God Poet Transmitting.......
When a person with integrity comes around, it rubs off on others and tends to raise the standard in everyone else. When the presence of integrity impacts those who have a corrupt perspective, it drives them off in search of more accommodating circumstances. Life arranges itself around the strongest character because... God seen or not... is the model for everyone else, whether through imitation or reaction. The same is true of evil as it is for good. This is why you can feel things in the atmosphere when you walk the corridors of power; at least I can.
I used to take LSD and go into cemeteries at night. It was a riotous affair. I would also lie down on graves in the daytime, and I remember laughing so very hard as I channeled the spirits of those who had been interred there. It might only have been their shades and after-echos of the personalities they had been. It was amusing nonetheless. Personalities die. The Individuality never does. Nothing is ever really dead, BUT it all changes... except the part that does not change.
I was determined to get behind the scenes one way or the other. Drugs helped with that but they will only take you so far. One way or another you have to break the spell that holds nearly everyone captive. In India, they have a group of yogis who are called Aghora. They are quite radical about breaking the spell. You do have to remember that in the process of breaking the spell... you don't want to wind up casting spells. This is one of the larger pits you want to circumvent. Sorcery will mess you up big time.
Most people live on rails from birth to death. They do this for various reasons; Karma certainly. Of course, one of them is the fear of stepping outside the comfort zone. Another is the narrow range of appetites and desires of a pedestrian nature. Then there are the rails of specific personality types... of which there are 36, and all of the variations are tweaked this way and that way. There is always a symmetry involved... since everyone is run off of a basic template, but... it's still that snowflake dynamic. Every snowflake is a snowflake but they are all different? Yes and no.
Within each and every one of us is The God Particle. The Real God Particle, not the God Particle that the people playing God have come up with, and... The Real God Particle is intensely aware of the personality it is resident in. Those of us who resonate with the presence of The Silent Indwelling Witness; who is only silent up to a point... enter into a conscious relationship with that presence; the part that does not change.
All other life forms that are not in search of this conscious relationship or already so engaged... are not on God's TV screen. They are off doing their own thing. God has eternity to reel them in, so... he lets them freak freely according to the whims of their separated minds. He knows that they will find their way back... eventually... when they were unable to find what they thought they were looking for... in anything outside of themselves. That's not a good place to be; off of God's TV screen. I don't have the time and space to go into all the reasons why that is. Use your imagination.
Here is an absolute. The more you become like anything, the more like it you become. That seems perfectly logical, doesn't it? Study anything at all, and you become more and more familiar with it and have a greater facility with its uses. Build houses... tear down houses. Put out fires... start fires. Run banks... rob banks.
When you associate with God in your heart and mind... because God is already there, to begin with... the more like God you will become... if you stick to it. This is a long process. It takes so many years to become a doctor... then more years to become a specialist. The same principle applies to EVERYTHING. Most architects start out as a draftsman. Most acupuncturists start out with Shiatsu. Everything is in a progression. Becoming familiar with God... in a practical sense... involves a great deal more time, BUT... success is speedy for the energetic.
I've met a lot of architects. I don't know why that is. I've also met a lot of doctors and lawyers. Not one of the architects I ever met was actually working. They are unique in this way. When you go searching for God or associating yourself with God, he puts you through tests. Then he puts you in certain situations to see how you do. It's the same with most companies you might go to work for... you usually start out at the bottom and work your way up. This way you become familiar with what goes on there. A number of people... who started out at the bottom... wound up running the company because they stuck to it. They became invaluable.
I'm trying to tell you that there is a system to everything. Don't get angry with the initial restrictions you are going to encounter on your way up... whether working for any temporal agency... or God. This is how the unqualified get weeded out. Many are called but few are chosen. Actually, it's just that few stick with it. It is less about knowing all kinds of things.... as much as it is about determination and consistency, and if you love what you do, you will... absolutely... get good at it. If you do not love what you do, you should move on until you find something that you do love.
Working for God can be... and often is... an exception in this regard. Working in the temporal sense, you acquire skills. Working for God... you acquire qualities. Qualities are developed through various forms of suffering. Think of it in terms of tempering... refining... hammering and shaping. It's not for everyone. As someone who has literally devoted their entire life to this, I can tell you it is not for everyone while assuring you at the same time that it is for everyone, but... not everyone is ready for it until they are ready for it.
In order to have your sincerity proven to The Divine, you are set at odds with The World at every turn. Conditions and events are arranged to go wrong. You have to be all in. The key is to be all in from the beginning... sooner or later it comes to that, and it will happen... over and over... that you lose everything to prove this point. Better get it right from the start... that nothing material belongs to you. You do have one amazing feature that trumps all of your difficulties. You have the most priceless thing in The World, and this will be proven to you when the time comes. Never give up and you cannot fail... period.
Now I have found a segue point where I can address a question that my friend from Greece posed. He was puzzled by my saying, Heraclitus weeps and Democritus laughs.
Back in the day, Greece was lousy with philosophers. (grin) You couldn't swing a dolphin in any bar in Athens without hitting a philosopher. The Ilissos River was a main waterway there... back in the day, and... as the tale I once heard goes. On any given day you could hear a philosopher weeping on one bank, and another one laughing on the opposite bank. They were laughing and crying about Humanity. These are two legitimate postures anyone can take about the matter.
Heraclitus was known for crying and Democritus for laughing.
This is still true today, and on the banks of rivers around The World, there are people laughing and crying on opposite sides, though... only occasionally are any of them philosophers. The first criterion for being a philosopher is living long enough and attentively enough to become one. Life will make you a philosopher... if you stick around long enough. One can also become a fool and there are no time limits on that. Often you find a fool and a philosopher in the same body.
The reader was also wondering about this statement; “You can reverse the effects of patterning by providing a location for it to unravel in. That's what I do without ever saying anything about it, (except for rare moments like this) and that is what anyone does who wants to make The World a better place.” He wanted to know where that location was. I was talking about The Soul, but where is that located? Then we have to consider the location of The Limbic System, which is in the brain, BUT... you feel it in the heart?
My take is that wherever you are feeling it is where to focus it... whether that is where it really is or not. How's that for clarifying the matter? What I meant by the statement is that if you can open wider than others, they will be drawn into you, and you can facilitate changes in them without seeming to have done anything at all. This is really the best way because you don't want people chasing you down the street like they do celebrities, who didn't know what they were getting into when they decided they wanted to be one.
I did not know why I was haunting graveyards when I did. I probably thought I was laughing at death or overcoming fear. At the time I was much less aware of Eastern Thought than I am now. Now I realize I am in a graveyard at all times. Everyone I see is dying in front of me. The peculiar thing is that you don't really have to die if you know how to die before death comes looking for you. It is only the attachment to the body that causes the fear of separation. You can separate from the body before you have to. The real pros find the one who turns the material body into a body of light.
This is what Master Trismegistus was talking about with The Operation of The Sun, AKA... The Body of Glory as Christians refer to it. It's something to think about before you have to think about it, and...
... one last thing. (you can embrace Death as an old friend too)
Lion's reaction to seeing her rescuer, who helped raise her as a cub❤️ pic.twitter.com/NLgQxof7f8
— Nature is Amazing ☘️ (@AMAZlNGNATURE) December 10, 2024
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
(I have to redo this one but it will serve for the moment)
Links appear at GAB=
Substack is here=
We've been on X for a bit now too.
(this makes it less possible to get shut down)=
Today's Visible Origami=
— Les Visible (@visible_les) December 11, 2024
"Personalities Die. The Individuality Does not Die. Nothing Dies, It All Changes... Except The Part that Does Not Change." https://t.co/jQCGPBDqPn
Cats are cats are cats.
Just finished reading Jonathan Livingston Seagull for the third time, and you post this. How appropriate. The song fits, too. Nostrils to the sky!
"Back in the day, Greece was lousy with philosophers. (grin) You couldn't swing a dolphin in any bar in Athens without hitting a philosopher."
Cracked me up. Reminded me of the monty python film "The life of brian". It was posed just like that, that at the time of Jesus there were all sorts of holy men, brian being one of them, but they all had their little flocks of believers.
As for the heraclitus and democritus, two people, two varied life experiences, produces perspectives that can see the same thing, but given their specific personal experiences that map up, they only see it in the "light" of their own lived experiences and so make assumptions about how to Feel about it, and then indulge. To they with a short vantage things seem tragic, but if you take the long view, its all just water under the bridge lasts until the one experiencing such sets aside emotional indulgence and always seeks to understand.
There is little profit in Feeling unless one is Feeling with willful intent. This shifts the Feeling from being imposed on self, to being Radiated from Self.
Curious stuff, Great Post today!
Did you see that little video from luigi or whoevers set this play in motion saying that more things will come to light shortly and to wait?
Always selling some angle to get people To WAIT a little longer... prolly till they're in a position to no longer do anything about whatever huh.
Time for the all to have its way with the Takers.
This is a curious assertion:
"In addition to pardons for higher level KM criminals, it appears others are trying to hide. UnitedHealthcare CEO, Brian Thompson appears to have cashed out all his stock options and staged his own death because he was just about to be forced to testify about his company’s MASSIVE role in COVID deaths."
Quoted from here:
This is also interesting.
Yous guys might find this page interesting. Maybe this is what Hegseth would do to the pentagon, tho its being outlined by the CTO from palantir.
"Cats are cats are cats" Lol - how true. The head-rubbing/scenting by the lioness is EXACTLY what Ramses does to his Maman. "You belong to me, hooman." ❤❤❤❤
M, I used to be co-owned by 6 cats, all street rescues. When the last one transitioned, we took on no more. Can't afford anymore now with my other self-imposed obligations, and we're also in our twilight years and wouldn't want to cut out on any demigods/goddesses, leaving them high and dry.
funny, reading the 'Illusions' book by the same author, the hard-copy was stolen, by someone who does not read unless it is 'Harry Potter'...
Chherful Love
grizzlybear Hug
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=
"They Are Actors in The World's Biggest Soap Opera of Timeless Victims... Who Cry Out in Pain When They Strike You."
#8. I read Illusions a long time ago. Might do another reread. Maybe next week, since my next hardcover is kinda short.
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