God Poet Transmitting.......
The real intention behind the one month... of half-mast flags... by federal proclamation... in memory of Jimmy Carter... was designed to cause all flags to be at half-mast for Trump's inauguration. (at least that is my take) The governor of Texas said it would be at full mast for January 20th. And it is already at full mast in Mar-a-Lago. I mention this because the tension between the two camps is on the brink of open warfare, but... The Blue People are seriously under-represented in The Rational Thinking Department.
The money men behind The Blue People... have it in mind that they can do what they did last time, and they are already so far behind in this effort that they will never get back to where that is even remotely possible. It looks like The Red People have been planning mightily over The Stolen Years and the endless prosecutions of that time frame.
Meanwhile, Fortune definitely favors a prepared mind, and I will say that the invisible forces of Heaven are definitely blowing in the direction of The Red People. They have a remarkable headwind going into the inauguration.
Not only do I love how Trends and Patterns express themselves so clearly to me, but I also love watching them. I've lost all interest in The NFL... since Tom Brady covered himself in glory and then left out the back. Now, I watch a new and endless contention take place on The Playing Fields of The Mind... where Trends and Patterns meet... without shoulder pads, and... instead... with open eyes... look into each other and telegraph their intentions, so that a remarkable and intuitive dance... not seen in a very long time... begins with very promising opening movements. I am actually watching what I was expecting to see. That was so often not the case in the past. Now... more and more it is the pattern of things, and...
...whatever happened to the drones flying over New Jersey?
There are strange reports coming in of The Usual Bad Intentions, and videos of arsonists with backpacks... touring the ravaged hinterlands in search of something to burn.
Kalifornia is much further into Dystopia than other states and so it often looks like something out of The Stand (a book by crazy-ass Steven King)
Here is what I think we are watching. The People losing power... in a state of increasing desperation... are running like those panicked by what they cannot understand, and firing wildly in every direction only to hit their own people. Not only is everything they attempt to do turning against them, BUT... their credibility... among their own supporters... is draining away and they are in a finger-pointing nightmare of; abandon ship! Abandon ship! Everything is going wrong. The Tides have turned. The Winds have shifted. The Atmosphere is changed and charged, and... that mysterious thing known as Momentum has gone over to the other side.
When people wake up, it means that everything they see is perceived differently than it had been. Something is waking The Hive Mind. First... this results in a confused disorder... when what you see is no longer what you see. It takes time to adjust. It takes time to process the new information, and then... a general consensus begins to form, and directions shift... en masse. Presto! The World changes because... The World we think we know... individually and collectively is controlled in its presentations by Thought. Everything is made from Thought and equally as important... everything is changed by Thought.
What is it that changes the way groups of people think? Something new is introduced into the mix and that changes the appearance of everything we come into contact with. As new forces are introduced into The World... The World changes and adjusts. The World is far more plastic than we might think. At a molecular level, there is a great deal more space between the various particles than we assumed. I have often thought that the distance between the bodies in space is mirrored... relatively... at the microscopic level. I may not be expressing this very well. It's not my department, but... I hope at least some of it is getting through. (grin).
The Archetypes are fixed in essence, but the information radiating from them changes with each age. The archetypes are the metaphysical infrastructure that controls the way events proceed. They control the situations and circumstances. Think of it like this; a room has been painted yellow for such a long time that... not only does everyone take it for granted, but... most people no longer even notice it. Then... a new sun rises in the sky... or a new filter goes over the old sun and the color of the room changes. This dramatically affects everything else. It is still the same room, but a different shade of color now impacts everything going on in that room. The Archetypes are the same, BUT they are projecting their meaning in a new way.
The ruling hierarchy of the material... temporal world... is receiving new orders from The Invisible Hierarchy that is changing everything about The Temporal way of doing things. Everything visible comes out of The Invisible. The Invisible changes the information it is radiating into The Visible and The Visible changes accordingly. The Visible has no say in the matter.
There is a car that does not run unless there is an operator. Even if it is a remotely controlled car, it still has an operator of some kind. Today we have cars that operate remotely. Even if it is controlled by software... the software was designed by an operator. The Kicker is that The Operator is also designed by another operator and this is the part that most people don't get, and why they are often mystified when they hear that... Everything is Under Control.
There is an invisible operator who programs existence. All will... all power... is borrowed from this primary operator. The primary operator takes a portion of his will and hands it out in a variety of permutations... depending on the life form that is getting it. It might be instinct on one level and reason on another, but it appears that each of these qualifications happens within a dreamscape. Rocks- The Mineral World... Plants... animals... humans, all operate in a dream state... that varies from each other by the intensity and level of awareness... present in the dream force. At the human level, there is also a wide differential between primitive cultures and whatever they are calling the more advanced stages.
Maybe some are not as advanced as they think they are because primitive cultures often know more about this dream state than the advanced cultures who actually think they are awake but often behave like animals in ways that even animals do not behave; especially since we are in a position to think it out and animals do not have the same capacity... as they are largely governed by instinct.
Anyway... this primary operative hands out portions of its will to life forms who are in stages of greater and lesser governance by The Primary Operator. At the human stage... the actor thinks it has an independent will, and that seems to prove out a lot of the time. HOWEVER... The Primary Operative... through his archetypes... planets... angels... representatives (whatever) that can be known by different labels, changes the controlling information that is given to the archetypes or... whatever you are choosing to call them, and then everything else changes and your personal will means nothing when the archetypes send out the pulses for change. Like the song says, ♫ when The Lord gets ready, you got to move ♫ Everything is Under Control and we just respond to that...
...one way or another, and our responses determine the way IT works out for us. If we are in alignment with The Primary Operator... it is smooth sailing. If we are not in alignment... that determines the mildness or severity of the weather patterns we encounter. You can actually see this in operation at any time you should choose to turn an objective eye upon The World.
If you are less evolved and more appetite-driven... you are more carnal and more brutish. Sometimes you will have more hair on your bodies and sometimes less, BUT this is not ALWAYS a marker. However... Life provides a lot of Tells; if you are paying attention. I like Physiognomy for that, but I like a number of systems most people do not employ. It's a step up from Body Language... depending on your level of expertise, and... you get expertise to the degree that you know yourself. It is through self-inquiry that we are made capable of seeing clearly into others. One has to recognize The Commonality, which also makes it possible to love at a wider reach. That is an important point.
Oh! I'm roving about in a labyrinthine and Byzantine manner here. Working through inference and allusion. You know? The Usual. (grin) You can expect big things of just about every kind to go down in coming days. Times of Transition often provide wild hayrides, especially since there are usually no seatbelts, and...
... one last thing.
If the GENOCIDE in Gaza is not halted, one day we will all be Palestinians! pic.twitter.com/xlTfSfeFIK
— Nadira Ali🇵🇸 (@Nadira_ali12) January 11, 2025
End Transmission.......
I've been in a fury of songwriting the last several days. I did not expect this, given that I had just finished this major recording project. In any case... this week will feature all brand-new songs. Well, almost all of them have been new, but these are really new. (grin)
Today's Song is;
Our recent Feet to The Fire appearance with James Jancik is still available at this location.
(at one point there is an interruption and you have to just fast forward a tad. Inexplicably we were being messed with again and it ended the same way)
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Today's... hot off the press... original song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) January 15, 2025
Pride of Life https://t.co/rvwMuSBmZh pic.twitter.com/igeYQYiiSP
Substack is here=
"You can expect big things of just about every kind to go down in coming days."
With the plethora of 2 year old (so to speak) souls incarnate I don't doubt that one bit but they do provide the medium of unparalleled growth potential and I thank them for that. I can sit in the park now watching all the terrible two's running around being animals and still appreciate them for the fertilizer they provide and fully knowing I was one of them once myself.
May our Divine Mother keep you well my friend!
Blue people? Hey! Let's cal a smurf a smurf!
Uh. . ."we are in a position to think it out and animals do not have the same capacity... as they are largely governed by instinct."
Um, have you ever lived with an intelligent cat?
I'm under the impression that for those who know what's 'real', life is a job. Can't resign, quit, can't be fired, and ya just gotta wait until the retirement date, and I better get a nose hair parachute with mine.
Nostrils to the sky. It's a lot o' fun watching the entropy of the olde era.
I believe you left this out of the reposted statement; "as they are LARGELY governed by instinct." I capitalized the important word.
Interesting but I heard Satanyahou was not invited to Trumps Inauguration and so I googled it and several sites are saying Trump has snubbed the devil maybe this is the sign we have been waiting for. Time will tell and we shall see.
Tarot reader recently Covid'd https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJJXHy25UDU
Except it couldn't have been COVID.
Ah yes, Missed that. My facourite cat who transitioned in 2012 had a PhD in psychology, and he knew how to use it. He ruled me with an iron claw. I swear, he was the Nicky Tesla of cats. Hey! Einstein was a fraud, so. . .
A new Smoking Mirrors is now up=
"It Is Not that I Am Unable to Talk... in Complex Kantian Logic... as if I Had a Permanent Case of Thomas Aquinas Flu."
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