Monday, September 23, 2024

"They are Observers... or Cannon Fodder... Depending on The Needs of The Lords of Karma... for The Purpose of Expiation."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Here's a question and the likely topic of today's posting; what exactly is going on... behind the scenes... around The World... that is giving fits to The Face Time puppets who front for The Dark Side?

What is happening with the people who work for Eric Adams; mayor of New York City? Why did that aide to DeBlasio... the former mayor... go public with the sex parties he attended during COVID? Who is going after Diddy... when the present administration... in New York City, and The United States are all a bunch of Diddlers who support people like Diddy?

What's with all the amateur-hour... botched assassination attempts? Who is permitting all this information about election theft to go public. What is causing The Media to turn upon and expose itself?

Somebody has got a lot of deep shovels, and the will and connections to get down to it.

Now... there is a long-standing tradition of throwing the most toxic members of a cabal under the bus to distract from other doings, but... this does not seem to be a case of that. The exposures are wide and diverse. Even the formerly untouchable... Kardashian witch coven... is about to get dragged through the seedy streets... like Cersei Lannister; the queen regent of the Seven Kingdoms from The Game of Thrones.

Long have we extolled the exploits of Mr. Apocalypse; “They seek him here, they seek him there, those Frenchies seek him everywhere, is he in heaven or is he in hell?” That's what they said about The Scarlet Pimpernel, and it could... just as well... be rephrased to identify Mr. Apocalypse; 'He seeks them here. He seeks them there, and they can't hide from him anywhere.'

Mr. Apocalypse is not potentially vulnerable like The Scarlet Pimpernel... or V. He's an archetype, a direct permutation of The Will of God, and search as I might... I cannot find another source for the recent spate of exposures and uncoverings. It is The Hidden Hand of The Divine.

There are those who will say it is a Q-prophecy, and tied in with Trump still being the elected president and commander-in-chief. That might work for the plot of a movie, BUT... it does not ring true... here. People believe all kinds of things these days, and the more absurd it is... the more likely they are to believe it.

I thought the cell phone addiction thing was out of control before, BUT now it's a street-side pathology everywhere. It seems like more than half of The World is manically busy thumbhumping their cell phones, all... the... time. This is one aspect of the jerking-off that I was referring to in a recent posting.

People are nervous... jumpy, and... all too quick to anger... with the not-very-well-bottled rage they are all carrying around with them. It's another kind of radiation poisoning. No way... does that many people... become like obsessed 8-year-olds with a Game Boy.

A major battle... the one that determines the outcome of the war... is being waged off-camera at this moment. Perhaps I should say that a major war WAS waged, and the balance of power has been adjusted for the foreseeable future. It's The Avatar making his presence known, and... felt.

We have the veritable presence of God... like a video game creator... appearing inside his creation... with endless power-ups and health top-ups, and weapons and shields beyond the counting. He is flanked by his two point guards... coming down the court ahead of him; Mr. Apocalypse, and... Lady Awakening. He's up! He shoots! He scores!!!

All the drama and manufactured tension have only been about providing excitement for those watching the movie... who are occasionally reminded that they are in the movie too. In every movie... especially Biblical epics... there is always a cast of thousands of extras, or there used to be.

Now they just use CGI, but... it is the same in life dramas. A small percentage of the players are close to the action, and the rest are observers... or cannon fodder... depending on the needs of The Lords of Karma for The Purpose of Expiation.

I know there are plenty of people out there, who just don't get The Fact that God is in absolute control at all times. They keep imagining that there is some kind of wiggle room; that it's really The Good Guys and The Bad Guys fighting it out, and... sometimes the one side wins and sometimes the other does, and... they hope/wish for the best, while the other hand fills up first.

I don't know if it's a lack of faith in the Divine or... the idea that God is at a distance... a general lack of knowledge or... more likely too much knowledge of the kind fabricated by people trying to sell books, BUT... a lot of people don't pay any real attention to History, and when they do, it's revisionist history or... created... agenda-driven history.

Here's a little fact that many people are unaware of or... can't recall on relevant occasions; intelligent people are... much more often unhappy... than are simple people. Psychiatrists have one of the highest rates of suicide. They absorb the traumas and fantasies of their patients. It's a similar thing with cops. There are many timeless quotes about it. To paraphrase Lao Tzu; 'Much knowledge will corrupt the heart,/When partly understood,/And so the people grow too smart,/But neither wise nor good.'

He had made a number of comments about too much learning; “leave off fine learning,” and similar. As many times as he mentioned it, he must have thought it very important.

People know all kinds of things, and... on the majority of them... they are misinformed. The Truth about things and what cannot be observed... except secondarily... is not the same as the partial view of truth... given to any of it... by pundits. God... IS... working... everything... out... just not to the lasting satisfaction of almost everyone. The only people who are pleased with the way God works it out... are those unattached to the outcome.

You must become detached and impersonal... if you expect to enjoy life beyond the guaranteed biorhythmic up and down... gain and loss... pain and pleasure... dueling dance of opposites. That enjoyment occurs when you are able to... voluntarily step back and allow The Supreme Enjoyer to make, and have... all life decisions and experiences.

Our willful insistence... on being in the driver's seat... is what makes certain... an accident is on the way. You can sit back and enjoy the ride or... you can insist on being in charge, and... no matter what you think... at any time... you are never in charge.

Given the degree to which this rogue administration has gone over the last four years of a stolen election, and given how open and supporting it was to the Sorosian prosecutions of the former president... the observable changes... in posture and direction... over recent times have been strange indeed, and it is not simply because Biden is in a deep diving dotage. He was that way before The Deep State stole the election for him.

There is an invisible hand at work behind the scenes. Also... despite the relentless flood of lies and false appearances that dominate the headlines... all sorts of events that shouldn't be going on... are going on. A democratic mayor of a Michigan city has endorsed Trump. That sort of thing is unheard of. The Teamsters support The Once and Future President to such a degree... that the leadership was unable to provide the usual... perfunctory... rubber-stamp endorsement that is... usually... a lock.

Even with the treacherous antics of the rhinos in Congress, and a pretzeling Speaker of The House... there's no way to stick The Fix in because that kind of sex can't happen in broad daylight; the witnesses would be scarred for life. I know it involves heavenly forces, but... beyond that, I don't know anymore.

Oprah... and other legendary lizard people... are getting frustrated on camera. People in Hollywood... Hollywood!!! Are speaking up. Taylor Twit endorses Harris, and... it works in THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. Yow! Just imagine what we are not seeing and what is not being reported? Expect The Unexpected!!! Batshit and his boy Faggot are on the run in The Meatpacking District of Gotham. Anything can happen now, and...

... one last thing.

...with an addendum...

End Transmission.......

Links are dancing like chickens on the griddle over at GAB=

It's a two-bagger today; half Eliphas Levi extract, and half Patanjali Sutras with a dash of invisible ink hieroglyphics=

Eliphas Extract

Pythagoras was a free, sober, and chaste man;

Apollonius of Tyana and Julius Caesar were both of repellent austerity;

the sex of Paracelsus was suspected, so foreign was he too the weakness of love;

Raymond Lully carried the severity of life to the most exalted point of asceticism;

Jerome Cardan exaggerated the practice of fasting till he nearly perished of starvation, if we may accept tradition

Agrippa, poor and buffeted from town to town,

almost died of misery rather than yield to the caprice of a

princess who insulted the liberty of science.

What then made the felicity of these men?

The knowledge of great secrets and the consciousness of power.

It was sufficient for those great souls.

Must one be like unto them in order to know what they knew?

Assuredly not, and the existence of this book is perhaps a case in point;

but in order to do what they did, it is absolutely necessary to take the means which they took

But what did they actually accomplish?

They astonished and subdued the world;

they reigned more truly than kings.

Magic is an instrument of divine goodness or demoniac pride,

but it is also the annihilation of earthly joys and the pleasures of mortal life. Why study it?

Ask the luxurious. Merely to know it, and possibly after to learn mistrust of stupid unbelief or puerile credulity.

Men of pleasure, and half of these I count for so many women;

is not gratified curiosity highly pleasurable?

Read therefore without fear, you will not be magicians against your will.

Readiness for absolute renunciation is, moreover, necessary only in order to establish universal currents and transform the face of the world;

there are relative magical operations, limited to a certain circle, which do not need such heroic virtues.

We can act upon passions by passions, determine sympathies or antipathies, hurt even, and heal, without possessing the omnipotence of the magus;

in this case, however, we must realize the risk of a reaction in pro¬portion to the action, to which we may easily fall a victim.

All this will be explained in our Ritual.”

Continuation of Patanjali's Sutras
from Book One=

16. The consummation of this is freedom from thirst for

any mode of psychical activity, through the establishment of the

spiritual man.

In order to gain a true understanding of this teaching,

study must be supplemented by devoted practice, faith by

works. The reading of the words will not avail. There must

be a real effort to stand as the Soul, a real ceasing from self-

indulgence. With this awakening of the spiritual will, and

purification, will come at once the growth of the spiritual man

and our awakening consciousness as the spiritual man;

and this, attained in even a small degree, will help us notably in our

contest. To him that hath, shall be given.

17. That spiritual vision which is conditioned and limited

takes the form first of exterior reasoning, then of interior judgment

then of happiness, then of realization of individual being.

In spiritual consciousness, there are two clearly marked

stages. The first is spiritual consciousness expressing itself

through the psychical, through reason and feeling. The second

is spiritual consciousness clear of the psychical, and shining

forth luminous, in its own proper being. The first is here de-

fined in its ascending stages, as first the right training and dis-

position of the reason;

next, the finer perception of intuition;

next the joy and exaltation which comes with the realization of

spiritual life;

and then the awakening to the being of the soul,

though not yet to the knowledge of the soul's oneness with the All.

18. Spiritual consciousness unlimited is the final state led

up to by the right practice of spiritual Silence.

Spiritual Silence is the crown and end of purification. It

is the stilling of all passional and psychic storms, those dramatic

fictions through which we seek the sense of real life, which

needs no storm to reveal it, but is innate in the soul, and made

manifest through Silence.

There is an asceticism that is but a new form of ambition,

a desire to gain spiritual power or grace for oneself, ignorant

that spiritual power and grace belong only to all united. Those

who seek thus, have not yet conquered the world.

20. For the others, there is spiritual consciousness, led up

to by faith, valor, right mindfulness, one-pointedness, perception.

It is well to keep in mind these steps on the path to illumination:

faith, valor, right mindfulness, one-pointedness, perception

Not one can be dispensed with; all must be won.

First faith ;

and then from faith, valor;

from valor, right mindfulness;

from right mindfulness, a one-pointed aspiration

toward the soul;

from this, perception;

and finally full vision

as the soul.

21. Spiritual consciousness is nearest to those of keen,

intense will.

The image used is the swift impetus of the torrent; the

kingdom must be taken by force. Firm will comes only

through effort;

effort is inspired by faith. The great secret is


it is not enough to have intuitions;

we must act on them;

we must live them.

22. The will may be weak, or of middle strength, or in-


For those of weak will, there is this counsel: to be faithful

in obedience, to live the life, and thus to strengthen the will to

more perfect obedience. The will is not ours, but God's, and

we come into it only through obedience. As we enter into the

spirit of God, we are permitted to share the power of God.”


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Expiation! LOL! Talk of a prison planet, and I feckin' PUT myself here despite warnings I'd regret it. OH WOW! A NEW ELECTRIC FENCE TO PISS ON! AWESOME DEAL!

Scarlet Pimpernel. Great movie. Gotta see if the book is on-line for free. Loved the theme. Musta watched every Zorro movie there was, not to mention the drop dead gorgeous David Selby in The Night Rider, even if he did switch accents early on.

Ya got another winner here. Nostrils to the sky!

M - said...

I, too, love The Scarlet Pimpernel - although it's the one starring Jane Seymour and Anthony Andrews. Beautifully filmed. I own the DVD...

0 said...

The best thing about be-coming is there is nothing of significance that one wills that the All doesn't also will and already have in hand. What further follows are signs of surety that this is so for the One who did the work.

Not doing the work is its own punishment as ones cleverness falls apart due review of one who understands, seeing it for what it is. Having not been the one to trespass whatever thing, one is not in the position of having to be held to account for having done so.

Presuming one who doesn't is in local co-habitation with one who does. Otherwise the disparity is never brought to light due two dim bulbs only chasing their own desires and thinking the next one will be the one since this one wasn't.

Let things, NOW, go rapidly towards Accountability of the context as its been swayed by the ones who think themselves world movers, so that the world swallows up they who tried to swallow it up.


Asil said...

In regard to the “eat the cats . . . eat the dogs” video people should remember that earlier this year the Haitian gang led by Jimmy 'Barbecue' Cherizier were slaughtering people with machetes. There were X videos of cannibalism happening at the bloody scenes on the streets. And now, sadly, too many of the hypnotized public believe the MSM that the Haitian immigrants would never eat a cat, dog or duck. I don’t find anything at all amusing about it.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"From Another Perspective... a View Much Like My Own... Every Appearance... is a Constantly... Changing... Deception."



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