God Poet Transmitting.......
I posted my song, Holocaustianity, at Substack yesterday.
It was in memory of Ursula Haverbeck who was jailed at over 90 years of age for telling the truth about the phony and fabricated Holocaust.
You can see how The Crass Media, which is owned by The Usual Suspects, handles the news about this brave and fine lady; now having moved on to a greater reward. Go to almost any search engine and all you get are lies and slanderous articles... hosted at various news mediums... all of which are owned by the same people who put her in jail to begin with... for speaking the truth.
It is (or it was) a closed-shop mafia organization that owns nearly all of the media. The same people own the music and entertainment industry as well; publishing... everything having to do with information, and shaping opinion. They are the programmers of perspective... both individual and en masse.
After many centuries of being thrown out of just about every country in The World for trying to control them through money-changing tactics, they decided to buy up all of the important cultural engines, and... what the Hell? Why not the governments as well? Where money didn't always work, they used force and strategic murder. That is how The Federal Reserve came into being. One of our greatest presidents, Andrew Jackson... got wise to their schemes and kicked them out, but... they are a persistent lot.
I'm not going to go into the endless details... yet again... that I have already listed in these blogs so many times before, and I can hardly be called antisemitic when the people I am talking about are not Semitic. This is why they are exterminating The Palestinians because they are Semitic. It's why they shut down their genetic tracing operation 23-and Me. If you go to this brief article... at a news source, which they also own...
...you will see what they are not saying; provided you are smart enough to do that.
Something magical has been going on in recent years. Somehow... not only are people being informed in all sorts of ways, but an awakening has been taking place, and people are simply seeing, and this is going to get more powerful and profound by the day. The people I am talking about are atheists... except they are not... they do believe in a deity, but it is not The Divine. It is a perversion of The Living Light because what they do... is best accomplished in darkness.
It's been a long time since The Avatar... The Sun King has visited here. Society and spiritual clarity were compromised early on. You can see what a state we have degenerated to in moral terms, and they have helped this to happen at every opportunity... through the centuries... until we find ourselves here. The Weimar Republic is a classic example of what they get up to, and you can see it being replicated throughout Western Culture at this very time. They are behind every one of the organizations that promote sexual perversity, and they see to it that this perversity gets supported in all of the information mediums already mentioned.
I suggest you read this carefully.
It details how they used Rap and Hip-Hop... not only for the cultural degeneration that they sponsor at every opportunity BUT... to also make a buck. All of this and so much more is easily proven, BUT... what good does it do when they control the government and the marketplace? How do you think Black Rock... State Street and Vanguard got as powerful as they are? This is how D.E.I., got so widely proliferated.
I should also mention the wide-ranging presence they maintain in Education; especially higher education. They make up a significant portion of the professors who inseminate everything they teach with The Communist Doctrine, which they originally created in order to control... torture... and kill tens of millions of people in every country where they were able to install Communism. This is a fact, and the so-called holocaust was designed... to cover their tracks... after the greatest mass-murder spree that The World has ever seen in The Soviet Republics.
They put Ursula in jail for telling the truth about it. They have put a lot of people in jail for this. It is well-summed up in this statement, “If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.” If you try to find who said it, all the search engines say it was stated by a white nationalist holocaust denier. What... are... the... odds? (maniacal laughter is heard off camera). It was originally attributed to Voltaire, BUT... the ones who fact-check everything, and then change the facts to suit what they intended to find... say it wasn't him, so... you can be pretty sure that it was him.
It's not my vocation to go after these people. I'm no one to start with, and I also know that most of the people with the same genetic markers... are not in league with these psychopaths I am referring to. I know quite a few of them. There's no reason to condemn an entire race when it does not apply across the board.
Aside from being villains to start with... because Central Casting needs villains... for The Drama of Life and for The Purpose of Demonstration... they were chosen for their predisposition for the sorts of things they get up to, and the people who fit this description are drawn from all walks of life... come in all colors... follow every sort of creed, and come from every race and nationality. It just so happens that The Usual Suspects... drawn from the smallest demographic on the planet... account for the largest number of them at the highest levels.
They say Asians are good at math, well... some people are good at evil, and people who are good at evil (there's a pun in there) know that it is always a good idea to present yourself as something other than what you are. So... you can definitely find them virtue signaling and playing the victim game. The more powerful they are... the more weak and put-upon they make themselves out to be.
That's all going to change now. It always does. As soon as they started to genocide The Palestinians they set their own doom in motion. As their doom approaches they ratcheted up the extermination agenda to a level where the whole world has taken notice. This has also exposed their supporters in high places... who they control through MONEY... blackmail... threats of harm to their families, and whatever works... really.
Yeah... on the surface they got it all nailed down, and they figure if any avatar does show up they're going to have him nailed down too... again! However... everything in existence operates according to laws and rules. You can circumvent them only for so long... until they come knocking on your door, and I don't care who you are... or where you hide... whether you change your name; not even disappearing through The Death Portal is going to work. The Real Authorities will be waiting for you on the other side.
The general outworkings of Karma handle the day-to-day here, and certain periods go on for a long time... sometimes, BUT... sooner or later... The World wakes up for a while... great souls incarnate and appear... and before The World goes back to sleep again... adjustments get made, AND... that is where we are now.
It may look like a president who is zoned-in behind them is coming into power now. Appearances can be... well, are... deceiving. Of course, if you work appearances for the purpose of deceiving others. If that is what you do... then you often are deceived by them your own self. Very often people fall victim to their own schemes. The reason is... there are rules and laws that account for this. What goes around... INDEED... does also come around.
I know there are a lot of people out there with less faith than they should have, AND... that is USUALLY due to appearances. Kind of weird how it all connects like it does... yeah? Yes... it is strange how existence moves in such symmetry. Harmony and equilibrium are at the central core of life. If you are harmonic yourself then you know what I am talking about.
Pythagoras said that everything was music. I put mention of this in the links today. It's just another way of saying... vibrations, and... ♫ I'm picking up good vibrations ♫ , Of course, I am always picking up good vibrations because that is what I am sending out, and... what goes around comes around. That is how I came to have the kind of invisible friends that I do.
People who have visited me and run into these friends have wondered how they could get invisible friends for themselves. Act like you have them and behave with the attractors... lures and baits... that attract them. Start with Love. That is the attractive force, and develop the qualities that these invisible entities actually represent, and... consistency is very... very... important too, so... you've got what you need for now. Do the work and see the results, and...
... one last thing.
The story of Boji the dog riding public transport for 5 years.
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) December 6, 2024
He's still alive and was adopted by billionaire Ömer Koç in 2022.pic.twitter.com/ENn8FCmUHC
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
Links are at GAB=
Substack is here=
It looks like they shut is down because I had the holocaust deprograming site linked in the post.
Looks like its back up now eh?
Yeah... it was down for a bit. They won't stop anything because of all the other locations. I knew it would be coming. However, when I removed the deprogramming site from the posting it went back to what passes for normal here.
Before I started my last job I had through meditation, turned up the dial on my intuition. I could communicate with raven cicadas and ants. Unfortunately I could see though liars, leg humping cheats, and hungry ghosts in search of a plastic port a potty to haunt. It was sickening.
I still have some intuition left and find the “news” to be mostly lies and fear porn. I find Clif High to be honest. He is wrong sometimes and changes his outlook, but a truth he states is that universe (God) pulses conscience into everything 22 trillion times per second.
Anyhow thanks for a week of brilliant posts, they keep me going here at the end of the apocalypse.
I tied the technique of blanking my mind out while speaking to the sun. I got a loud and clear affirmative response. Despite my flaws, my guardian angel is still with me.
Fantastic to hear that because we carry each other.
Movies to watch, regarding this post:
The Chekist, pick one:
Caberat, also pick one:
Yup, yup, yup!
Nostrils to the sky!
While in the throes of leaving my own habitual perception blinders behind, I note that expressions from smug subjectivity are irritating. The friction is from clinging to my own worn out subjective excuses in sympathy or pathology with willful resistance of others, the dark not comprehending the light shining within.
Patterns of hypocrisy
When we know we are but particle beams of a Central sun
Yet we sit in subjective thrones and look down on other humans
When we say we know that we must love the One
Yet judge other people for knowing differently than we think we know
When we have identified the “Judas mind” let loose among the left-brain dominated
Yet use that as an excuse to huddle in our cynicism pretending to be detached
When we claim that we can see that the One is in control
Yet bat away all human action disrupting the crust of control as not good enough
When we nod that the One has granted us creations the power to create
Yet we content our hearts creating a series of superficial reasons to be silent
When we are commanded, for our own good, to love with all our hearts
Yet hold back our imagination from seeing every person in play as worthy
When we see the hypocrisy and foolishness of human hubris
Yet indulge continually in keeping our own mental house unexamined
When we know that human action out of our own mind makes a mess
Yet conveniently forget that our highest action is to imagine the highest outcome for all
When we pretend to be retired from the human race so as to meditate
Yet pollute our vision with un-penetrated limitations to fulfill fantasies of defeat
When we know that have been gifted and blessed beyond our merits
Yet act as if speaking the truth outside a tiny circle is futile and not our job
When we get glimpses of grander vistas and tinges of feeling set free
Yet choose to maintain our little self’s divisions to cripple our prayers
When the time has come for us to rise above all and any selfish fears
Yet equivocate that the super hero Avatar can transform the world without our alignment
When we have felt and seen the unseen lift our lives out of our burden of self
Yet we fail to imagine freedom coming to all by cowering under mental division
When we came to be here now to be who we are more than ever
Yet we dissipate our lamp oil looking at the illusion of persistent power
When we know that this is the time with space for creative contribution
Yet delay another day taking the step, pushing off the pyre, launching from our perch
When the inner spirit moves with ever increasing power to free our soul from chains
Yet we grip those chains and rattle them in response to Reavers’ ranting ruses
When we have all the time we may need to wake up and smell the tyranny
Yet we keep our faith to ourselves in damped enthusiasm for the coming
When we know we know better than we think
Yet see only the worst in ourselves and our other human selves
When we feel the healing touch of the Living One
Yet deign not to raise voice or prayer to heal this heavenward longing
Logical jumping jacks:
Easy to judge, harder to think
Easy to disconnect from human frequencies, harder to hold compassion
Easy to deceive our flickering awareness, harder to lay it down for constancy
How we can serve if not in acts of mercy?
Clearing our inner holodeck daily and allowing the One to use our imagination
What we may allow ourselves to dream into being, if we dare to join the Union!
Humility serves when nothing else will do, when nothing less than All-That-Is will fulfill us!
Dropping down and giving the One our twenty is for us to know who we are!
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=
"The Mass of Humanity Exists in a Gray Area, which is... More or Less... also Under The Sway and Direction of The Darkness."
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