Friday, October 25, 2024

"ONLY Those Who Master Their Carnal Nature Know How to Tango, and They Don't Have to Peel their Clothes to Do It."

God Poet Transmitting.......

It is profoundly strange that all these musicians and actors drank the Kool-Aid.

Where did they get the Kool-Aid for The Killer Vaccines and Kamala Harris... who is... observably working to destroy The United States? What were they threatened with? What were they promised? It is not possible that they could be this stupid. Something is very wrong with Bruce Springsteen. When I say wrong, I mean very wrong.

It is odd that every one of them was rabidly pro-vaccination... and dressed in clown suits for Obama before that, and are now waiting on their turn in the barrel with Kamala.

I have considered this for some time and have come to a single conclusion. Someone has compromising video or there is a great danger present. Somehow... all these major... compromised... celebrities have been caught in a room somewhere... drugged and then filmed or... some permutation thereof. Maybe they went willingly. It can't be about the money, can it? Surely some few of them are stronger than that? It must be something devastating... or threatening to family and reputation.

The visible level of Kamala's incompetence is irrefutable. This is like letting a drunken 12-year-old drive a high-performance sports car down an ocean boardwalk. It is inconceivable that they do not know this.

What goes unseen... because it is unseen... are all the artists from every genre who are saying nothing at all. So perhaps the threat is... depending on what they have to hold over you... that you have to get out and say something because this is just another stage in the humiliation routines or... it's some version of... then you had better keep your mouth shut.

You've heard about Epstein. You've heard about Diddy. What have you not heard about but... soon will??? I believe that is going to clear up whatever mystery there seems to be. Whatever it is... it is about to come out, and they are losing it in the dark places of The Deep State.

There is such a sympathetic string that resonates here with that passage from The New Testament; what profits it a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his only soul?

God exists and operates on every level of existence. It doesn't matter if you are on the side of Evil or Good. What matters is the degree to which you allow God to express through you. Excellence exists at every level of existence, and that excellence is God in every case. It is all a part of the drama of existence... the dance of light and shadows on a screen... which screen is... the only thing that is real.

Every person you see... in whatever stage of awareness they are at... is telling you precisely... what phase of resistance to God ...they are present in. It's a work in progress. Every animated fragment is a work in progress.

I know why certain truths about existence are kept from the general public. They would not be able to get their heads around them. It really does go beyond Good and Evil. Our whole understanding of Good and Evil has been twisted out of true by The Cash Register Religion People. I've seen people all fucked up on drugs... and all fucked up on booze, but... the most fucked up people I have ever seen... were fucked up on Religion or Sex, and the irony of it all is that Religion is about having sex with God. That is the union spoken of.

What is even more ironic... is that Religion... exemplifies sex at the highest level of incompetence. They can't dance either. They don't know how to move their hips. Meanwhile, the myth is circulated that carnal lovers have a savvy that really exists far above their pay grade. ONLY those who have mastered their carnal nature really know how to tango, and they don't have to take off their clothes to do it.

True... it is altogether different than the common understanding of pedestrian sex, but it is sex nonetheless, and this truth is kept from the general public for whatever the reason. Wander through any museum and observe all the statuary from phallic cults. The Universe is a big sex act. Perhaps that is why scientists refer to the origin as The Big Bang.

We are all female before God. Once... I heard Bawa talking about how every pore on our body was a vagina. Here is a classic example of how anything and everything is given meaning in our minds and what means one thing to one person can mean something entirely different to another. When I heard that, I thought about the pleasure that comes from being in harmony with existence and how one breathes through their skin. It is a kind of pranayama.

At different times while I was engaged in conscious breathing... during a meditation session, I would begin to feel waves of pleasure rippling over my body from the simple act of air going in and out of my lungs. This sensation was both inside and outside of me at the same time. This also was a sex act. What matters is the level you experience it at, and that determines the degree of attachment that follows and the amount of suffering that comes along with it. Do things at a low level and you will get low-level results. Do things at a high level and you will get high-level results. It's not rocket surgery.

I think it was Lenny Bruce (of all people) who once said, there are no dirty words, only dirty minds.

I have felt love course through my being like a mighty river... all too rare as the occasions were. Once... I was sitting in a classroom in France. I was 12 years old, and I felt wave after wave of love flow over and through me. I didn't know what was going on and I never told anyone about it. I knew it was love though. There is no mistaking that.

The reason I went off on this giant digression has to do with what is worth having and what we can afford to lose. We can lose all our stuff. I've had it happen several times. Stuff always comes back. We cannot afford to lose our souls. Also... the greatest pleasures and joys that it is possible to experience are not something you can purchase in any material venue. They are all the gifts of the spirit freely given.

I should add that The World has the whole idea of Spirit and Matter wrong also. Matter is Spirit when it has entered the plane of name and form. That is why amazing people can do amazing things... should they have a good reason to.

These people with all that fame and money have nothing of any real value, and yet they would let the most precious things they own go... in order to avoid losing a bunch of colorful shit. What kind of price can you put on your honor and integrity? They are worth more than my life to me. I can get my life back any time. Honor and Integrity are like slow-growing trees. They take time and effort to develop, and your soul? Fuggedaboutit!

People have no idea of the actual value of The Soul. Imagine that all the meaning in your life was removed and you were left with nothing but an absent space. That is what your soul gives you. It is the living vitality of every good thing in you. It is the channel that The Spirit of God flows through... radiates through... and dwells in for eternity.

Something really bad has been going on in the snake pits of Hollywood. Something worse... than the tripe we have been fed... is at work. Is it Adrenochrome? All those missing children? Strange rites... celebrated in dark places... and they woke up something worse than a Balrog? Why are these people all so terrified of Trump? I get the feeling that Trump is aligned with something he might not even be aware of himself.

It is obvious, however, that the real heavyweights are pressing down on the circus clowns from the Bread and Circus circuits who... apparently... they own... body and soul. These people... who are no more than a stable of whores... sent out to work the streets of Urban Nightmare Town... have also lost all of their talent as well, simply by going along with the program. All the inspiration dried up, and... I personally can tell the difference.

Many people beg and plead with The Divine to let them be given this talent or that talent, and God... being more generous than I will ever be capable of describing, says... sure, why not. Then they hit the stage and it is not long before the waters of inspiration dry up because they started going to a different well.

You can only get real genius from one place. The other side doesn't have it. Then they have to fake it with big stage extravaganzas... hoping the spectacle... will prove to be an acceptable stand-in... for what the lack of inspired material... has removed from the realm of possibility. Jesus! That was a mouthful! I probably could have said that better. (grin) I would have said more but there was nothing more to say, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links await at GAB=


Today's song is;

Love is Looking Out

♫ Love is on the windows of your morning

it's blooming like a rose beneath the dawn

and most of us are waiting by the river

For the lilies of the valley to be born

It seems I’ve been inside your arms forever

drifting in and out of lives gone by

But sometimes on the edge of our own mystery

We come upon the light that never dies

Love is looking out into the morning

It’s looking back at love that’s looking thru

The windows of a dream we can’t remember

The harmonies no music ever knew

The heart becomes a fountain when you free it

and Time is like the gravity of mind

Love alone will take us to the kingdom

and I suggest... leave all the rest... behind

The secrets of the ones who left no burden

Upon the pages of the book of time

Is that they walked in tales no man had written

And disappeared with every golden line

Love is looking out into the morning

It’s looking back at love that’s looking thru

The windows of a dream we can’t remember

The harmonies no music ever knew

Love will bring sweet harmonies to you

Love will bring sweet harmonies to you ♫


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

The wood carvings are amazing, the lyrics are the same, and I equate carnal nature with living for this world as opposed to the next one. I've longed for the next one at a very young age, and now I don't give a feckin' shoite aboot dis 'un. Most of the time my socks don't match, and I only do the bare minimum to fulfill my contract. The world can go pet its own damn nose as I take 'LAY DOWN FLAT' and 'LET IT ROT' as far as I can without destroying my Cosmic Obligations.

Neener-neener, and nostrils to the sky!

M - said...

"We cannot afford to lose our souls." Indeed. Ed Curtin wrote a piece just the other day that spoke to this. If anyone's interested here's the link:

I remember back when Obamacare was trying to be rammed down our collective throats. Dennis Kucinich was one of the congressmen who opposed it. He might have been the last one to oppose it, I don't remember. Anyway, after taking a helicopter trip with Obama Mr. Kucinich suddenly was on board with it. Yeah, I wondered at the time what he was being threatened with if he didn't vote Yes.

0 said...

I'd offer that there is only one "good" way to lose ones soul where it matters and thats to Give it back to the All that formed this iteration of individuation in the first place. Grant the all full leeway to use this iterated form as the All sees fit, and then leave it all to the All.

Why would one want to be the one to pretend my being is worth more than being recognized by that which formed all iterations of forms?

If the all can be served by my iteration of forms destruction, then have at it.

And perhaps I be-come More in the process... but if not, then at least I granted back to that which granted the seeming All of this worlds context to me, that which was given me, willingly.

Enjoy the Travails. Hopefully ones Mettle is sound.


Anonymous said...

Can't even believe you said "Balrog." I just had that word in my head yesterday and can't tell you the last time it was there before that. :)

Sorry to mention something from the last Petri Dish, but, speaking of Arthurian Legend, there's a great book called, "Prince Ombra" by Roderick MacLeish that does an absolutely epic twist on said Legend. It's a about a boy with a bad leg in present day America who happens to be the 1000 and first Hero to fight the ultimate evil. Ombra apprears on the earth the moment the Hero finds the Rosetta stone. Great stuff!


Visible said...

Thanks, Jim;

I'll give a look. For me... the best book on Arthur and the rest is The Once and Future King by T.H. White. It is the best novel I have ever read next to The Lord of The Rings



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