Tuesday, October 01, 2024

"Karma is in The Idea of Separation from God, and The Degree of It... is an Indicator of The Amount of Karma on The Meter."

 God Poet Transmitting.......

If we were going to all be killed and enslaved, The Awakening would not be happening. All the evil being exposed... would not be being exposed. Hard as it may be... given appearances otherwise... Existence is in the control of the one mind that rests in all minds that THINK of themselves as being separate personalities. That is what Karma is; the idea of separation from God, and the degree of the separation is an indicator of the amount of karma pending.

Those in resonance with... and in union with... God, are afflicted with very little negative karma because there is no resistance in them to God's love, which eats Karma the way a fire eats wood. One other thing devours Karma with the same amount of force, and that is Wisdom. Wisdom and Love in combination create Truth. A little contemplation on this will yield serious rewards.

So, really... can anyone explain to me how North Carolina got hit so hard when the storm had to go through Florida... Georgia... and South Carolina first to get to NC? I know about the river rising and the dams failing, but something seems very off. This kind of damage is usually exclusive to coastal areas.

Whenever NC and SC have been hammered by storms they came from the sea, not over land.

The Goobers over at Zeta-talk say it's all caused by Earth's wobble, and... the invisible yet massive influence of Planet Niburu, which has cloaking devices or something because... no... one... has... seen... it. The Zetans say that no way did the weather get compromised cause we can't even do that yet. The Zetans are retarded passengers on a short bus that is running on concrete blocks because someone stole the wheels.

They will never notice. Though... I am told Niburu is blocking the sight line of their windshield. Behind them... the road is gone, and there is nothing but pink heifers jumping over transsexual sheep of various colors. The DEI people are running around with clipboards but it is hard to see much else.

As I have often mentioned here, I pay attention to Trends and Patterns, which... means I notice anomalies. If something hasn't happened before... from that direction... it gets my attention, AND... they knew the storm was coming much earlier on. They could have bled those dams.

What I can say... on behalf of the feckless cowards and their misguided efforts to take Humanity down into the hole they dug for themselves is... it's too little... too late. What I can say on behalf of the rest of us, is that God is a living stillness from which proceeds all vibrations. What the separated minds... of arrogant fools... make of those vibrations... is on their heads. When limited... grasping-for-self Materialists... turn that which God declared to be good... into evil... it becomes an evil for them to account for.

All true and inspired scriptures speak of an omnipresent deity that interpenetrates everything, and also exists on the level of consciousness that is represented there; while still being distinctly apart from it. The evolution of human consciousness... to an angelic state of awareness... proceeds from the earliest life forms upward... toward Godhead. That is the long and roundabout way of it. There is another road where success is speedy for the energetic.

People like to pass themselves off as alchemists, and occult masters... in a self-created cloak of mystery... never realizing that all of these arcane rituals about Mercury... Sulfur... and Salt are only about awakening The Indwelling to the effect of completing The Great Work... within the one... who does the due diligence of courting The Divine; what is sex at one level is Love at another.

Sex... at the carnal level... is the attractive force... in search of passionate union. Love at the higher levels of expression... is the attractive force... in search of a passionate union... beyond the limitations and temporary nature of carnal union. It is driven by a fervor of aspiration... that has put EVERYTHING else aside. That is the guarantor of successful union. The difference between the carnal and the spiritual... except for the dimension in which it takes place... is the term and kind of its existence, and... they are both representations of the same... wavy... serpentine force.

Of course... a great deal more could get said, and if we were not careful... we might find ourselves adrift in a wilderness of words. It could have been said better. It could have been said simpler, and in both cases... it has been, but... this is what I proved capable of. Please be understanding of my limitations in every area I operate in. I will improve. That is certain.

There is a true mystery here that can only be revealed in the experience of it. Let me say this; making love to God is not unlike making love to the whole of creation at the same time, and... once accomplished... that is what you wind up doing... on a case-by-case basis... involving every life form you encounter thereafter.

What does this have to do with everything that preceded it? If you want to heal The World and restore unity through your every word and deed, this is the direction to go in. Otherwise, you are lost in a bewilderment of piecework. Playing Woman in The Dunes is no more fun than watching it on a movie screen is.

We have the myths of Sisyphus, Prometheus, and many another allegorical tale and fable as teaching instruments for those capable of learning from them. The same is true of focused observation on life taking place all around you.

What is The First Matter? Isn't it Light? What is Occult Water? Might it be The Subconscious? That is a vast ocean. Might it be that shapeless essence from which all shapes emerge? Do we not create our world by thinking it into being? Do we not poorly emulate The Creator... who gave us the same power that he used to make everything else? We do not properly (and sharply) envision and... in most cases... have no control over our imagination.

Everything in life is made as it is through the interactions of The Superconscious... The Self-Conscious, and The Subconscious. Ideally... we channel the former... directly and unmodified upon the latter. We are the intermediary, BUT... if we usurp The Prime Mover, and replace it with the ambitions of the separated mind; what happens? Imbalance happens because we have upset the cosmic order.

Every righteous desire is made manifest by not inhibiting... the flow of The Will... of The Creator... through us. When we set up our own shop upon the ruins of the only meaningful relationship we ever had... we get the other side of things, and... automatically... The Purpose of Demonstration is triggered into action.

A harmonious existence is the ultimate destiny of everyone, and a harmonious existence is... effortless. Why is it that we can be surrounded by the harmony of the seasons... the planets in their orbits... The Moon in its phases... the interacting poetry of everything in cooperation with itself and all else, and... yet... we remain out of step?

Why do we strive for personal recognition over the recognition of others... in a dog-eat-dog clusterfuck of chaos and pain... when we can gain the recognition of Heaven... simply as an extension of our ceasing to strive with others for notoriety... and personal gain... and power... and... whatever else? Insanity is the red-headed stepchild of Materialism. Well... it is a direct descendant, BUT... there are no parents in the house.

Recognition by others on this plane of desperate striving is not like recognition by the angels of God. This is a far greater and longer-lasting recognition. It is not whimsical and capable of turning on us at any time. God is you when you stop playing God. Either you live in the blessed anonymity of the love of that which is far... far greater than yourself or... you get to be a hood ornament for as long as there is time left on the meter, and...

...one last thing. (Forest Rangers say that more than 90% of the people bitten by snakes were messing with them at the time.)

End Transmission.......

Links are waiting for Drag Queen Story Hour to start over at GAB=


Boundless Being and the Solar Gods,

there's only one mind inside them all

it seems to be different on every plane

it comes in every shape but it's always the same

still, it's not pretty from what I can see

out here on the high wide and lonesome

it's some kind of murder in the first-degree

there's nothing about it that is wholesome

oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh...

It's made from Lemon Pledge and Mr. Clean

It's made from Lemon Pledge and Mr. Clean

I can hardly make it through the checkout line

with everything I didn't want to get.

It looks like I'll have to live a few more days

I'll show up for the money as long as it pays

political monsters and pederast priests

attend the last rites of the culture

it's melting into plastic, and jerking like a spastic

who... got... the... latest... vaccine

that's made from Lemon Pledge and Mr. Clean

oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh...

It's made from Lemon Pledge and Mr. Clean

It's made from Lemon Pledge and Mr. Clean

Don't look at me I had nothing to do

with making the ugly things pretty

the nasty shit it's made it from is part of the scene

cause deep down and past the nitty gritty

It's made from Lemon Pledge and Mr. Clean

In a world of stupids, you can take it to the bank

all they want is Oxy and another line of crank

lying down with dogs and getting up with fleas

waiting in the forest until they see the trees

oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh...

It's made from Lemon Pledge and Mr. Clean

It's made from Lemon Pledge and Mr. Clean

It's made from Lemon Pledge and Mr. Clean

oh... oh... oh... oh... oh... oh...♫

We'll have some more from Patanjali's Sutras tomorrow.


0 said...

Enmod is real Yo.




Anonymous said...

the metallic aerosol sucked the water out of the air became heavy and fell like rain the mountains acted like bowl and depending on the opening determines the flow similar to condensation on a glass or bottle filled with cold liquid on a hot humid day. the trend of settling large blocks of immigrants in areas where the population dynamic is immedietley altered is loud right now what if we made a map of all these areas where this has happend, then does anyone remember the FTZ agreement the us made with china and the un in the late 90's that would create soveriegn free trade cities all over the us . the areas would be populated by chinese and other nationals. remember in the 2000's when they tried to implement the first zone in idaho the people snapped and they shut everything down. what do you bet that if you take the ftz map and put it over the immigrant map they are the same areas

robert said...

Good day to all who appreciate that life is offering us complete unity!

Another brilliant transmission to delight our day!

All true and inspired scriptures speak of an omnipresent deity that interpenetrates everything, and also exists on the level of consciousness that is represented there; while still being distinctly apart from it.

May I rephrase to ward off any confusion over which the separated mind may deliberately stumble?

"distinctly apart"?

Perfectly unaffected by?
Transcendantly serene?
Yet wholly, intrinsically interpenetrating all below....

Russian nested dolls is a metaphorical hint:

The One is within every iota, every consciousness present everywhere, all the way down
inside out

The One contains every creation within the Unlimited consciousness, all the way up
outside in

All in
No way out but through the Center of the One

Center everywhere
Circumference nowhere

Since Unity is the truth, the only place for the human word "apart" is from the human mental cave, where the mind attempts to hide in separation the nakedness of its hubris

We do need to conceive of the One as impervious to our limitations and our miscreation

We must eventually realize that we are deluded in feeling/thinking we are alone, separate, distinct from the One

We have been programmed to believe we are without direct intimacy with All-That-Is, in every moment!
That ultimate disempowering falsehood has us running around to a deadly dirge

Yet, every created thing from the One is mysteriously unique!
Or there would be no point in returning to single pointedness devoid of consumated delight!

Has it been fun to be playing separation anxiety games?
Have we learned enough to play our unique part in a loving union play?

A harmonious existence is the ultimate destiny of everyone, and a harmonious existence is... effortless. Why is it that we can be surrounded by the harmony of the seasons... the planets in their orbits... The Moon in its phases... the interacting poetry of everything in cooperation with itself and all else, and... yet... we remain out of step?

Let us catch the Vision and immerse in the Love as we emanate it through our entire being!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Another Nostrils to the sky post, though I forgot to include dat yesterday. Got distracted from a car repair I had to go to.

There's a song that defines this post:


Very moving piece, and see where her 'tude got her.

Sex. Call of the hormones. Didn't they say the Trojan War was started over that? Being hung up on it is not cost effective. I should know. Now that the hormones are toast, I don't want anything to do with it, and I wish I coulda had this 'tude at 19 to 40.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Duh. Don't know where my mind is at. Probably left it at the store. I wonder what the powers that think they are have against the Carolinas and nearby areas. I'm pretty sure that was geo-engineered as was the Bay Area summer. I've NEVER seen it as horridly hot as this year in my life, and I've been here a long time. 100 degree weather in October in a town that has a coastline?

And if they aim the next hurricane at North Carolina, CAN WE PLEASE PLASTER MOORE COUNTY NEXT TIME? Incompetent HAARPer neep noddle idiots can't do anything right.

Visible said...

I agree, I didn't want anything to do with it either. It's like I had no choice. It kept hunting me down. I didn't run fast enough. I'll know better next time.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

For me, THERE WON'T BE NO NEXT TIME! Like HELL I'm comin' back to ANY Physical Realm. It can't compare to 'próximo mundo' make out sessions, anyway. Those mental mergings are the ultimate high. And those experiences help make my opinion of this place about as bad as it can get, though of course it's not the only thing, but if I post all that, I'd have to do 5 or 6 long posts. Let's just say I'm philosophically opposed to this HELL HOLE in countless ways, and leave it at that.



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