Friday, October 04, 2024

"Once The Dial has Been Turned Up Where No Other Voices can Intrude. You Have The Presence of The Holy Guardian Angel."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Why is Alexa telling people that the hurricane was artificially created?

Be sure to read the comments that continue below the post. What the Hell?

I have been talking about Mr. Apocalypse here for a dozen years now, and even longer about the progressive insanity that is fostered by Materialism and how it is going to keep increasing. I have mentioned any number of events coming that... came and went.

How have I come into the possession of certain information before it became more visible? I'm no one in particular, but one thing does set me apart in a general sense. It's nothing unique because there are others like me. It is that I have sought to serve The Divine all my life, even in the meanest of circumstances; while I was in prison and adrift in The World. I have also been on a relentless course to discover The Truth... no matter the cost.

My way was made exceedingly difficult. The key feature was that no matter how hard or difficult the conditions became, I continued. Something inside me made it impossible for me to give up. I have more clarity on that now. I am told that what brought me through The Pilgrim's Progress was what was bottled in my persistence; Faith... Certitude... and Determination.

Once The Dial has been turned up beyond a point where no other voices can intrude, you have the knowledge and conversation of The Holy Guardian Angel, BUT... it does not come all at once. It comes in stages. However... once it has started, no power in the universe... can halt its progression. It is like The Kundalini. Once it has initiated... there is no stopping it. It may pause for years at a time, and... even a lifetime, but there is no stopping it.

Why am I telling you this? I'm telling you this because there is more to life than is recorded in the report of the senses. We are surrounded by entities that we cannot see. Turn The Dial down and you get one class of entity. Turn it up and you get another. You get the company you keep on the level you meet it on... according to what happens in your mind, and... what your desire body attracts and is attracted to.

The company you keep is determined by what you attract in your thoughts and desires... the level of your emotions... what you do and do not respond to. You can decide who you hang out with, even if they have not yet announced themselves... you hang out THERE... until they show up.

Remember when we said that there was a great likelihood that The Avatar would come into the hearts of humanity this time? We said it was because of the size of the populations and also because The Coming Age... is... defined... by... the... spirit... of... Brotherhood. There are other factors that indicate this, and we will get to them over the course of these efforts.

This would explain the presence of Mr. Apocalypse and the sweeping presence of The Awakening. I personalize it by calling it Lady Awakening because... in both cases... they are expressions of angelic force, and they have either a distinctly masculine or feminine character to them; keeping in mind that both Kundalini and The Intuition are feminine forces.

I have mentioned certain personal things today because of information that will be coming at some point in these postings. Prophecy... as we know it... historically... has been mostly Gloom and Doom, and wailing Jeremiads... with a lot of literal and metaphorical finger-pointing. The Gospel of Jesus Christ has often been called, The Good News; in fact, Gospel means good news in Greek. So... we have in this world... the mindset of The Old and The New Testament.

The Old Testament veered off into the vile and Satanic Talmud. The New Testament was the green shoot that blossomed off of the vine and has continued as The Living Testimony... insofar as it remains... after the priesthood was done slicing and dicing; actually... they're not done yet, BUT... the whole thing with true scripture is that it is a triggering device that sets off associations in the seeking heart and questing mind.

Scripture leads only to The Nameless Path, and from there, it continues in the voice of The Guiding Angel. You can't stay in the warm bed of temporal tradition forever unless you think such a compromise is a wise course. It is not. The Comforter you wear in the dreaming bed... of temporary things... is not only stuffed with down. It is also stuffed with lies, and nothing is more combustible than lies. Sooner or later the bed is burning.

Anyway, we wish to tell you that so much of what people fear is coming... is not coming. Oh yes... it will happen in places; it always does, BUT... even now...a new world is rising out of the compost of corruption... that is The World we knew... in its last stages of degeneration. The World passes through changes from one stage setting to the next, just as cultures and religions do.

There will always be a wardrobe... filled with outfits... that it pleases people to dress their invisible gods in. Legends emerge around the artifacts. There are always analogies and allegories because... the truth can only be grasped... as far as it can be grasped at all... through analogy and allegory. Children's fables exist for a reason. The truth is everywhere that you can catch the wrapper it is moving in. You won't catch it directly, though it might catch you.

As much good as these devices can do, they are also obstacles in The Path because the outfits in the wardrobe no longer fit an invisible god. They fit the god that the priests have engineered for their Cash Register Religions.

Religions serve a purpose when you still need training wheels on your bike, BUT... once you have learned the secret of balance, and it is secure in your muscle memory... The Internal Guidance System is meant to take over. We are coming into a time when this is going to become clear to many more people than at present, and it is directly connected to the nature of Brotherhood.

Because of Mr. Apocalypse, you are finding things out about COVID. Scroll down the posts here for some powerful information. You will be finding out about 23 and Me. You are going to find out what Israel is all about. You are going to find out which politicians are owned, bought... and sold, and... to whom. You are going to be finding out about The Vatican, and... so much more that I could not possibly list.

It is horrible what was done to those southern states, BUT... much good is going to be coming out of it. Certain forces that were set up... to control The World... are now finding out they are contending with something they can't see and can't control, and it is herding them... inexorably... to their doom. Like someone lost in the woods... they are walking in circles toward a conclusion they were arranging for others. There is a deep and penetrating irony in the outworking of cosmic law.

These monsters in human form are looking to take as many people down with them as they can manage. Turn your back on them. The time is soon approaching... where larger and larger masses of humanity are going to sit down and say... I will not cooperate in your efforts to destroy us. I will no longer work on Maggie's Farm.

They can ONLY do what they do with our cooperation. If we step away from their urgings... if we refuse to engage in their schemes... it will all fall apart. Their strategies are breaking down. The Truth is appearing everywhere, and it is sounding within, as that which has come for our deliverance... appears in every human heart and mind that awaits it. For those in a state of resistance to it... as their resistance increases... it is only a matter of time before they burn out their capacitors; that's science... like it or not.

Shelter in place while the angels of God... go about their business... as agents of The Will of God.

There is a conspiracy of common intent that meets with representatives of The WEF... The UN... The Bilderberger List... The Billionaires... The International Bankers... The governments and religious groups that sets the policies the rest of them deliver on. They are aligned with The Prince of Darkness, BUT... what they do not know is that The Devil works for God. The Devil... is in fact... God as the wicked see him. He is directing them to their own form of Awakening. They are unleashing Hellfire upon themselves.

No one... ever... takes over The World. It should be a spectacular show of light and shadows. I recommend not sitting too close to the stage. This isn't Gallagher smashing watermelons, and...

... one last thing.

(I did not include this for the political reference at the end, but because of the sweetness of her heart as it shines from her eyes.)

brotherhood is a word,

some men believe in I have heard

some men believe

I have heard

that brotherhood is just a word

Babylon where have you gone?

when your red skirts film the dawn

the carriages of the world are drawn

to your door

for just a little more

just a little more

Still, there are those who have tried so hard to find

the secret heart that rests beyond

the gates

of a restless mind

they may all be only dreamers

they may all be only fools

but some have said they are the very best

of all the master's tools


is more than a word


is more than a word


is more than a word

End Transmission.......

Links will be at GAB=

We'll try to add in a section of Patanjali's Sutras later in the day. I've got to get on to my project.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky!!!!!!!!!!!! I think the problem is most live for this world, as that chick said, and not the next one. You said that in other words often enough yourself, and people just keep on living for the demiurge. . .which I try to kick in the face every chance I get.

0 said...

Seek the eternal in the temporary things and such will be revealed. If one doesn't know what ones looking for, thats a decent place to start. Lots of ways to start... And in the Doing, comes the knowing.

Chase ones own curiosity and see where it goes... Its the best thing to do with ones time in an iteration of form since as an iteration of form one has no power to imagine things in unreal ways to bring them into being, there is only whats objectively sustained regardless how one feels about any of it.

Once formless, determining whats imagined into being and whats present without ones involvement in such creation becomes a much more questionable.

I tend to differentiate knowledge between whats applicable to this context versus whats applicable in all context, and call the latter knowledge of eternal consequence.

Good Post.

Funny how quick that port strike got sorted huh. 2 days?! thats gotta be a record. Guess we'll see if it shows back up on January 25th 2025.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Posting this, because I figure you'd wanna know:

Local Sheriffs have threatened to arrest FEMA workers if they hinder rescue and aid work.

robert said...

Gracias for the continuing epic rumination on all things deeper than the death cult!

Why is Alexa telling people that the hurricane was artificially created? Be sure to read the comments that continue below the post. What the Hell?

I read that somehow, you have an X account

Just informing that only those with X accounts can read the comments!

This was a change EM introduced in the time frame when X was under severe DDOS attack, supposedly a strategy to reduce server load.

IMO, this change severely reduced the effectiveness of X as a town meeting forum, as the comment sections, even if soemwhat moderated into narrative conformity, are where people express reflective context for the initial post.

IMO, this change was a deliberate cock block to the utility of free expression in empowering people to read trends and patterns....

Of course, there is the logical cover of business reason to incentivize people to sign up and get an account, providing more grist to feed the machine learning algo (under the misnomer "AI") and more data points to accrue for pattern recognition of identities for future use...

And no doubt, the warring factions among the parasitical class would immediately resume their DDOS attacks, should EM attempt to make the comment chain visible again to all internet viewers.

As X is one of the few remaining limited hangouts of free flow of information, we cannot complain, can we?

Discernment deepens, as we walk the thin line in our balancing act between emotional reaction and detached observation of the unveiling of the age, the disrobing of all the naked narcissists, the walk of shame off the stage of human affairs.

Can we continue to see the transcendent beauty projecting this world at play, as the deeds of darkness are illuminated for all to see?

Keep our focus on the unchanging laws of the implicate order as they unfold in absolute perfection, the dirty deeds of those bought cheaply?

Abide in the feeling that sustains all spirits through thick headed and thin skinned experience?

We shall see as time will tell!

Visible said...

thank you one and all!!!



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