Tuesday, November 12, 2024

"The Enduring Reality is that God is Real. God is Real... Period. God is in Absolute Total Control of Everything... ALWAYS."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I keep hearing one story after another like this.

He pays off people's mortgages. He clears up their debts. He helps people out. I have heard at least a dozen of these stories, and... they have gone on through his life since he was a ♫ young man! There's a place you can go ♫ He has never used these for self-promotion, and that is the one thing that will reduce all seeming acts of generosity and kindness to an embarrassment in the eyes of God. Others are compelled to tell these stories. That is a really good look I will say.

One real mystery is why is that gay anthem a campaign theme song?

I liked him in his first presidential run, BUT... there are a few things I do not understand and they make me wary. He has a slavish devotion to The Zionists who are murdering tens of thousands of women and children in Gaza and now further afield. This is wrong. I don't care how you try to explain it away. It is wrong.

Then there is the matter of The Warp Speed COVID nonsense and The Killer Vaccines. Okay, he was misled. I can understand that. Many signs point to this. He took all kinds of bad advice in the recommendations he got... for the people he appointed to positions of power. He did not understand what he was dealing with. Now he does, BUT... why has he not come forward with what he learned in the aftermath? Perhaps it would have been political suicide. I don't know.

What I do know is that if there is an Evil Empire on Earth, it is the nation of Israel. I could go on all day here about the crimes they have committed since they stole Palestine, and... day-by-day since... have created the greatest concentration camp The World has ever seen... to hem in and routinely abuse and kill... The Palestinians confined there.

They usurped the rulers of Russia and created a genocide of Christians amounting to tens of millions killed. This is proven beyond doubt, and then they fabricated a holocaust to grant them a victim immunity from the horrors they committed in Russia. If you can't see this connection... then your intelligence level... is measured down in the groove... below the ground surface... that was formed by the people trying to slip under the limbo bar.

They engineered... with strategically placed people in high positions... the 9/11 attacks. The evidence of this is... overwhelming. They also facilitated the October 7th kite-battalion invasion at their border... where the casualties were caused by their own military, and if you have trouble seeing how this connected... to the following systematic elimination of The Palestinians; if you fail to see the Cui Bono aspect in play here, I wonder that you are even able to tie your own shoes.

Am I glad that Donald Trump returned victorious... in triumph over his enemies? For the moment... yes! The administration... now being shown the door... was the worst in the history of this country. I was rooting for him all the way, but... well... I guess questions follow all of us, don't they?

HOWEVER... I cannot shake the suspicions that arise in my head... now and again... that the whole thing of the stolen election, and... the victorious return was a set-up. What I do not know is whether it was by God's design or man's.

Another condition that has troubled me for longer than Trump has been a player in The Game is why no leader ever comes to The Bully Pulpit to address The People directly... whenever Congress or other forces work insidiously to block the programs for the good of the people... should that be the intention. You know... something like Roosevelt's fireside chats, BUT dealing specifically with who is doing what to stand in the way of The Greater Good; naming names and providing details.

There are all these things these people never talk about, and it is disturbingly similar to what happens when financial big-wigs get caught fucking the country... like they did in 2008, AND... no one goes to jail. Is that going to be the case again? Crimes... high crimes... were committed, by Fauci; Gates, and The Pharmaceutical Companies... Merrick Garland... Alejandro Mayorkas... New York... Georgia, and other locations under the tutelage and financial backing of George Soros and others.

We shall see... in times to come... what does and does not get done. Politics is The Art of The Deal, and... I might add... Marco Rubio is a neo-con. I see things. I see all kinds of things, and I go where The Truth takes me. I make no compromises in this regard, and I don't care who gets offended. Neither money... nor the offer of anything imaginable... nor the working of fear upon me... has any influence on what I come to learn, and what I have to say about it. I made my decision about what honor and integrity mean to me a long time ago and... they are not subject to change.

Okay... that's all been said... in brief. I would be here a long time laying out a broader case concerning so many parts of the puzzle. I lack both the time and the space and all of them have been mentioned at earlier times. Let me now move to the overarching and prevailing perspective that drives and controls my perspective. That is... the enduring reality that God is Real. Period. That God is in total and absolute control of everything. Period.

So all my questions and what-ifs are nothing really because... God is real and everything is under control. Period!!! Still... I had to set the stage for my concerns... even though... in fact... I really have no concerns. God's Will... will be done... on Earth as it is in Heaven... sooner or later. This is all the grand outworking of God's Dream. God is sleeping and we are his dream. God lives in and through us and all the conflicts and confusion in appearances... as they appear before us... are the interactive conflictions and interplays of free will for The Purpose of Demonstration.

It's one thing to have a sweeping and far-reaching vision in the making, and it is another thing to encounter the vagaries of existence and the plots and spells that run counter to it. No plan survives first contact with the enemy. However... God is real and everything is under control. It is only appearances that divert and seek to intimidate us.

The fact is... and this is an incontrovertible fact... that The Avatar is precipitating into form and a new age WILL manifest, and a golden age will follow. These are the realities that appear every time The Cosmic Clock turns into the next round. New challenges will appear and those of us so anointed, will... rise... to... the... occasion.

So... I fundamentally do not know how it will all play out. Personally... I will disappear from view at a certain point, even though I won't be going anywhere. I will just be harder to see, and that is the point of Les Visible. I am committed to the service of The Brotherhood and this is The Age of Brotherhood coming, so... no matter what may happen in the near field... that age will appear. It is written! So to speak.

I am in full support of what President Trump has to say here.

Whatever questions I might have in my mind about his loyalty to The Evil Empire and certain inconsistencies in prior times, and the awful and sad distress that empire has caused, and... is causing for so many people, I am of a wait-and-see mindset. Epiphany can come at any time and I do not know what is going on beneath the surface... as it applies to the players... on The Field of Destiny... for The Purpose of Demonstration.

It is a difficult art when one seeks to frame their thoughts... that they might be clear and resonant... without causing confusion in the mind of The Reader. Often I see where someone has presumed I said something I did not say. I try very hard to avoid any confusion, BUT... I see that is a relative impossibility.

Fanboys of The President are going to misrepresent what I say here because that serves some purpose of theirs. I am trying to be as fair and honest as I can. That still won't suffice for everyone. It is The Way of The World. One has to simply do their best and let the chips fall where they may. I will not lie to myself, and so... by extension... I will not lie to others. That in no way is meant to imply that I am right. I neither think nor say that. I just don't expect everything to work out the way so many people hope it will. This is The World after all, and the best-laid plans often get mislaid.

I do know that The Age of Brotherhood advances upon us this very minute. I know The Avatar precipitates as well. So... whatever might happen between now and then is a matter for the omelet and sausage makers. I can see that President Trump is a man of destiny. He has my best wishes and support as he battles the dragons and the dragon makers. It will take the direct assistance of The Angels of God to fulfill even part of his mission. I pray that he never loses sight of the impress of The Invisible. I figure he has some idea of the certainty of that influence by now and he has many boon companions to assist him and that leads me to...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be at GAB shortly=

Today's song is=

Down in The Flesh-Eating Grave

♫ The night rides in like ocean waves

will the darkness make us safe

from the cartoon psychopaths

who came down from outer space?

And now they run the country

from the Federal Reserve

they took the straight and narrow

turned it into dead man's curve

it's there they print the funny money

buying human souls

and dress up like the Easter Bunny

dancing on the coals

Where Bill Gates and the demon snakes

are busy getting laid

they think they got it made

down in the flesh-eating grave

in the latest and the hottest

private club in Hell

Everything is beautiful

if you can stand the smell

they've stolen human bodies

from the war zones in Ukraine

where they traffic zombie children

for a freak show lover's lane

sending you Season's greetings

down in the flesh-eating grave

where the sausages get made

down in the flesh-eating grave

and all those monsters are getting their due

down in the flesh-eating grave

The Rothschild Infirmary

Make their vaccines to please

the tired sad trisexuals

who woke up with disease

from kissing all the hungry ghouls

that live in Tel Aviv

where they wear their phony DNA

on their bloody sleeves

and Larry Fink's The Maitre-D

that sets the ugly policies

of DEI and culture wars

that turn you into mindless whores

and send you off to work the streets

where love and peace will never meet

down in the flesh-eating grave

Is it any wonder they came here for the plunder

down in the flesh-eating grave?

cause evil is a fortune just waiting to be made

down in the flesh-eating grave

all of them are waiting for a hot fellating

down in the flesh-eating grave

The boys go in and girls come out

the Nazi treasure train goes South

like demons from a banker's mouth

Down where Adrenochrome gets made

where shadows are bathing in the shade

getting drunk on red lemonade

the wind is hot and restless

blowing from the gates of Hell

salvation could have changed it

but all the priests were queer and...

Caitlin Jenner's here

Caitlin Jenner's here

let's have some cold Kardashian sex

at a Diddy party with Oedipus Rex

I know Hollywood is gonna be there

down in the flesh-eating grave

sing a song of sixpence

a pocket full of lies

adjusted for inflation

in a dead man's eyes

the money changers dance

as Satanyahu laughs

four and twenty thousand

dead Gaza children

are baked into a pie

they're calling it the Gazacide

a very heavy load of

death a la mode

and isn't this a dainty dish

to set before the king of Hell?

it's out of season darling

but you wear it well

in the land of swollen darkness

where it's a routine thing

to hear ten thousand demons sing

down in the flesh-eating grave

where women and children

are butchered for sport

down in the flesh-eating grave

Where Palestine and Lebanon

are bombed into a vacant lot

Down in the flesh-eating grave

The monsters Jesus cannot save

are gonna spend a lot of time

down in the flesh-eating grave ♫

Substack mirror is located here=


0 said...

"However... God is real and everything is under control."

Makes One glad that the WE is not how individuals get graded by the All huh.

For those ones who have mastered themselves and ARE consistent in their beings, they will get the consequences that come with having Done the work to master their Emotions and their Monkey Mind.

The rest will get it after they experience enough consequences resulting in suffering that produce a desire to know the Truth, instead of Judge and categorize, tho both of those things have their place.

Tut tut, Looks like Rain.


robert said...

HOWEVER... I cannot shake the suspicions that arise in my head... now and again... that the whole thing of the stolen election, and... the victorious return was a set-up. What I do not know is whether it was by God's design or man's.

Why not both?
Our human need to divide unity into pieces comprehensible by self-limited mind has nothing to do with reality, only artifacts of the fractured mind we inherited through our genome and its attending culture.

There is more than meets the eye
There is more to heaven and earth...
There is ALWAYS more and more

If we err
to stop and think, when mind must be ever expanding
we are left behind in the wake of wisdom

Entertaining suspicions is a personal indulgence
Certainty is compromised and trust is tarnished

We are not walking anymore
We are being carried
We can squirm and struggle
Risk falling out of the safety of the heart

see through the veil dance drama
to the core where the Author writes the story
wondering more and no less than rapt

Have we walked in the shoes of anyone else?
Are we even walking in our own shoes?

What idle presumption to speculate and remotely diagnose
from the shadows on the walls of our own cave!

Would the One who comes quietly
only recognized by resonant ringing
following movement from center outwards

Trumpet truth before slumbering swine?
Rattle the cages prematurely of those
being swept aside by their own following sea?

Give leverage to those who are falling down
from the momentum of their own miscreation?

Or just take out the trash with pragmatic poise?
Speak in actions too large for words?

For amusement is temporal reading
Playing the cards to see what feels right
Proving analytical prowess to ourselves

Siphoning off some joy from the journey
With time better spent creating confidence
Confiding with the One creating all we are

The play is fascinating even if we cannot comprehend it now
We play on knowing we are growing in our glowing

AL said...

"So... I fundamentally do not know how it will all play out."
Only The One knows eh.
Personally I do not see our current world changing their way of living with the soft gloves being applied. With that being said most everything must be destroyed in one fashion or another whether people walk away from people places and things or run away from the gag of knowing the truth remains to be seen.
Trump isn't going to save the people and certainly not .guv he seems more likely to finish it off by double crossing everyone but his handlers and in the process screwing that up as well thus allowing the degenerate over bloated and thoroughly corrupted government to fall. The Divines final wrecking ball set into motion.

Should be entertaining to watch either way.

Much Love Brutha

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good post. One question. Did Trump actually say the stuff in that speech about dismantling the deep state or is that an AI fake? Everytime i watch it I feel like its fake and AI. I like pretty much all of what he is saying I think but don't think he would say all that in a single speech. Can anyone find the original and where and when it took place. My simple google searching seems like a dead end which is usually the case with fakes.

Visible said...

I really appreciate all the new people commenting. It gives me an idea who is tuning in. Some people have told me they are unable to comment. I wonder why that is? So... I have included Substack and X https://x.com/visible_les I hope that helps

Anonymous said...

I suppose i will try to stay positive for a change, but i still withhold celebration until i see real improvement, not speeches with promises we haven’t ever seen fulfilled. Promises that seem too good to be true and also revealing the “plan” which, if i were in that position, would be very circumspect about revealing all at once.

One bright spot is the rehiring of border enforcement “czar”, Tom Homan. He was “interviewed” on 60 minutes, of which some sound bites were taken, then they launched into whether it would be too “expensive” to carry out deportations and how it could “negatively affect” other agencies, meaning cuts and job positions, obviously, which is hilarious, since spending and the debt don’t seem to be any kind of a problem to accommodate the Gates of Toledo hordes and their supporters.

60 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjCHjwlSMFI

Scroll down for all kinds of good clips on this one: https://gab.com/search/top?q=tom%20homan

Anyway, it’s a nice start … we will see. Stay positive, jimminy, stay positive!



Visible said...

anonymous; Charlie Kirk posted it. I would assume it was real, and Trump has been making several statements like that on a regular basis.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"It is The Very Thing that has Gotten You into a Fix Every Time You have Employed It in the Effort to Get Anything Else."



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