Tuesday, December 03, 2024

"Self-Interest is a Blinding Force; a Cart put before The Horse on Its Way to an Empty Field where Saturn is The Master."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Man... at the top of the food chain and the scourge of all other living things... is constantly at the mercy of things too small to be seen. There are external dangers, but I think we can easily assume that it is the internal dangers... that account for the greatest number of deaths. It's about the microbes and your immune security details. People who make large sums of money have devoted considerable effort to neutralizing your interior police presence.

I suppose they have crunched the numbers and found that they can kill off their customers and still make a profit because there are so many customers... for now.

Almost every evil action and condition involves self-gain at some level; Cui Bono. I do not concern myself with any of it, and you shouldn't either. It's all mind games. The deceivers would like to believe that they can head off the changes of the coming age or at the very least... stay in control once the switches get thrown, BUT... it is not in their hands. Everything is based on appearances. If they can get you to believe it, then they get infernal brownie points for dragging you down with them when they go.

There are some very powerful... rich and clever people... who believe that they will reign in Hell. They reign here, don't they? Isn't Hell just like it is here only more so? Hell is the place... they think... that no cavalry will come. Communism is a Middle Earth strategy for creating Hell on Earth, and that's been abundantly proven in The Tribe's control of Soviet Russia... Mao's Long March to The Moment... Cambodia and wherever else it has been implemented by The Usual Suspects.

It comes about through Revolution, which THEY sow the conditions for, AND... the same thing goes on in your body, via Killer Vaccine generated turbo cancers, as goes on outside your body. This is another way of saying, As Above... So Below; as within... so without. In fact, The Within creates The Without. I repeat these statements in various permutations again... and again... and again... because they are true and you can verify them through simple observation.

The reason that so many people; a very large number of people... cannot see what is right in front of their faces... is because each and every one of them is obsessed with personal gain, which puts a filter over their vision... which causes them to see everything in relation to what they are chasing. There is no difference between them and the people deceiving them except for the scale of the action; little criminals... big criminals... this is the state of affairs when a criminal atmosphere prevails. It ALWAYS comes into play when Materialism reaches a certain level of advancement.

Materialism is a form of cancer and you can look at humanity as the aggregation of cells that are under attack. Society flourishes on the way up and degenerates on the way down, and certain unfortunate things... of major and pervasive impact... are guaranteed to go down. I'm not trying to fear-monger here, that's just the way it goes and you can check the historical record. People are living and dying all the time. That's not news, and it is a matter of cyclicity that larger die-offs will occur. We are in one of those larger die-offs right now.

HOWEVER... there are times of anomaly such as Apocalypse when the same old same old does not apply. Oh! It may still be going on; the same old same old, but there are wide exceptions taking place because... Apocalypse has to do with changes in shared consciousness, and The Old is done away with by whatever means are employed so that The New can come into being. It's all natural. It's part of The Way It Is.

If you are part of... or attached to The Old... you will be plowed under. If you are part of The New... you will flourish. It doesn't matter how old you are. It's not a matter of generations, though that comes into play tangentially. It is a matter of consciousness. It is ALWAYS a matter of consciousness.

If The Old is present inside of you, your body will deal with you, and The Old will attract Death in some fashion or another because that is what The Old does. You can see it in the seasons. This is nothing new. Off goes the old chaff and up comes the green sprout. Inside your mind, this process is going on all the time. Your being goes through seasons too, but you can affect what happens by your state of mind.

The Sun is endlessly self-replenishing because The Sun is endlessly giving. It is a rule that exists at all times. Give yourself away and you will get it back. Cut off the flow... in order to amass a greater share for yourself... and you sign your own death warrant. Immortality rests upon a state of balance. It is all about equilibrium.

According to some, The Alien Wars are supposed to start today.

Perhaps they will... heh heh... it's got nothing to do with me. I seriously doubt... if it was going to start... that people would know about it ahead of time without being involved, to begin with. People who involve themselves in these internal video games... are usually atheists... or those easily led about... because they have no control over their imagination. EVERYONE positive... enduring... inviolate... and protected... from exterior conditions... are in control of themselves. If you are in a state of self-control then nothing external is going to be able to control the conditions you find yourself in. It's SCIENCE.

I say it's SCIENCE. How is it science when science is so messed up in these times? That is because what passes itself off as science is not science, but schemes of anti-science devised for gain. What we identify as science... in these times... is about as unscientific as it gets. Science-wise... we are in a dark age because of the ends to which science is directed. You know this.

In enlightened times... which are soon to be making an appearance, both science and religion are in complete agreement. If you base both of them on The Sun, you are headed in the right direction. We VASTLY undervalue the contributions of The Sun. The Sun is not just a physical ball of fire in the sky. It is a conscious being and you can make contact with it and interact with it, and accommodate yourself to the information that is radiating from The Sun... non-stop.

Everything is alive in some fashion and everything is conscious in some fashion. Most of us live in a world completely unknown to us that we have mistaken for something else due to our being driven by the desire for Gain.

You might think it silly for me to say that attitude and paying attention are keys to the discovery of a hidden world... that you can begin to be resident in... this very moment. It is a place where The Sun, Moon, and the planets can become your constant companions. It is a place where you can come into resonance with The Single Consciousness that drives and sustains them, AND EVERYTHING ELSE.

If you are driven by... what you believe to be... personal forces, you are on your way to an unfortunate denouement. God is real, and the entirety of existence is all... built around and exists for... the single reason of your finding this out and coming into harmonic accord with it. Until you do... you will be stumbling around in the dark. Self-interest is a blinding force and a cart put before The Horse... on its way to an empty field... where Saturn is The Master.

Certain more gifted intelligences could explain (and have explained) what I am saying here in more understandable terms, and we reference these sources all the time here. If you want a more perfect life, simply follow Jesus The Christ... or Buddha... or Krishna, or numerous others, and you will have a more perfect life. The problem for most people is that there is an immediate learning curve... that involves a degree of suffering... until one has come into a better alignment, which has to do with arriving at a better understanding of what these great teachers had to say.

It involves giving up your own wrong-think having to do with the pursuit of personal gain, as one of these masters said; Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? This fear and paranoia that drives so many on the treadmill of stupidity is completely unnecessary.

I am... myself... living proof of this, and I am nowhere near the level of those far above my own meager understanding, BUT... Faith will do this for you. You don't have to be the brightest bulb. A little faith goes a long way. It goes a really long way, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

(I wrote this a long time ago, and only just got around to recording it.)

Lyrics are embedded within the player at the site

Links are at GAB=

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M - said...

I had someone I worked with comment that I was "powered by the Sun". It made me smile from ear to ear. There are few things, to me, that are more luxurious than lounging out by the pool soaking up the Sun's rays. Yes, I like being tan but it is also sensual. Feeling the warmth and listening to the wind in the trees around me is Zen.

Although I'm fortunate that I don't have to contend with freezing temps (and snow) I SO look forward to Spring and salivate over the Winter Solstice when, once again, the days will grow longer...

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

I swear. When I lived in the boonies, I though mosquitoes were the top of the food chain.

I do NOT believe in exploiting other life forms if I can help it (My apologies to all vegetables, but I have no choice with you guys.), but I admit to self-interest to a degree. In my case, that entails walking away from the world and keeping my circles of allies/friends/'pets' small, living as simply as possible, and doing as little as possible for the realm, barring a few select individuals. Why should I deal with with rubbish liabilities more than I absolutely have to?

Nostrils to the sky!

Anonymous said...

The song (SHTF) was the icing on the cake!!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of alien wars....


Anonymous said...

i was standing on the street this morning, drinking a beer, and thinking back to when i was living in Vrindavan, and my kundalini started awakening (again). It was truly something, because eventually the mind and ego-self just disappeared and one-ness was all that remained, so i transcended duality and the concept of bhakti, which rests of duality, while living in the homeland of bhakti. Either way, it was a pretty fun, enjoyable time. Amazing stuff was happening. The kundalini is pretty much everything. All real progress depends on awakening it, to one degree or another.

Visible said...

Nah... don't buy it. Being The Genuine Article myself and having the truth affirming and lie exposing Kundalini active in me at all times, I can spot bullshit without even having to look. Have you tried Reditt? I think you'll find a lot of commonality there.

word bird said...

The Sun is most likely electric, based on evidence presented by real scientists at Thunderbolts Project. Eric Dollard indirectly supports the Sun being electric by saying it's a transformer/converter of energy from the universe (as is every other star). An electric model may explain why the Sun's corona is 1 million degrees C, while its surface temperature is only 6000 degrees C.

Jenny said...

I needed to read this today. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Meant to say ersatz alien wars.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"The World is a Brutal Place where The Rich and Powerful Cavort as They Please... until God Cuts Them off at The Knees."

0 said...

Word Bird, nice to see someone who knows about Dollards work on here. You familiar with the Saphire project? They made Sun Temps in a sealed chamber....


Visible said...

This is not a propaganda mill. You can't come in here and try to work the place sideways. I don't operate in subterfuge and... right! It's pointless my even trying to communicate with you. You lost your mind or you're an employee now. Neither one is a good fit for here.

Anonymous said...

"Man... the scourge of all other living things".

In what ways is man a blessing to more life forms than any other species, think of that for a minute.

Name one living thing that doesn't feed on life... other than fungus.

Fruit is beautiful, isn't it? It literally lives to say "eat me". Seeds of life in its most juicy insides. I'm grateful for this selfless act by fruits. Moths are like little angels too! The are so humble and fearless... and love the light, like me!

Visible said...

A new Visible Origami is up now=

Maybe not. They have shut it down so it won't come up- Go to Substack.



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