Wednesday, September 18, 2024

"The One Big Conspiracy Cable... is Actually One of The Suspension Lines... of a Bridge... Someone Wants to Sell You."

God Poet Transmitting.......

You might have noted the variety of explanations for how Israel got those pagers to explode in Lebanon. Here is mine. The pagers came from Taiwan. They said they certainly didn't do whatever it was. Obfuscating theories about exploding Lithium batteries you can just forget about...

or... not. The pagers were probably transported on cargo ships in containers or... that has nothing to do with it.

This is the point at which technicians inserted plastique, with a form of blasting device tuned to a specific frequency... and a pulse OR... a circuit board timer... was placed into every device. Forensic investigation will reveal what actually happened, and we will be given more mushroom food afterward.

Israel is going to pay a heavy price for this indeed. They can't leave well enough alone. They are finished. Their callous murder of Palestinians... this cold-blooded genocide... is an act of evil... unique in the nature of it, and speaks to the lack of humanity present; get it? Lack of humanity present? Well... they do this sort of thing all the time. How about The Killer Vaccines they manufactured?

All of this is going on before the eyes of The World and this has also set off a pulse... a timer... tuned to a Heavenly frequency.

Moving right along.

As I watch Trends and Patterns, one of the trends I watch... is the outworking of Karma in a public way... as it pertains to famous people who asked for... pleaded for... demanded... earned... acquired by way of debt or credit... prayed for... or somehow arrived at... by any number of ways that such things are accomplished.

The thing is... when you ask for Fame... or Fortune... or Power... Beauty... Circumstances … etc. Whatever you ask for comes with the certainty of the outcome of the play of opposites off of one another. Anything sweet will attract sour or bitter, so... it is best to ask for... at the time... a taste for bittersweet.

Modern dumbasses... of the Pop-Tart Soothsayer variety... like to talk about one giant conspiracy of THEM against us, and this conspiracy... according to dumbass-think... consists of countless other conspiracies that are woven into a giant cable of conspiracy that coils about our collective being like some Leviathan of endless fascination and distraction. The fact is that it is all a dream... woven down at The Central Dream-maker Location... East of St. Louis and West of The Continental Divide.

Everyone is experiencing the dream they asked for... earned... deserve; have paid for... will pay for, and there are as many of those options as there are threads in the great conspiracy.

What it all comes down to is the search for self-importance. If you can give the impression that you know what you are talking about; even if you do not know what you are talking about... you can become important in smaller or larger ponds. If you splash around enough... people will know your name. For some... that is all that counts. They have to have that name recognition. They can dine out on it. They can generate book deals... speaking tours... media attention; all kinds of happy and unhappy horseshit.

Like Ben Affleck, you get the talent and the fame, and the girl-next-door... all the way around the block, BUT... you also get Jennifer Lopez, who is about as high maintenance as The Federal Reserve, who gets to loan you your own money at interest, after first creating the conditions that caused you to need a loan in the first place. Don't worry, it's Kosher. Oh! It's really... really... really Kosher, which means it went bad a really long time ago... which means it was bad to begin with.

You get the good parts and the bad parts because... each scenario generates the next. It is inflexible cause and effect... action and reaction. It's nothing personal, it's just physics.

Trump's support is so great now that election fraud won't even work. They have to come up with something else, and... believe me... they are working on it. There are the wartime options. There's martial law. There's the third time's the charm aspect of the assassination efforts. There are alien landings... Jesus in the sky... yadda yadda.

There is also what they did last time, which was just to mess with him through his whole term, BUT...

...he's likely to have both branches of Congress this time. Hmm... what to do... what to do. Well, then again... THEY own a significant amount of both houses of Congress on both sides of the aisle. One way or another it turns into business as usual. However... THEY do not own The Department of Dream Making, and The Big Conspiracy Cable is actually one of the suspension lines of a bridge someone wants to sell you.

The only real conspiracy of any importance is the one inside your head, where you tell yourself what is happening, but... you don't know what that is, to begin with. You either started putting a puzzle together, but... there were pieces missing, so... you fashioned your own or... you heard someone tell someone something... that someone else... told someone else, and it sounded like something that met your criteria or... read a few books by some people... who put their own puzzles together and used some pieces from other puzzles... that they cut to size or... you watched a lot of TV, BUT however you came to your conclusions... about the real meaning of the conspiracy bridge cable, was just to elevate your standings... among other people like you... or to put you in the position of lying to everyone else for MONEY.

The pinnacle of Wisdom is... (drumroll) I don't know, BUT... I don't know is not going to get you very far with all that other shit. That is why you have to know... even if you don't know. The fact is that the more you repeat what you don't know... the more convincing it sounds.

There are people who have some idea of what they are talking about, BUT... in their case... the truth of the matter was more important than what THEY were willing to pay them to lie about it.

If you want to know as much as it is possible to know about anything, just start wherever you are, and begin sifting wheat from chaff. You still won't know everything, but you will know enough.. so that when you come back again... you will be in a position to talk about it because... apparently, it was important enough for you to want to do so.

Wisdom comes in the realization that none of this shit is important... except in a relative sense. The key to true happiness is NOT in getting deeper into it, BUT in freeing yourself of it entirely, BUT... people get fixated, and until they get unfixated well... yeah.

The only thing worth doing... period... is Self-Discovery. That is The Purpose of All Demonstration. Usually what happens is that someone just can't take it anymore. They've looked everywhere... outside of themselves and found... only suffering, so... by default... yeah.

Now until someone knows that there is nothing to be found outside of themselves, and... that the only true course for fulfillment... and completeness... lies within... there is no point in talking to them, except to be polite and reassuring (when possible). Be kind, whatever you do because... they just don't know any better because... if they did... they would not have the problems they have.

That is all that we try to do here... is point that out; that there is nothing but distraction and delay to be found in The External World, BUT... people have their investments... they put real time and effort into something stupid and pointless... and they don't want you harassing them about it. Even when it comes to interior things, they still can't function without conflict, so... their God can beat up your God, and that is the rat's nest that is religion. Religion is what you resort to when you're scared of Hell.

The Howling Unknown... without borders and boundaries (or training wheels) that scares the shit out of everyone is nothing more than the undiscovered country of The Self, and... it is true that you can find everything in there that you can find out here, BUT... you only find what you are bringing with you. That is The World in reductio ad absurdum; he said she said... in cosmic terms... kinda... sorta. Religions are real good at that sort of thing.

It's a world of contradictions... you got facts? Then you got fictions because... even though it is true that As Above is the same As Below... well... no... not really. It is but it isn't because the same contradictions travel for as long as you are relying on them, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be at GAB=

There will be more of The Sutras of Patanjali tomorrow. I have things to do.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Me 'tinks' dis deserveth to be towed over for dis post:


I don't think it matters who gets elected in the long run. We're doomed. We've passed the Rubicon a while back. Harris is a fast death. . .kinda like death by a thousand cuts, and Trump is a slow death. . .kinda like bein' a doomed heroin addict. Me thinks the latter is a slightly more comfortable way to go, though betwixt the two, me thinks I'd rather get a point blank headshot, ground zero nuke or guillotine.

The people are also majorly responsible for the current state of being via compliance with the self-destructive status quo, though not quite as much as our suicidal politicians who are doing everything to blow everything up. Would we be here if people actually thought of consequences? If they didn't live beyond their means or go into debt? If they had the sense not to bury themselves so deep they couldn't get out in several lifetimes?

Oh well. I suppose priorities are priorities, and we'll all be sleepin' in the beds we made. Glad I have nothing vested in this sewage vat. Those of you in and OF the world, have fun in the short term before the FIX, which you probably won't live to see.

Is my misanthropy and schadenfreude showin'?


I ain't buyin' dat bridge. I don't WANT it.

Nostrils to the sky on this brilliant post, as if you're capable of anything else; being a transducer for Source.

AL said...

"Religion is what you resort to when you're scared of Hell."

Thanks for the smile worthy my friend. Good timing as I will need it when I by that 15 dollar a pound bacon next trip to the store or perhaps spam soon enough. I may have to resort to fishing the polluted waterways in my neck of the woods and hope for the less mercury laden catch of the day.
Next couple of months should be binge worthy for all watching from outside the make believe good verses evil warzone. Soul school can be tricky but the entertainment level is second to none.

Love to ya Brutha!

0 said...

Good post!

While one Thinks and Acts as if Duality is reality, one draws the opposite in equal amplitude as the current enjoyed aspect to themselves.

This is not due to Duality, but due to the attachment one has for one thing while Avoiding whats perceived to be its opposite and the actions that come with trying to maintain a non-constant/non-consistent state that doesn't seek out any certain experiences or emotions.

Its why religions tell people to be happy, knowing that people who chase happiness find unhappiness present and able to be used to coerce the target into continued "lambykins" to the Shephard who is just bilking the target while manipulating the target with its "saving doctrines", of which one has only to discard such, to be Saved from such.

To one who has be-come whole, able to be good and bad as the context calls for in proper harmony with the iteration of forms experiences one endures or induces, being happy is passing and doesn't need an opposite to affect self to return self to the stolid center of stillness.

The ones who react emotionally, keep passing thru the center, and mistaking the extremes of either amplitude for the consistency they should be cultivating that sees neither extreme as anything but indulgence one way or the other.

If one were to compare transverse bidirectional vectors which seem to be linear with opposites at both ends, with longitudinal omnidirectional expansions or contractions, one finds two very different "ways of being" present in the Ones who pick one or the other as "the way".

The traverse is always bouncing between opposite states driven by the emotions that one feels which drives that ones will to react instead of willfully act, while the longitudinal is either encompassing all, or encompassing nothing based on that ones will.

One might equate the transverse personality to a coil which sees a magnetic field move past itself which then induces amprage in the coil to Flow, and if shorted the current flows while never producing much of a voltage, while if open the coil sees the current pegged which forces the voltage to aggregate at either end of the coil winding.

The longitudinal individual will feel that emotional impact, set it aside and start picking apart the context and variables looking to understand it and then once its understood will develop thinking that inspires the emotion that then wells up out of that one driven by that ones Will.

The difference between reacting and acting regardless what shows up.

Or so it seems to me.

Evidently Israel is now moving into south lebanon and has been greenlit for the attack by the israeli gov. I suppose its on.

Stay Safe and Be Prepared!


Farmer said...

I don’t think I can get my wife to sing to the cattle.

Farmer maloney.

Visible said...

Heh heh; at least you have cattle.



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