Wednesday, November 20, 2024

"Some Amount of What Exists... Beyond The Range of The Senses... is Also Beyond The Reach of Words to Describe It."

God Poet Transmitting.......

In The East... The idea of The Divine Mother is better understood than it is in The West. Some cultures in The West have matriarchal cultures, but that is not the same thing; I am referring to Latin America. Those are also the cultures where women are treated worse than in other cultures. You can argue about it, but... I recommend you study the matter. I think it has to do with that inherent insecurity called machismo. It's even worse in The Middle East.

The West usually sees God as father figure; Our Father who art in Heaven. This is all just more anthropomorphism. Yes... the two interactive expressions of the... same... force... particularized according to function... have a male and female aspect, BUT... they both divide out of an Impersonal Self that can (and does) operate as either one.

It confuses people; is God The Father or... is God The Mother or... is that which is ineffable neither of these? All of them are true and all of them work very well as an initial focus where... nothing more is needed... not really.

It can create complexity though. Hah! What do you know? It is the very source of complexity to begin with... via The Mind.

Still... in a practical sense... it can have consequences. When you pass (die) or transition (snicker)... upon leaving the body... you will... after a bit of sequencing (or not) wind up initially headed for The Sun, but... if that becomes too bright and gets intimidating... you will veer toward a softer light. Then... that light might become too bright and so on and so forth. I don't have the space to get into this and there is the question of whether I possess the necessary information as well. (grin).

It's that Sun and Moon thing, which involves the interaction of the two principles we are discussing here. Are you bound for rebirth or not?

In The Hindu Tradition, there are other non-physical realms called Lokas. In The Buddhist Tradition, they have something similar called Bardos. Lokas have a bit more permanence than Bardos; Bardos are more like intermediate stages of transition. Still... an argument could be made that they are very similar, and really, who knows? Maybe it's just semantics again. Quite often it is a matter of semantics... more than you might think actually... unless you are anti-semantic.

The Traditions say that there are Bardos and Lokas (of equal numbers) above and below the physical plane. You can think of them as being differentiated by degrees of density. The less-dense... the more Heavenly. The more dense... the more Hellish.

All of this is presented as a preface... an introduction to something else. This is not gospel. It is a rough outline. Some amount of what exists... beyond the range of the senses... is also beyond the reach of words to describe it.

I am trying to write my way into a more comfortable place to talk about God The Father and God The Mother. Yes... God is both, and you can choose either as the idea appeals to you or... you can do what many people do... in an unwitting fashion, and externalize both of them into other people. There's an argument for that too.

Here is how I go about it and I find it works nicely. I see The Divine Mother as everything external to me and celebrate her as Lady Nature, which... of course... she is. She is... however... also Lady Higher Nature and we will get to that eventually. She is also what composes our bodies. She is the source of their components.

I see The Divine Father as that which is internal. One is external and one is internal and both of them are the same thing... behind the roles of male and female... which this one thing presents as... in The Dvaita Dynamic of opposites... interacting for the purpose of providing... The World for The Purpose of Demonstration.

The female aspect draws in the male aspect for the purpose of union and propagation; to make more of itself. The Thing Itself remains above and beyond all of these cycling states of change. The Female aspect is magnetic at the sexual end and electric in The Mind. The male aspect is electric at the sexual end and magnetic in The Mind; oh! I just love his mind! And I read Playboy for the articles.

What I am saying is that The Divine Mother... in the manifest sense is... EVERYTHING. She is The World and also rules The World... despite what you might think otherwise because she is also health and death. She gives birth and she releases you from the form she provided.

The Divine Father is The Seed Principle; the life (light) in the seed. At one level or another we already know all of this... at least in part... because life demonstrates it all the time all around us. You could say The Divine Father is The Idea, and The Divine Mother is The form. Keep in mind that everything is female to God.

So... yes... it is all one big sex act at every level where opposites still interact. You could... if you had finer sensibilities... like me (heh heh) see it all as a grand romance, and also... an endless longing that will never be sated in... the... fashion... that external dynamics indicate; not down here anyway.

If you look in the right places, and... increasingly... even if you don't, you are hearing about some big world-changing event that is supposed to be coming up. They say it is why Musk wants to go to Mars (even if women are from Venus; which rhymes with something else.) It is why all The Elite are building these bunkers and robot servants. HAHAHAH!!!!!!! Ah! Sigh... There is no fool like a fool who thinks he knows what he is doing and has the money to prove it.

The most profound truth I can think of AND put into words is; God is REAL. You really need to consider this, especially if you have not already factored it into your plans for surviving this... event; or whatever it is. I want to say that it amuses me what these cinderblock heads get up to, but... truly... it just makes me sad, so... I don't spend a lot of time thinking about what happens to people who don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. It's how they got rich in the first place, AND... what drove them to it? Fear was at the core of it, fear and hunger. In any case... they went in the wrong direction.

The absolute key to existence... besides Love, of course, is Equilibrium. The penultimate of life is a balancing act, any extreme generates imbalance. Since I could go on for a series of books about this one thing, let me just suggest that you ponder the thought that Equilibrium is at the heart of sussing out the mysteries of life, every... single... one... of... them.

The Divine Mother is everywhere around you. The Hindu Tradition personifies it best in the statuary and paintings that exhibit her ATTRIBUTES. Really... folks... if you take the time to study anything by focusing on it, it WILL reveal its secrets to you in the process; meditation and contemplation are the tools you employ... along with concentration. There are steps involved, BUT... as someone in Alice in Wonderland said; begin at the beginning.

I mentioned Lady Higher Nature. Some call it The Sophia, and there are other terms. She is definitely more than the sum of her parts, and the keen and wonderful thing about seeking The Mother or The Father is that they tend to tell you things about themselves as you proceed... in relentless fashion toward that union... the Chymical marriage. That is the ONLY escape hatch... if you are looking to survive what the usual experts say is coming and who don't know anything at all of what they think they are so informed about.

No... I haven't clarified the matter here. That isn't possible. I only know what I am told and... that changes as I go. Well... some features do not change. They just become more and more real and present. Eventually, you find... if you continue (and one really hopes you will) that it is all very simple once you bypass The Mind, which is The Devil in The Details. I am fortunate in knowing that only God can handle The Details. Thinking you can... is just the usual arrogance of those sleepwalking toward death... in every direction.

If you only knew how important you are to God... regardless of the form in which you see him... while you are still operating with training wheels... you'd relax and be less... driven.

Come into balance by ceasing to be driven. You are letting the horses control the direction you are going in. Ah... that doesn't work. You are not a dog... or a monkey... or a horse. They work for you. You do not work for them. The end result of that with any of them is... slavery.

If you are determined to accomplish the mating dance down here then you will live... and die... and come back again... and again... and again. If you are determined to accomplish union by other means then maybe you won't be seen around these parts after a while.

Well, maybe you got something out of this and maybe you didn't. At least you won't need a band-aid or a shot, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Patrick Willis has turned his talent to yet another one of my songs. I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday's radio broadcast is up and still being announced (grin) all this week.
James Jancik is the host at Feet to Fire Radio.

Links are waiting at GAB=

The Substack Mirrors is here=


0 said...

"Still... in a practical sense... it can have consequences. When you pass (die) or transition (snicker)... upon leaving the body... you will... after a bit of sequencing (or not) wind up initially headed for The Sun, but... if that becomes too bright and gets intimidating... you will veer toward a softer light. Then... that light might become too bright and so on and so forth. I don't have the space to get into this and there is the question of whether I possess the necessary information as well. (grin)."

Good post today.

The above can be simply summed as Like to Like. That which one has become most like is where one is Attracted to Next.

You'd think the people who engage in the bipolar play would consider this as they go.

But how would the engine for change go if everyone suddenly became consistent and grew longitudinally instead of waffling between polar extremes. Perhaps hiranyaloka is like that, or some other astral world. Presumably Causal worlds don't exist due the lack of pegged forms, but such must just include all other things that precipitate from within such.

The company I currently work for just installed Monitor Agents on the work laptop which is what I use to check news during my workday. It will be curious to see what comes of it. I don't expect to be changing how I am.

Take it easy!

0 said...

With a fed gov like this, who needs them?


AL said...

"Keep in mind that everything is female to God."

You knew that would hook some poor unsuspecting fish didn't you?

I stick with Creator, Great Spirit or The Divine and usually don't waste my time giving God a sexual orientation these days. I found it became a juggling act as to which aspect I was needing to address and that kind of diminished the sacred moment for me but to each their own.

Cheers Brutha!

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

No plan on surviving into the next era. No matter how good it gets down here, it's still a place of limitation and inconvenience. Being bound by the laws of physics is a gaol sentence.

Missing Munich said...

Another great post, thank you!
Your daily inspirations keep me going!

Anonymous said...

This is what I was taught by my Teacher: Father is the Knowledge (Knowing), Mother is the Wisdom, Jesus Christ is the Understanding, and the Holy Spirit is the Guidance. I have found it to be Truth - in the deepest sense of the meaning.
Peace and Love

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"To Live and Die and Dance with Useless Things... in a Temporary Charade that is... All for The Purpose of Demonstration."

Asil said...

Dear Les Visible,

I love Mary our Divine Mother. I don’t know if Mary is her name but it was the first I knew. So I call her that now but maybe she was called Isis or something else in other places and times, but she is very real – not an idea or symbol.

I am 74 years old and when I was kid in Catholic school I was always in trouble. One time I had formed a club to worship Mary and every day after school we walked up to the church to say ten Hail Mary’s. Then we had chiclet chewing gum, as offerings for her. We had to try to make them fall into the vase in front of her statue but they never did. The last day the club existed I had a one carat ruby ring that my grandfather had given to my mother. I brought it to school in my pocket all day it was there by my heart. I took it out of my pocket to throw it into the vase. It went up in the air as though it was in slow motion and fell exactly into the vase.

That was the day before Good Friday. The morning of Good Friday the ladies who worked in the convent were decorating the church and found the chiclets. I never knew how they found out I was the one who orchestrated this, maybe because I was the usual suspect. Anyway, I was removed by my ear to a bench in the yard. After about 20 minutes I was interrogated by the Monsignor and Sister Mary Clothide, my teacher. There I was accused of many things. They could not believe why I gave chiclets as an offering but thought it was an insult. They accused me of hating my Divine Mother.

I did not tell them about the ring and as far as I know, it was never found. I think about it sometimes, about the ruby ring and I think my Mother was happy about it. I think she saw the humor of the chiclets and the hidden ring. I never mentioned the ring and it was never found. Only the chiclets.

I was left on the bench for quite a while the outcast pariah and heretic. There were maybe twenty or thirty Easter lilies on the bench and yard that were just there. The lady who decorated the church came to look at me the heretic and then she started screaming, where did I get the lilies. She ran almost tripping while screaming oh my God now she has destroyed all the Easter decorations.

When I think about it now I still don’t know where the lilies came from but it makes me happy to think that Mary loved me and thought it was all so funny and so she gave me the flowers.

Anyway, my love for her is like a fire in my soul that nothing can extinguish. Our Divine Mother is real.

I think for some reason I wrote this to you before. I saw her some years ago in my mind. I was in space, in the universe and there was no sense of myself or my physicality. And I saw her standing above the earth and the sun, the moon and stars all seemed a bit pale compared to the glow of her love. She was so beautiful and the love that flowed from her was overwhelming.

I still see her even now in my minds eye like that, forever and ever. Her love for us, the animals and the earth is so profound and my love for her, for Christ and God is everything.

Love and all the best for you.

Visible said...

Wow! That is quite a story. I don't remember ever hearing it before, BUT... it is altogether possible that I did. Experiences like that and a certitude and determined mindset is a wonderful thing to have. I can tell you... and I have it on the very best authority, you have got some fine friends waiting for you to step to the other side. You are very fortunate to have friends like that and I share that similarity with you.



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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