Tuesday, September 10, 2024

"God... as God Exists on The Material Plane... is Represented by The Sun. The Sun is God at this Level of Expression."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I've spent my life overcoming things; bullies... The System on so many levels... Institutions... the social order... the rank and file conformists... religious & material fundies. On the one hand, they were the letter of the law people. They would always come at you with scripture, and on the other hand... they would come at you with conventions and order... as it is passed down to us by our betters.

Because of the shitstorm I have run into on many an occasion, and the rank betrayals I have experienced at the hands of feckless cowards with no honor, I got a little prickly over time when people slandered me; and... slander can take many forms. One of the forms is to ignore any explanations and details I might give about why I brought anything to a wider attention because... that would get in the way of self-righteous... holier than thou... browbeating by scripture... or conventional by-laws... having to with a polite society that was never... ever... polite.

Okay... maybe a little context might be helpful here. For some time... recently... weeks or a couple of months; I haven't been keeping track. I've been in a virtual school room the livelong day. Perhaps... I have always been in this school room, and I only just started noticing, BUT... lately... a given day will have half a dozen lessons... all having to do with the same theme. Today... it was about thoughtlessness and rude behavior.

Before I caught myself, I found myself reacting inwardly to the treatment I was getting. It was nothing large or confrontational, just the usual thoughtlessness we all encounter now and again... increasingly so... in times like these. I was struggling with it mentally... when the angel came forward in my head. I say... came forward because... the angel is ALWAYS there now, just back of my self-conscious activity.

I was asked; “Why do you bother? Why pay any attention at all? What has any of this really got to do with you? It's their problem. It's not your problem. Wish them well... no matter what... and let it go.

“Again and again I have told you that I am coming more and more into your presence each day. No force of any kind can stop this. It is inexorable. As I come more fully into you, I displace you, and all those character issues you have, all those shortcomings... negative emotions... they will be no more. You have nothing to do. Your only job is to permit it and to rely on me, and... pay attention... by minding how you go, and standing guard in the mind.

“By turns... I am what binds and antagonizes you, and... what liberates and comforts you. None of these people have anything to do with you. They have a problem with themselves. and it gets projected out into the environment. Everything going on with you is between you and me... EVERYTHING is between you and me. Forget about what other people do and say... except in the context of your work... where it is relevant to the point being made.

“There is nothing for you to be concerned with ever again. I am here now. It is in my hands. You can proceed no further on your own. That is all at an end. If you just let me handle The Details... it is going to be serene smooth sailing till the end of time, though time has no meaning in this case, I am only using it for a reference. So... leave it behind... whatever it is. You won't need it where you are going.”

This is what I heard this afternoon at the gym, but it also has to do with issues online. As I said... I have... or I should now say... I had a problem with slander. I have learned that no matter how hard one makes an effort to be clear on a matter... if someone... for reasons of fundamentalist blindness... refuses to read or pay attention to the clarification because... they are triggered by something they are frightened of... there is nothing you can do. It is also pointless to point any of this out because that isn't the point.

Never cross a dogmatist. They will cut their own children's throats before your eyes to prove to you that what they see is the only thing that is real. You especially find this among religious fundamentalists of every creed. They are exactly like the Materialists that they despise. If they can't see it, it isn't real, even if the God they believe in is invisible. It doesn't matter if it is from the East or the West. Those controlled by the letter of the law are immune to the influence of the spirit of the law.

This is a cautionary tale; watch the company you keep and watch who you are speaking to because they will burn you at the stake... even if it is only metaphorical.

One of the hardest things to accomplish in manifest life is to not grow old. Sometimes God favors those he wishes to assist with this... by not letting them grow up in the first place. Sometimes he makes them simple... to that end... because people who grow old get hard, and fixed. They enter into an inflexible state, and they are fortunate that Death will come and free them so they can try again... not to grow up.

One day, I saw one of The Great Companions in the desert. He was a child. He was in outline. I could see right through him. He paid no attention to me and was just walking about and looking at something on the ground, but what struck me was that he was a child. He was also several times larger than any of us are. Once you cease to be a child... the important and meaningful part of your life is over. If you are persistent and fortunate... you will encounter Regenerated Innocence.

After the angel explained to me the pointlessness of my mental reaction to things going on in The World... it became clearer to me... by the minute... how silly I had been. I'd crossed the line between childlike to childish without realizing it. Because everything moves in a wavy serpentine motion, it's easy to miss a curve or two. Yes... a lot of The World is done by smoke and mirrors, BUT... magnets are involved as well because... electromagnetics is an enduring principle, and will be one of the hallmarks of the coming age.

A few people are angry with me because of the optimism that gets expressed here. Apparently, I am leading the reader on with false hopes of a world transitioning to a better place, even though this is what all religions are based on... though they lose the point soon enough when the moneylenders come in.

I want to point out something... once again... about the people who refuse to listen or pay attention, and how they will gloss right over what is said here, as they search for something to argue about. I understand their problem. They do not possess what I am about to mention. They could, in fact; it is present in a potential state within them, and it could become kinetic, BUT... they repress it by whatever means is necessary. Here we go...

...God... as God exists on The Material Plane... is represented by The Sun. The Sun is God at this level of expression and is the author and source of all light and all life. The Sun... is actually a portal for The Divine... who shines through every star in the Heavens. That which is shining behind The Sun is too bright to see and appears black to ordinary sight. Imagine how great the power is that shines through everything! Keep in mind that only a fragment of the total power in the possession of The Divine is ever expressed in manifestation.

This is beyond your capacity to comprehend and... always will be. What does The Sun present? Does it not present a positive aspect? Dare I say... optimistic? Does it not shine upon the good and evil in splendid indifference to either? It shines by day as The Sun, and it shines at night... by reflection upon The Moon. Each of these creates an atmosphere that is quite different from one another.

If you object to my optimism, I suggest you take it up with The Sun. Go yell at The Sun. I should mention that it has the same effect on me as it does on The Sun. You know who else did not like The Sun? Gollum did not like The Sun or The Moon and went to live underground. Perhaps this might serve your interests better too. Misery likes to drag people down into the hole that he's in. Maybe you should find a hole and stand there. You might get lucky.

I do not live in a narrow world that is defined by someone's interpretation of a scripture they never understood in the first place. I look at everything. Maybe I will find something useful. If not, I will move on. I do not fear being compromised by This... That... or The Other Thing. That's like getting a vaccination to protect you from something that your immune system already protects you from. All you do is lower your body's ability to defend itself, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links are on a Sabbatical at GAB=


0 said...

Apologies for missing the last 3 weeks of posts.

I experienced numb legs 3 weeks back which caused me to collapse and rip up my ankle, nevermind hitting both the lower back and my head in the process of collapse. It evidently caused my ankle to sorta tear itself apart requiring surgery to pull the tendon back out from between the fibula/tibia so that he could bolt the fibula back together and then bolt it to the tibia.

Frankly I'm sorta surprised to still be here. The concussion seems to have resolved on its own but I'm left with odd twangs and piecing stabs in my lower back now that the majority of the pain from the broken ankle has gone down. I guess we'll see if I stop making sense to guage the concussion effects. Perhaps the next event will remove me from my iteration of form. They seem to be accelerating. 4 surgeries in the last 2 years, 3 on the spine and this latest on the ankle.

I can't say the pains changed my assessment of things or how I act but it makes the day to day pretty difficult to do. And this on top of getting divorced and trying to sell the house while looking to move everything out and into storage to boot. Luckily my youngest is helping to look after me since hes home most of the time except for college classes.

This bit:
"“Just as a reservoir is of little use
when the whole countryside is flooded,
scriptures are of little use to the illumined man or woman,
who sees the Lord everywhere.”"

Is about where I am, after 30 years of reading/searching/consuming everything I could. At some point the effort made results in a sort of understanding given all the potentialities that could result. I am not really worried for myself, but am worried for my kids, that they get into a routine that at least lets them live their lives how they Want to live it instead of being forced to live it some way by refusing to Do the Work. I guess we'll see where it goes. I didn't miss anything news wise as they are still holding it all down till november likely. Then they'll prolly let it ignite. In any case I am likely stuck where I am till next year at least. I don't know that it matters where I am, as wherever I am, There I am. :)

Hope you are doing well Viz!

0 said...

If people are interested, look up something called M-torquer. It was likely in the mrna injections they called Vaccines. It allows an external rotating magnetic field to directly generate torque on the cells within the m-torquer solution which then causes Changes in ones behaviors. They've used it to alter appetite in rats. Made them More hungry then Less hungry. What a nifty way to undo alot of people by just making people Eat Less.

I'll say it again, Magnetic Current is Emotion. Will is Volt Potential. Ones either inversely driven by their emotions which are the magnetic currents impinging upon them or they have engaged their Will which supercedes the default affectation of the magnetic current (amprage) so that their wills resting potential becomes greater than the impinging magnetic current such that the willful who know what they will are less affected by the mass currents of emotions.

I forget who noted it but the one who is most self realized and in possession of ones iteration of form directly affects the other iterations of form that are made local to oneself. ie. walking into a room, the most realized affects all others in the local space in some measure.

Going thru the surgeries and the pain and interacting with the people in the dr office and at the hospital was an interesting thing. Most people don't know what to make of me, and I don't say much in person. But everyone was kind and helpful even if being a bit forgetful on the treatment side of things, perhaps because I easily forget things I deem of no consequence, and that includes alot of things these days.

Hopefully we see accountability instead of Greater chaos come november. Hopefully I will be healed enough to be walking again by then too and won't have another health event for a couple years. Guess we'll see how it comes together.


0 said...

"The vaccines were NOT developed by Moderna-Pfizer…but by NIH. The patents are owned by NIH. They were made by military contractors. Pfizer and Moderna were paid as if they came from Pharma. They were a Military Project…”"

Sure sounds like they're spreading the blame all around so that everyone gets blamed and Nobody gets held accountable. Not me, some other nobody. :P

Its curious he only calls out the 50% owned by NIH, What Military produced them? Trumps appointed guy Kadlec was the guy who oversaw warpspeed and in their federal register details they called the covid injections "medical countermeasures". Countermeasures to What? having to manually put people down? that enabled them to remotely have Greater affect on people via their 5g rollout?

There are also articles publishes on pub med that show that 20ghz negatively affects biologics, and causes synthesis of byproducts within the biologic that are negative to the organism. It also noted that at 40ghz it should be treated as a Chemical Weapon since people start dropping dead in an environment saturated with 40ghz non-ionizing radiation. Only ROBOTS should be in such an environment. Which now seems to point to the 5g rollout being in preparation for robots in the USA.

"On the several findings of the research, deploying 5G network technology under the ultra-high frequency above 20 GHz will produce effect that will heat up the human body tissues due to electromagnetic field inducement since human body is dipolar in nature. The research established that while the current digital society will continue investment into 5G network technology, caution must be applied not to deploy 5G network under ultra-high frequency above 20 GHz due to its adverse health effects."

"While the immeasurable majorities do not interpret the synergistic harmful consequences of other toxic inducements such as dipolar chemical urtication and biological immunotoxicity caused by the ultra-high emission of wireless radiation produced by 5G network technology at the frequency beyond 20 Ghz. This research presented an evidence prove that the novel 5G mobile networking technology at ultra-high frequency above 20 GHz will produce wireless radiation that will produce dangerous health condition such as discomforting symptoms, cancer, sensory disorder, sleeping disorder, congenital abnormality, infertility, immunotoxicity etc., [3]. However, the society extreme automaton with respect to ultra-high frequency above 40 GHz will favour 5G Robotic technology and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoTs) where only robots can operate but not human beings. The findings of the current research showed that subjecting human to frequency beyond 40 GHz is a deliberate use of Chemical weapon. Chemical weapon is any device that utilizes chemical constituents to impose death or wounds on plants and animals while biological weapons adopts diseases causing agents called pathogens to attack the environmental ecosystem."

See here: "Chemical polarization effects of electromagnetic field radiation from the novel 5G network deployment at ultra high frequency"
URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7839940/

See this one too: "Non-contact long-range magnetic stimulation of mechanosensitive ion channels in freely moving animals"
URL: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33510447/

Anyways, stuff to be aware of, even if we can't do much about it... making people aware will make them angry and then they can do their thing to hold the clowns pushing this stuff to account.


Visible said...

Wow! Gene... that is some treasure house of information. Especially the parts about Will and emotion being magnetic currents and volts. I had never heard that before, and then when you extrapolated; yikes!!! I am real sorry to hear about your situation. I will direct your condition to my invisible friends. They can do ANYTHING if they are permitted to. I've no more to say about it because words don't do anything in a situation like this. May you be made well immediately!!!

0 said...

Thanks pal, I look forward to the additional help courtesy of your request. May it be so.

M - said...

"They have a problem with themselves. and it gets projected out into the environment." = TRUTH! Hard for many to grasp, though.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Xerox on getting better, "0"!

From personal experience, I can vouch that this post is 1000% accurate. Existence is unconditional, but Karma is effected by behaviour. Seems like more by behaviour than 'tude in my case, for I have a very BAD 'tude regarding this realm, but maybe that's the idea. What do I know?


AL said...

"Those controlled by the letter of the law are immune to the influence of the spirit of the law."

Makes one glad Yeshy has that working both ways eh. Those uncontrolled by any of it are immune to all of it no matter the method nor means of approach from the lower echelon. I have had issues but they remain temporary minor inconvenience's as Paul would say. Those that persist are used as food for growth.

One thing is for certain and that is only the Divine will be fixing our new world and already has begun in many ways as you know. May we all be blessed with perseverance and love.

Be well Amigo!

P.S. if this double posts it's not my fault.

0 said...

Thanks LTPB!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Not really relevant to this post, but perhaps to this site.
A post on history's myths corrupted. . .maybe.

The Luciferian Doctrine Explained - ROBERT SEPEHR


Anonymous said...

Awesome post Les, thank you. Perhaps you should post one or two of those comments that those fundies make?

Visible said...

I don't post them because they call for the incineration of Hindus and are often filled with references to certain spiritual teachers riding Satan's cock in Hell, and similar, then there is the fellow with the passive aggressive, "I need to replace him" perspective that is just filled with insults. He keeps insisting he is not who I identify him as, BUT... I have my ways of finding out and syntax is one of them. If a comment is only critical and meant with good intentions, I don't stop it coming through, BUT I draw the line at certain things.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is now up=

"There is no Real World that Exists to Fit The Needs of People Trying to Escape into Alternate Dimensions of Self-Deception."



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