Friday, November 15, 2024

"The Walls of The Penitentiary of The Mind... are Going to Come-a-Tumbling-Down... when Gabriel Blows his Horn."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Because The Internet has put us all in connection with one another, a kind of telepathy now exists... just as it does below The Earth in mycelium... a great wordless communication and information clearing house has manifested... similar to the mycorrhizal networks... which operate very much like the subconscious connective states we all share in. There are vast... vast interior networks that have long existed, and... we are only beginning to learn about them... in a wider sense now, although The Initiatic Brotherhood has known about this for a very... very long time.

This brings into being VARIOUS new modalities that often function as jury... judge... and executioner, which operate autonomically, and are the present cause of strange shit going down that some might call instant karma... ironic feedback... or even the lethal drums of sympathetic and unsympathetic vibrations acting out on their own level, and seeking... seeking... seeking.

We are beginning to manifest forms of spontaneous group-think that act like real force coming out of the barrel of a gun and... headed for crosshairs over targets... created by a public agreement on what is right and wrong, through a shared... collective awareness. Covens and cabals of all kinds have been using similar for a long time

Now... this is at its early beginnings, (it will be a feature of the connectivity of this new age) but... soon my friends we are going to see people and things phased in and out like you would not believe, but... you will have to believe because seeing is believing or... heh heh... so those deceiving you would have you believe. What I mean is... that a true seeing and believing is coming soon... that is not part of the mesmerizing net of lies... that has been thrown over human consciousness, and maintained there as a control device for the pleasure of our keepers.

The walls of The Penitentiary of The Mind are going to come-a-tumbling-down when Gabriel blows his horn. We are coming into a time of natural light magic... where we are no longer deceived... by The Deceivers... who herd humanity... like sheep... into darkness... where they wind up hanging from the hooks. The Good Shepherd... heretofore hidden from view... is going to become a more present reality. Everyone connected to the teachings of The Avatar... already radiating through interior space... is going to be on a common plane of being.

It's going to happen quickly. It is happening and... it is going to be startling. Depending on what you have been concealing from yourself and others... on that depends the specific manner in which it is going to reach in and touch you.

This is going to make the high and mighty tremble because... it is going to be inside their heads when it announces itself. I am being told this is already occurring and; how about that?

Armies and warplanes are not going to be needed... to free the people... from their catamite masters... who have been bent over The Devil's Shipboard Table (for servicing ((Roger That...)) Grin) for some time, and... which is how they get their marching orders. You do not yet know how miserable are those who set themselves up to lord over us. They have chosen a mean and merciless taskmaster; once again... it being how The Wicked sees God.

Freedom is not going to require invading liberators or strategists... leaning with furrowed brows... over the big board of Risk. Angels are coming instead... much like the eagles to The Morannon. Those who have chosen the lower depths... will be awarded passage to their new digs. Those who have suffered... under the hard... horned... hand of the agents of darkness... are going to see the light break the darkness up like mist before The Sun. Nothing can stand against The Coming of The Avatar.,.. who even now... marches on the citadels of Evil... from... within.

A new age is on the doorstep and no one... and nothing... is going to stop it coming in... like The Merry Month of May.

Think of all the struggles of recent years as being an introduction to the creation of an entirely new landscape of being. Construction crews are often preceded by demolition crews... who have to take down the previous stage settings. It's been noisy and nerve-wracking, and a lot of people... in high places... have been incredibly unfair to everyone else. The billionaires have shown us what happens when the fever of greed... possesses the human mind... and then comes the relentless pursuit of power by any and all means necessary.

We are literally watching the exposure of bad behavior... on camera... before the eyes of The World, and there is that general shared sense of liberty that comes to the viewers... as they not only see how the mighty have fallen but... actually watch them fall. Look out below! The collective judgment of The Watchers (you and I, the archetypes, and God Almighty) hits them in mid-stride... arms flailing as The Lightning Struck Tower... where they were perched... and thinking themselves out of harm's way... tumbles in ruin to the ground.

This is really happening, and if it is not as obvious as some might like... stick around. What can I say except; God is real! When the will of God causes The World to shake... rattle and roll... it streams across the filaments of the chords/cords that join us together in silent wonder, and the solar music... sounding through the interior planets... is the message transcending the need for words. Harmony is its own statement of how things are, just as this is true of disharmony. It is why misery loves company. Those out-of-sorts with The Divine Resonance... WILL BE... brought into line, and those already in line will be lit up like a Christmas Tree.

Great waves of mercy and forgiveness will sweep The World... for those suddenly made aware of the state of their blindness. They will be embraced like The Lost Sheep of Heaven in the arms of The Beloved. Those who are unable to relent in their resistance will be swept out to sea. From the sand... into which they are changed... will one day come shining cities... as the seas recede to reveal the building materials of another coming age; the script already written and approved for The Purpose of Demonstration.

All sexual dysfunction... caused by the pressing of people... up against one another... in the rat warrens of hellish cities... will be restored to their natural workings. People will be healed or recycled. All perversity will flee and be driven away from the newly forming lands of The Righteous. This is not some exotic prose... hyperbolic overkill or... Marvel Comics meets Fantasy Island.

Look at the headlines my friends! These are early days.

There are meant to be bumps in the road yet. It makes for more careful and attentive driving and cuts back on the hubris that seems to come along with good things being realized too easily. People seldom appreciate for long... those things which cost them little or nothing to acquire.

It is not the force and attention required for striding uphill... weeding the garden or... raising children that makes it feel laborious. It is the attitude one carries in the doing. This is why love makes everything easy... because of the joy that is there in the effort. The Avatar is bringing massive waves of love for our work... at every ordinary thing.

It is an internal well one draws it from, it is just a matter of locating it. Love increases... automatically... in the expression of it. It is exactly like a bellows applied to a fire, and The Sun is a living example of this... a constant reminder of love forever increasing in the expression of it. The Sun is a great big portal of love... producing life and vitality... for those who know how to harvest it by not blocking it. The Sun is the secret key... to a form of yoga... that is the source of everlasting life.

Note the colors of the spectrum and how they run from one side to the other... in the same sequence... that they do through the chakras of the body from bottom to top. All disease... and discomfort comes from getting out of harmony with the natural order. These sufferings are constant reminders to get back in line... back into resonant accord with the unity of life. Love is The Medium of Return. Love your way back into the light. If you step out of the light it cannot reach you. If you stay in the light... the darkness cannot swallow or deceive you. The Soul is its own light as an eternal vessel of The Spirit.

Yes... great changes are afoot in The World. Let that not be a distraction from the great changes of a spiritual nature that are pouring out upon you at this very moment. God is real, and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

Links will be waiting at GAB=

Today's Song is;

They Will Give Us Peace

It comes down like the dreams of many lifetimes.

It comes down like the trees flow down the hill

and we are the sons and the daughters

like forms of thought upon the sparkling waters

We will storm the castles and the billionaire's towers

and drown them in flowers and they will give us peace

the weapons that we have are broken rainbows

that cut like Heaven's Love and they will give us peace

They will give us peace

and the truth will set you free

It's riding on the wind

It's the thing you cannot see

We are a crying wonder from the darkness of The Mother

out of the fathoms deep... awakened from our sleep

our songs will break our chains and they will give us peace

as the mystery of the trembling leaves and petals never cease

They will give us peace

and the truth will set you free

It's riding on the wind

It's the thing you cannot see

in the suicidal lives of the agents of The Darkness

their tiny minds are tighter than the channels in the sea

no hummingbirds are coming to the Hell of Tel Aviv

where they smash the people of the book; Let Palestine be free

They are the people of the book beneath the demon's boot

They are killed and tormented now for all The world to see

Soon their suffering will end and God will give them peace

And the coming of The Lord shall set them free

They will give us peace

and the truth will set you free

It's riding on the wind

It's the thing you cannot see

Substack mirror is located here=


robert said...

Dear Visible,

Inspiration like "lightening" with a chorus of angelic refrain!

Would you like some ecstasy with that order of magnanimous melody?

Again, I interrupt my reading, compelled to respond with a shout out, like we vocalize when a singer touches our heart!

No brittle fortress of self-inflicted doubt can stand before the full light of day!

We are infinitely blessed to be present for the Dawn!

We must breathe more deeply or be struck breathless by the order of magnitude moving through this time space!


Visible said...

Well! Thank you as well, lyrical one, but thank God the most! (grin)



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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