Evolution of Consciousnes."



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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