Thursday, September 05, 2024

"First Comes The Emptying Out... Then Comes The Remembering... It is ALL... ALL OF IT... Located in Your True Memory."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Good morning, fine people; God's in his Heaven, and... Ah... sadly... all is not right with The World. That is... if you are looking at it from the perspective of Time and Attachment. If you are watching in Panorama Mode... it is a matter of birth pangs... and then the time-lapse portal of a child wailing... and crawling... then walking, and speaking, and... well... some are born to and for Evil, and some are born to and for Good.

You got your outlaws and your marshals. I was an outlaw most of my life and still am in some respects... though... I am not evil. Life is not so cut and dried... or else we would not require discernment to understand it. Of course, Wisdom is the key. I define Wisdom as having seen something enough times to be able to extract meaning from it. Or is that Discrimination? Wisdom is a bit more, I think, and... then there is Divine Luminous Wisdom.

Divine Luminous Wisdom is one of the objectives of my existence, along with; The Presence of God... The Qualities of God... the power to heal... close up and at a distance, and Regenerated Innocence. Some of these I have in part. Some I am in the approach to.

Faith... Certitude and Discrimination... well; did you know (and it is according to the principle of As Above... So Below) that God has gas stations? You can fill up. You can top up. You can take a few Jerry cans if you are going on a trip. I've been on a trip for some time. Yo, Dude! You trippin' or what? Yes... as a matter of fact, I am. I know where the trigger is... that activates the flow... for the native reservoir... of installed psychedelics.

Okay then... Mr Smart Guy; where does the gas nozzle go when you stop in to gas up for whatever the Hell it is you are talking about here?

It is located at the base of The Medulla Oblongata. Say what? It's not a physical portal. Can you see energy? Can you see your breath on a warm summer afternoon? However... that is where it is located. I'll have an interesting link at the end of the posting. I don't know if he talks about this feature. It's a big book, but you will find many things of interest. Of course... someone will say, Well... what about lighting, and those other things, Mr. Smarty Pants? I'm not going to bother to address that. If you don't know what I mean... let's leave it there.

You know... my friends... there are so many interesting things you can find out, if... you know where to look for them or... who to ask for directions.

I haven't spent my time building up a bank account down here; buying property... making investments in The Temporal Sphere... whose basic nature is change. You ever try to take any of these things with you... when you leave the magnetized flesh compartment that you are running around in down here?

No... I've spent my time seeking esoteric things; the truly esoteric, not some permutation of exoteric made up to look esoteric. You can acquire a great deal of information if you first empty yourself of all the pedestrian knowledge you are carrying around... like a sack of rocks in your head.

Also... if your containment vessel is filled with salt water, you are going to have to empty that out and find a pure stream. You will not find a pure stream in the ordinary locations. You have to trace the polluted streams back to their source... that location where the water had not yet been defiled by venal interests... smoky passions... mundane and often dirty thoughts. You have to head up the mountain. You can also see to greater distances as you ascend.

What mountain is that? It is not The Big Rock Candy Mountain, I can assure you of that, so... put your razor blades... rolled-up bills, and mirrors away. This mountain is located in your mind. What! You can't see it? Try emptying it out, and whatever remains is what is supposed to be there. All the things you have added are what conceals The Real from you.

Yes... much of what I am telling you about... involves two actions... without which... you will get nowhere at your own pace. They are connected... one leads to (or should lead to) the other. First comes the emptying out. Then comes the remembering. It is ALL... ALL OF IT... located in your true memory.

Let me digress for a moment and share two links with you. This first is of Candace Owens righteously slapping the shit out of porno-king Rabbi Shmuley.

The other is more of what Mr. Apocalypse is up to... with an ever-increasing fury of exposures. This has been going on for a long time, BUT... The Moment demands that we all see it for what it is.

Do you see what is happening in The World as... By their works ye shall know them is being... non-stop... brought to our attention? None of this is accidental. They are being driven by esoteric means to reveal themselves. Everything is under control, and... there are no innocent bystanders. That statement... like many statements often seen as controversial... requires a degree of understanding to comprehend. You shouldn't say them around stupid people, BUT... with my job that comes as a necessary evil.

I'm not concerned about whether the self-righteously self-absorbed... get what's being said. They are far more immersed in playing pocket pool... with Julio... down by the schoolyard... than they are in learning anything. So... no matter what town this caravan goes through... there will be dogs barking... in between bouts of licking themselves. It comes with the territory.

You don't gain wisdom by avoiding conflict, although wisdom will definitely take you there when the time comes. Get wisdom!!! Steal it if you have to. That's something Guru Bawa once told me. That's how precious it is. Without wisdom... you are... unavoidably... sooner or later... in deep shit.

Although there are deep... arcane associations... that can be made about the SCIENCE of Alchemy. It boils down to a simple truth... that will accomplish the end product... even if you never know about the deeper details. The job is to turn the shit that you appear to be into the gold that you really are, by... diligent application, and with help from within and above; however, it is that you understand these things. The simple truth is that it is ALL accomplished with Love. Love is the key.

On the greater stage of God's ceaseless action through... and upon... all of us, The World is also The Shit that needs to be turned into gold. That happens automatically as you... yourself... are transformed. It is a kind of Midas Touch... lacking the unfortunate side effects of viewing it in a carnal manner... as the cautionary tale relates.

I know how it all looks to The Sleeping Class. I know how it looks at The Moment, so... let us return to Panorama Mode and activate the time-lapse perspective again. It takes a bit of practice. You have to learn how to use your mind as a tool. Your mind includes both flashlight and laser modes. It includes all kinds of wonderful magical devices, once you have transformed the mind from The Adversary into The Friend.

This can take a long time because most people address it in a haphazard fashion, or they read a book, and it goes the way of The New Year's Resolutions... after a week or two. You cannot hope to accomplish this on your own, and those who try... wind up turning to Evil because that is the state of it... until you have been cleansed of all unrighteousness. The Purification Rites are essential; and also most difficult to bear, which is why most people give it a wide berth. They want an easier way.

Of course... not all turn to evil. Some go insane... or lose interest... because they thought it would be a walk in the park. It is a walk in the park... if you think of the park as The Valley of The Shadow of Death. Don't set out on these roads without a full commitment. They are perilous. Especially... do not set out without a guide. Many have discovered... to their dismay... what comes of cavalier enterprising.

Occasionally, I look at the mockers and scoffers, and I see that it is all sour grapes. They have found they do not have the stones... nor the integrity to get very far, so... of course, it is impossible because... if they couldn't do it... then everyone who can is lying about it.

However... they know inside that they are losers, and that is why they are in The Peanut Gallery playing pocket pool. It's too bad... because they could do it... if they found the right help, but they're too proud to ask. This causes me to ask... what is it that you are proud of then? And...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links are marinating over at GAB.

Okay... I said I would provide a link. Let's start with Part Two of Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual. Please read the short introduction. I think it's only ten pages or so.

If you'd like the whole thing, it's to be found here. Click the download link in the top right corner.

I am not now... or at any time... recommending that one study Ceremonial or applied magic. I recommend Light Magic, which is taught by angels, but only if it is in your dharma. You'll get all of that anyway, simply by aspiring to Higher Love and sticking with it.

However... Eliphas Levi was a really wise and informed fellow, and... without a doubt... an initiate of high order. You can learn things. You don't have to get into playing The Sorcerer's Apprentice... just listen to what he has to say.


M - said...

You know what? If I had a button that would erase all the Zioturds and their minions off the face of this Planet I would press it today. Tomorrow. The next day...

Metaphysically, this IS possible.

Anonymous said...

As always, thank you Vis! And M, yes, yes, YES! :-)


robert said...

Requesting clarification, s'il vous plait!
there are no innocent bystanders.

There is the purpose of demonstration, revealing the demonic stain through glassy eyes
Events staged to process previous karmic debt by participation in balancing acts
But we know that there is a purer way to pay our debts, revealed by the Word of Christ:
By direct communion with the Spirit, where higher service can be rendered humanity
Than participating in another morality play
Which no one learns from other than the participants
Even if demoralizing media exploits the story to hose our spirits down

Then there is the crystal clear message through the Christ Avatar
That anyone harming children better drown themselves with millstones
Than karmic reaction which pedovores are storing in their soul's ledger!

You have channeled the fury of the Mother in postings
About the mass murder in Gaza
Does it not carry the pain for those young embodiments sacrificed
Those who are in closer communion with the One, by virtue of less time for corruption to root?

Is the death of children en masse the only way to get through to the slumbering NPC majority?
Must there await the closer to home die off from children being injected to death by profit-driven pediatric pushers?
Can parents ever awaken from absentee oversight to own their responsibility and can they bear it?

The hard truth that strategy of the anti-life gang is to willfully defy the One PARTICULARLY by defiling and destroying the lives of children is now out in the intermind, never to be unseen again.
There must be a nuance to discern to palliate the common feeling of violation that murder in plain sight makes stark!
More than telling our hearts to just shut up and trust our mental justification mechanism
Don't set out on these roads without a full commitment.
At this time, for better or worse choices, all embodied are already committed!
We are all on this ride, this time to the end, full stop...
To which end is the question, the choice posed in every remaining moment.

Your compassionate reminders bring home that now is the only time we have to get together, with the One and each other, or become sequestered somewhere far away from the children of the One

Since we are falling back into our souls, whether we know it or not, there can be no space for doubt or opting out!

Aim our already descending flying carpet toward the event horizon projected by our central lighthouse beacon or let it follow the flushing currents down into any black hole among the many

There may be no more allowance for human emotion to sway our minds
No more outbursts simulated by the possessions of the Dim Deceiver
Pretending to be Passion, throwing fits for personal attention

There comes a moment, overfilled with the Spirit flowing
When there is no personal benefit to be reaped
Yet act we must from our inner drive at all costs

When the Christ whipped the Mammon fetishers
What will the Avatar do in response to all the child traffickers?
And to all of us who did not rise in righteous fury to stop it
All governments, all corporations, all minions are guilty
Worst, those who consumed the life force of children directly
Providing power to the forces who feed on the cooked souls of human frenzy

May we move when Mr Apocalypse directs
In the motion which Lady Nature approves
Show the Mother the love we bear that She bore us

Yeah, there is innocence though the One knows all and is all
There is the tenderest new spirit flowing through Creation
As life creates new being to be

Visible said...

Everyone came from somewhere with a target (of some kind) on their backs. All children become adults.

"That statement... like many statements often seen as controversial... requires a degree of understanding to comprehend."

Anyway... this comes out of Vedic and Buddhists traditions. I don't claim to understand it entirely myself. I just know that cause and effect determine what lands on you. Otherwise, as I have discovered personally, one is immune.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

We are all eternal in both directions. Everyone has something to atone for, as far as there being no innocent bystanders.

Nostrils to the sky.

word bird said...

According to the Gnostic text, On the Origin of the World, "at the consummation of the age, ..., Sophia (Wisdom in Greek) will take off her wise flame of afterthought and put on irrational wrath", to drive out the Demiurge and his ruling cabals, and usher in heaven on earth.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"There's a Time in The Decline of Empire, Due to Mr. Apocalypse, Where Things go Wrong, and then... Get Much Worse."

Asil said...

Being an outlaw generally is positive, as long as not being a lawbreaker outside of our Divine Father and Mother's laws. Actually it is a gift that tells you instinctively what laws are just and what is and is not of value. For me this is a long journey and we can get lost in all the nonsense before we can see clearly. The Song of the Pearl, relates it to me in the most basic and simple way. Love you Visible and thank you.



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