Friday, December 27, 2024

"Money and Power GUARANTEE that You Will Become Possessed with The Sierra Madre Flu or Something Very Similar."

God Poet Transmitting.......

In The Hindu Tradition, there is a branch on The Yoga Tree called Jnana. It is generally referred to as The Path of Knowledge. I like to think of it as The Path of Acquired Wisdom. The knowledge spoken of is not General Knowledge of The World. It is intended to mean, Knowledge of The Indwelling Self.

I like to think of how we see things in Western Culture as being... generally... intellectual to begin with, and the next step is visceral; where you make it part of you. In the tradition, I mentioned... these two forms of knowledge perception are called Jnana and Vijnana. Ramakrishna said the first includes those who are aware of fire; some of whom may have only heard about it. The second includes those who have made fire and cooked on it. If you think about it... it will reveal a great deal.

However, because Western Culture is in a state of serious decline... even the intellectual perspective is an endangered thing, since... we have now devolved into a state of simple sensory reactions of Like and Dislike. That is resulting in people like this.

I am sure you have seen those man-on-the-street with microphone videos... where someone is stopping people going by and asking them questions like; what country is The Queen of England from? They are generally in the area of; what color is General Grant's white horse? They are the kind of questions that... most of the time... have the answer right in the question. Person after person fails to answer the question correctly.

So... 90% of the population would have little interest in what we talk about here. It isn't germane to their outward-projecting view of The World... arranged according to appetites and desires.

Every time Humanity gets lost in the sensory perspective... it is only a matter of time before something happens to turn their worldview upside down. Sometimes a wave of awakening is introduced and... that causes an across-the-board transformation of the culture... followed by a period of revolutionary transformations in art and music. We aren't seeing that yet, so... maybe an awakening is not going to be enough.

It just so happens that a conspiracy of the rich against the rest of humanity is also at work and a visible effort at population reduction is going on at this very moment. The Killer Vaccines that were introduced by the pharmaceutical industry... to counteract a manufactured virus plague... is killing millions of people, and... disabling many, many more.

This is a multi-pronged effort, which includes weather manipulation... a mass poisoning of food by the food industry... poisoning of the water and air, and the promotion of mental illness through a variety of schemes.

Countries prosper when the laws designed to maintain them... work toward the benefit of the majority, and also assist in maintaining a strong middle-class presence. America had that dynamic wired and became an example for the rest of The World... until corruption entered the picture. Corruption has always been around, and wiser minds who made the laws were aware of this and factored in laws and customs that kept corruption in its own neighborhoods, BUT... in the end game... it comes down to MONEY and POWER where the intention of those... in possession of them... is CONTROL, and then? All those lawyers showed up and The Laws didn't mean anything anymore.

Now... I'm not going to get into The Details here. They are so numerous and multi-faceted that I would get lost in no time at all. I had trouble enough trying to lay a basic groundwork and succeeded only in leaving too much out.

The Very Rich are aware of this awakening that is going on and they are in an aggressive confusion about what to do to counteract it. A lot of it has to do with the internet, and that is a real problem for them because of how much money is involved and how involved everything they do is with the internet. It creates a damned if you do... damned if you don't situation.

All of The Very Rich are not of one accord. While trying to manage and dispose of so many of the rest of us, they are also at war with each other. This is the principal reason why Evil always destroys itself. Meanwhile... there is another hierarchy at work. Let us say that there is a temporal hierarchy and a spiritual hierarchy, and both of them are ruled by a third factor that will remain undefined... both now... and after... I am done writing about it all.

I hate to put it this way, BUT... an alarmingly large number of us are too stupid to live. Go back and look at that link again in the third paragraph of this post. That person exemplifies a large segment of the population, and a lot of them are even stupider than her. I tried to touch on this factor earlier, BUT... most of you already know what I am talking about.

If I were a realpolitik pragmatic kind of a guy, AND... in some ways I am, I would say that The Very Rich are doing them a favor by exterminating them... on the one hand... and damning themselves to perdition on the other hand. That is what is happening. I'm not going to try to justify this sort of thing. I can't and don't want to. Let's just say that this is the sort of shit that goes on down here... more often than not... in times like these.

So... The Very Rich see that a certain genii has been let out of the bottle through the internet and related technologies that are a kind of double-edged sword. They are pretty good at math and they can see the possibilities of their own end... in the logical progression of these technologies... UNLESS they get control of everything ahead of time. Their real problem lies in the fact that they will NEVER EVER be in control of anything, all they possess is the temporary appearance of it. So... they are being used... the stupid are being used... the people fighting against them are being used... everyone and everything is being used to make a point for The Purpose of Demonstration, and...

...all I can tell you is that... probably... you should not be standing too close to The Action if you can help it; keeping in mind that nothing can touch you anyway if it is not supposed to. HOWEVER... very few of us are operating at that level and... sometimes location... location... location... can be a real factor in how comfortable you remain through the massive changes that are about to go down.

The Very Rich are not of the mind to go gentle into the destiny they are preparing for themselves. They are clinically insane. The possession of a lot of money, and... the appearance of power GUARANTEES that you will become possessed with The Sierra Madre Flu or something similar. Everyone tells themselves that they would never become like The Very Rich, BUT... somehow... everyone nearly always does. There is a power in these things that is greater than the power of almost anyone to control it.

Now... The World is going to change... dramatically... and soon, and... very much to the dismay of many people. Resistance to change is rigidly anchored into the human psyche at a certain highly-populated and concentrated bandwidth of awareness. You get caught up in The Material Game and that is a basic accessory that comes with it. The Very Rich have a grasping factor for material currency of any kind that is a lot like a drowning man trying to get some oxygen. It is as precious to them as that. It is their presssssssssious!

So... there are going to be these people... The Very Rich... who will do anything to get more of what they already have, and will go to any lengths to make sure they get hold of it, AND... even with Mortality dogging their footsteps, they will still plan for a future they are not going to have a part in. Look at how John D. Rockefeller fucked it all up for the rest of us and it is still like that to this day.

So... also very soon... there is going to be a bounty on all of these people. The shooting of the insurance CEO was the opening salvo of this coming real-life meme. There is a general state of freaking out that is coming to the whole sexually dysfunctional and transsexual crowd also. There are going to be serious adjustments being made to the criminal class that has been acting with impunity until now. The relocation of the illegal immigrants is also going to be one more wave in the gathering weather incidentals of a Perfect Storm of... Change.

A greater global sense of Justice is awakening in the human psyche and it is going to lead to the end of Israel as we know it, AND... a whole lot of other things. The Hoi Polloi are going to see the implications of “may you live in interesting times.” I suppose what I am trying to say here is, may you learn to exist in a state of greater detachment from the turmoil that is coming. The Divine has factored your needs into the equation, so... there is no reason to embrace panic at any level. You are going to find... if you are a member of another fairly large demographic... that your needs are going to be taken care of. Your own generous nature will generate this by the usual mysterious agencies, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

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Anonymous said...

“One last thing” Was delightful and made me smile. The sad part of it was this;It definitely was not taking place in the USA .Innocence is lost here . Wherever that was happening I pray to God their country can remain free of war, of rampant pedos and insane leaders.

M - said...

Sounds like Anthony Hopkins had some serious issues with someone (or someones) who used the phrase "it is what it is". I use it all the time too and not in the context of the video. Intent is everything. Perhaps HE is the manipulator here. Then again, he IS an actor.

Speaking of predators, I absolutely loved seeing so many felines! If I'm to be thought of as a predator by ANYONE - let them see me as a predatory cat. With fangs and claws...

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

The 'shift' has been too long in coming. I wish it would hurry up. As for that lemon vid, I don't see how she made it to 28. I admit I am not the sharpest blade in the draw, but Ye Gods! If anyone should be sent to the SPAM factory. . . Then again, so should anyone who actually buys that crap.

Nostrils to the sky.

Anonymous said...

China got rich the old fashioned way, without usury, that is actually creating things of value... they have just signed a contract to build a dam that can provide power to 300 million people. Empires like the US and the Jews may want to possess China, with The Sierra Madre Flu or Something Very Similar, but I don't see that happening.

Visible said...

Stop propagandizing here. I can see that you are on thier payroll, but do this somewhere that you have an audience. No one who comes here comes for that. This place is God-centric, not Commie-centric

Anonymous said...

Don't post propaganda here Visible. Happy New years!

Asil said...

I would like to live in a world where all live at the same frequency you are on.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is now up=

"The World was Created for God's Entertainment. He Is The Watcher that Exists in Every Conscious Living Thing."



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