Monday, October 14, 2024

"It is Critical that You Are Consciously Engaged in The Process. If You just Mail It In... it Will Sit in The Dead Letter Office. "

God Poet Transmitting.......

I want to talk a little more about prayer today. First, I would like to point out that I generally... and near exclusively... talk about things I have directly experienced... unless I say otherwise.

There is a great deal that I do not know. What I do not know... compared to what I do know... is like comparing a backyard swimming pool to the ocean; even then, I am exaggerating the size of the swimming pool. However... there are events that have occurred in my life that can be of great value to others. They were of great value to me. Also... I know the value I have gained from the words of those who have gone before me.

This morning... as I sat for meditation, I was warming up with some OM soundings... as a prelude to The Divine speaking with me. Before I was done, he stepped in and said, “You know... that's not necessary anymore. You have found me and I am here. I will be here forever now. It doesn't matter how you found me or how I found you. It was a joint effort. People have found me in myriad ways. The Details are unimportant once the unity is accomplished.

“However, once you have found me, I am found. There is no further need to continue banging on the door when the door is open. Simply follow me in.

“Let me further add, it doesn't matter what kind of a saint or sinner anyone might have been prior to our mutual discovery of one another... as the same essential being. That is all washed away... as if it were nothing... when the communion occurs. I don't look on saints or sinners any differently than I look at a handful of sand or a gold nugget. Once union is effected, the past no longer matters.

“Prayer alone... remains as the most effective medium in our communications, and that... as you know... can take several forms. Prayer is like a telephone line with someone on either end. You are familiar with there being places with no service... places with spotty service... places where the exchange is loud and clear or... seems far off and distant. The Prayer Line is the same. Let us call what we do interactive prayer. It's a conversation; more like a child playing with its invisible friends.

“You remember how it was only a few years ago... when I appeared only occasionally, and before that... only at rare intervals... or when you were in an altered state. Now I am here all the time. There is never a time now... when I do not appear immediately... the moment you begin thinking of or speaking to me. Yes?

“Total goofballs have found me, Visible if that makes you feel any better. They were no longer goofballs when I was done with them, (though some might have still considered them to be), but... they surely were when I began the work. Some I found whose souls were scarlet. That was of no matter. Everything... for me... is as easy as a smile.

“There are others who are much admired... by some... in the community. Some have a wide sway over what others think and do. Many people come to hear them go on and on, and I want no part of them at all. They are hypocrites and poisonous with self-love. They are snakes with perfect teeth. Yes... I love one and all, but I do not like everyone.

That is what gets my attention. When I like someone, nothing... else... matters. I am inclined to like anyone who seeks me with their whole heart... who engages in selfless service, and who understands... that if you give yourself away... you will never run out.

The single greatest reason why I would like someone, and... it accounts for our particular relationship as well, is when The Greatest Commandment is in operation. All anyone has to do to get me to show up... personally... in their life... is to want it more than anything else. That guarantees it. Now... it might not happen right away, and you know this from your own personal experience, BUT... if one is persistent and determined... it will happen. This you also know from your own personal experience.

My whole life is about these conversations now, and my whole life is dependent on The Presence also; of course... it always was. Through The Presence, I have learned the value of simple things... often repeated. The most important of these is... prayer. That is the essential stuff of life. Like Faith... it is the substance of things unseen. It is The True Bread of Life, and I have been taught to let that thought intrude into every area of my being.

The Yogic Tradition says that there are several areas of our lives where Prana comes into play. One of them is when we breathe, and one of them is when we eat. Prana is not an easy thing to explain. Everything... like Prana... which may also be difficult to explain... has more than one meaning and possible interpretation; like The Word of God... for which... there is one version for the multitudes, one for the initiated, and it manifests in forms of revelation as well.

Prana is defined as The Life Force. They say there are five kinds of Prana. You can look these up on your own... if your interest extends that far. I don't spoon-feed information because when you find something on your own... for some peculiar reason... it is more meaningful, and... I can't put it on a fork or it will slide right off... like pasta turning into snakes.

Speaking of snakes (or preferably serpents) that is the way The Life Force travels in existence... it is the same as how a serpent moves... in a wavy manner. You should get all kinds of implications from this.

You will note... if you went ahead and looked into Prana on your own... that each form of it is associated with a chakra, and that each kind is also associated with a basic activity you engage in each day. One manifests in breathing. That is why breath control is of such importance. One manifests in the digestion of Food. One has to do with elimination, and so on.

Now... perhaps it is more clear why I say Grace before eating... why I repeat a particular ritual... each time I engage in elimination... or any other bodily function. In the process... it is spiritualized. It should go without saying that... doing this... causes certain invisible forces to go into action. It is similar to thinking things... and states of being... into being. Everything that exists was thought into being. The whole universe is thought born.

All of these rituals are forms of prayer, and it is critical that one is consciously engaged in the process. If you just mail it in... it will sit in the dead letter office. This is what I meant... when in an earlier post... we were talking about mantras... ring around the rosaries and so forth. If you are only engaged in mechanical repetition... there will be no vitality in it... no Prana. If you are passionately engaged... angels and devas will be activated as a result.

You can roll out a prayer rug... six times a day... for eternity, and if you are not consciously and passionately engaged in a living exchange... it will be meaningless. If you bob back and forth like a flamingo on a drinking glass... in dark uncomfortable clothes... and mumble into a wall... God is not impressed, and he will change the channel; given that he is always watching, but... too many things he has seen and heard too many times.

God is present where there is life. Why seek him among the dead? These are all dead and lifeless rituals... pointless really, and a big waste of time. It's not a waste of God's time because God is not in Time. God is in eternity, and that is where you join him... once you get to a certain stage of the process.

Eventually... you will come to see the movement of life as a giant helix, which is only visible from the side you are on. Life disappears into mystery and emerges from the same. You are either on a relentless... wardrobe-switching dance... between one temporary life form after another... over... and over... and over again... round the fire ring of burning desire... writhing on the cross of the elements... and suffering; always in some stage of that OR... you are traveling inward through ever more beautiful landscapes... that are designed as evidence of your level of self-control.

When you see those beautiful tapestries and paintings of Buddha... sitting in self-generating heavens... that is what you are looking at. I am not promoting any particular faith or religion... all of them have their moments, BUT... I belong to The Church Eternal, which is The First Church of The Presence of God. My chapel is the vast and living cathedral of Lady Nature; that bountiful Queen of Heaven. The immortal cornucopia of all blessings manifest, and... on the way.

Prayer is an act of faith, and... Faith is The Substance of Things Unseen OR... you could say, Things yet to be seen. Both are true.

When you pray... you are saying, by the act itself; I know you are there. Then it becomes a matter of WHAT you pray for. This is an extremely critical feature because some prayers are answered immediately, and some prayers you can count on being answered. Other prayers that reflect self-interest... also get answered at some point... usually when you no longer want whatever it was, and...

... one last thing.

(It's how God works and this is what you get in cooperation. When you are resisting, you get Evil... or another way of saying... you missed the mark. Only God knows where everything goes, and if you get certain things automatically right it is because you cooperated in that effort enough for it to become second nature, and it is why your planets exert the specific force of Karma that you get... for all the efforts you have yet to cooperate in. He's trying to help you out of the maze. Why do you fight him? Rebellion is your ticket into this particular arena of existence.)

End Transmission.......

Links will appear shortly at GAB=

AND... this is new.

In little more than the wink of an eye, I transferred my entire body of internet-published work over there. We'll see how long that lasts. Heh heh... I already had someone yell at me about how blameless The Usual Suspects are, and how ALL the evil in The World is caused by The Black Pope and The Jesuits. I asked her if that black pope might be P. Diddy.

Book Two of Patanjali's Sutras...
in serial format.

1. The practices which make for union with the Soul are:

fervent aspiration, spiritual reading, and complete obedience to

the Master.

The word which I have rendered "fervent aspiration"

means primarily "fire";

and, in the Eastern teaching, it means

the fire which gives life and light, and at the same time the fire

which purifies. We have, therefore, as our first practice, as

the first of the means of spiritual growth, that fiery quality of

the will which enkindles and illumines, and, at the same time,

the steady practice of purification, the burning away of all

known impurities. Spiritual reading is so universally accepted

and understood, that it needs no comment. The very study of

Patanjali's Sutras is an exercise in spiritual reading, and a

very effective one. And so with all other books of the soul.

Obedience to the Master means, that we shall make the will of

the Master our will, and shall conform in all ways to the will

of the Divine, setting aside the wills of self, which are but

psychic distortions of the one Divine Will. The constant effort

to obey in all the ways we know and understand, will reveal

new ways and new tasks, the evidence of new growth of the

soul. Nothing will do more for the spiritual man in us than

this, for there is no such regenerating power as the awakening

spiritual will.

2. Their aim is, to bring soul vision, and to wear away


The aim of fervor, spiritual reading and obedience to the

Master, is to bring soul-vision, and to wear away barriers.

Or, to use the phrase we have already adopted, the aim of

these practices is, to help the spiritual man to open his eyes;

to help him also to throw aside the veils and disguises, the

enmeshing psychic nets which surround him, tying his hands, as

it were, and bandaging his eyes. And this, as all teachers

testify, is a long and arduous task, a steady uphill fight,

demanding fine courage and persistent toil. Fervor, the fire of

the spiritual will is, as we said, two-fold: it illumines, and so

helps the spiritual man to see, and it also burns up the nets

and meshes which ensnare the spiritual man. So with the

other means, spiritual reading and obedience. Each, in its

action, is two-fold, wearing away the psychical, and upbuilding

the spiritual man.

3. These are the barriers: the darkness of unwisdom, self-

assertion, lust, hate, attachment.

Let us try to translate this into terms of the psychical

and spiritual man. The darkness of unwisdom is, primarily,

the self-absorption of the psychical man, Jiis complete

preoccupation with his own hopes and fears, plans and purposes,

sensations and desires, so that he fails to see, or refuses to see,

that there is a spiritual man;

and so doggedly resists all efforts

of the spiritual man to cast off his psychic tyrant and set

himself free. This is the real darkness;

and all those who deny

the immortality of the soul, or deny the soul's existence, and

so lay out their lives wholly for the psychical, mortal man and

his ambitions, are under this power of darkness.

Born of this darkness, this psychic self-absorption, is the

dogged conviction that the psychic, personal man has separate,

exclusive interests, which he can follow for himself alone;

and this conviction, when put into practice in our life, leads to

contest with other personalities, and so to hate. This hate,

again, makes against the spiritual man, since it hinders the

revelation of the high harmony between the spiritual man and

his other selves, a harmony to be revealed only through the

practice of love, that perfect love which casts out fear.

In like manner, lust is the psychic man's craving for the

stimulus of sensation, the din of which smothers the voice of

the spiritual man, as, in Shakespeare's phrase, the cackling

geese would drown the song of the nightingale. And this

craving for stimulus is the fruit of weakness, coming from the

failure to find strength in the primal life of the spiritual man.

Attachment is but another name for psychic self-absorption;

for we are absorbed, not in outward things, but rather

in their images within our minds;

our inner eyes are fixed on

them; our inner desires brood over them; and so we blind

ourselves to the presence of the prisoner, the enmeshed and

fettered spiritual man.


M - said...

I realized recently that my morning prayers had become rote. I was still saying all the familiar words by my mind was wandering as I said them. I realized that this just would not do!

So I changed things up a bit. Kinda like switching up your exercise routine because muscles do become accustomed to performing acts in a certain way and in a certain sequence.

This did the trick for me. I was back in the moment of prayer. Focused and attentive once more.

Visible said...

Glad to hear that. I keep a close watch on myself for that same thing. It has to be living and vibrant or it doesn't work.

robert said...

Another stellar scribing, full of starlight!

Glad to hear that. I keep a close watch on myself for that same thing. It has to be living and vibrant or it doesn't work.

There is another mystery here:
We who sleep over an unsleeping Presence are learning to stay awake
Who is the who who reminds us to wake up and breathe in the beauty?

We the husk falls into drowsy dull routines the moment we depart from the moment
Yet our mind can be trained to watch our self and catch our self falling
But our mind runs aground from close encounters with precipitated preconceptions

The real Who gets our attention and sets our training wheel mind back into upright position

We cannot make our prayers alive
Can only continue the conversation with the One alive and pass through the Will
Whatever we focus on, there is an instant awareness to balance our view
The value we provide is to witness our human perception communicating with the Eternal and thus the world gets renewed through our human touch of consciousness.

The more we pay attention to the real, the plight of souls in the stream of consciousness, alseep in the dream, the more we are delighted when the projected world is nudged by Divine attention, with us as the conducting medium, carrying the lightning leader for the much grander angel strike to move the mountain right before us!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky.

0 said...

Prana = Emotion = Currents

Most people don't understand that the universe is DC. And not just DC, but DC impulses of infinite variety. Willfully inducing emotion felt behind the Willed Reason induces magnetic currents of higher density.

Most people also don't understand that AC is Just DC periodically inverted with a space between the inversions to allow the former pulse to reach zero before inverting.

If you setup an inductor and try to push back to back DC pulse inversions without the empty space between inversions, the result is you potentiate the coil to the DC max in the first pulse, then forcibly take that pulse back to Zero with the next pulse of opposite direction.

Curious stuff. Good post too. Its nice that the all can continue to flow into self producing an ever greater "specific gravity" in that self who seeks unity and harmony.


0 said...

Welcome to Substack!


Visible said...

Yeah... thank you (I think). I only went there yesterday, and already subscribers are flocking to my email and offers of money are also rolling in. It has been ONE DAY! I don't know. I'm going to have to just let it flow by and wait on the bank of the river. There's no telling what is swimming under that muddy surface.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"Revolution is Inevitable; Heads Wind Up on Pikes or... Bodies Twist in The Wind... Outside The Ruined Palace Gates."

0 said...

Yeah, I don't take pay via subscriptions on any articles I put up. I figure that would obligate me to care about what the readers think, and frankly I mostly Don't Care what they think, just that they Try to Think at All. I don't have many who subscribe, which is fine by me. I have yet to break 100 subscribers... at 95 or so... I'm not everyones cuppa tea. Sorta Nobodies cuppa tea. huh. :P




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