Wednesday, January 01, 2025

"And You Try So Hard to Gain a Stable Purchase in a World of Temporary Things. You See that This is Impossible, Yes?"

God Poet Transmitting.......

I would say; Happy New Year, but everyone is not having a happy new year...

...and this situation... right here... is one of the things that troubles me about our new president. Even if he isn't in office, why is he not commenting on this outrage in North Carolina?

You know what he is commenting about? He is commenting about this.

What about entire countries held hostage by these people? What about their ownership of the media... the banks... the savagery in Lebanon and Syria, and... lest we forget, because most of The World seems indifferent; (or are they?) what about the genocide in Palestine? I mention the indifference of The World, BUT... that is only what The Media tells us.

I have great hope for two reasons. There is a possibility that Trump is saying one thing and about to do another. This is not a big hope because... I have seen how The World works. However... my other hope, which is exponentially stronger than the first hope... assures me that The Divine Ineffable is in charge of all things... regardless of what appearances may indicate to the contrary.

The Jungle Drums are filled with ominous messaging on the Deja Vu Telegraph about some kind of bird flu, which is just what started happening last time that Trump became president. Then... people are being pushed in front of subways and set on fire in New York City, and other Manchurian Candidates are using motor vehicles as weapons of war against Humanity in crowded places. None of this is accidental. This is all orchestrated, but so were those assassination attempts, OR... they surely seem to be.

I would have bought the assassination stories... except for one feature that I just can't shake. I mean... after all... the mob on The Left has been whipped into a hysteria by The Media... owned by The... Usual... Suspects... and all kinds of walking wounded from The Nimrod Brigade would like to silence Donald Trump, if... they could get in reach, BUT... what troubles me about the whole narrative was that photo-op that looked oddly like the flag going up on Iwo Jima... with Trump's raised fist looking like the flagpole, and him mouthing; “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Whoever engineered this affair went a little too far with that part of the dramatic action.

Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe it was life imitating Art. Even with Art on life support these days, I have to say, something is off with this picture, and... The Hostages keep coming up. They come up as often as anything he gets on about, and... in this case, I think I can say with some assurance that the country cares a great deal less about these stinking hostages than they do about the wholesale -made-for-TV- outright murder of DEFENSELESS women and children in Gaza, AND... the closing and destruction of all hospitals... the videotaped target shooting... the despoliation of aid... the sabotaging of the water supply... the torture and the rape, BUT... The Sleeping Public doesn't hear that much about it unless they go to X or some off-brand media on Channel 289 Late Night.

This is one of the elusive comforts of Materialism. You can lose yourself in it. You can forget all about everybody else, and many people do. No one imagines that they are wearing a tracking device that registers every... single... thing... that they do; that records not only all acts of commission but... every act of omission as well. This... however... is true. The Recording Angel goes with you wherever you go.

Most people know nothing about The Fact that this record is played before the eyes of every single person... once they have transited to their next port of call... after leaving this plane of action and reaction. EVERYTHING is synchronized and choreographed upon slipstreams of force that move in and around every living and inanimate thing.

So... The Opposition is cranking up the machinery of disorder... fear... anger... and discontent in every neighborhood that doesn't have as much to lose... as the people who are likely to make big noises... as soon as this machinery goes online and starts agitating the waters. I call it The Opposition. Scripture calls it The Enemy. It's part of what drives us forward in the search for a solution to it. It's how life works, and... when you get yourself to the proper level of detachment, it becomes transparently obvious. You get to that level by letting go of everything that keeps you short of that level, AND... it starts in The Mind.

The situation for everyone is not what Trump does or does not do. It is not about what The Enemy does or does not do. It is not about the seasons... or the weather. It is not about your level of comfort and financial security OR... the lack thereof. It is not about any one of The Four Horsemen in motion or at rest. It is about what goes on inside your mind. LITERALLY... it is about what goes on inside your mind, AND... if you can still your mind... for long enough... to be free of its influence on you... you will see what is really going on.

Short of your being able to accomplish this... nothing else will avail you. Conditions and events will continue... according to The Program that you have come into resonance with, AND... according to the karmic imperative you are going along with. This is why Masters of The Art of Life recommend Meditation. It is one of the means by which you get control of The Mind, and YOU MUST get control of The Mind BECAUSE... until you do, something else has control of it. I am telling you a simple truth, and it is living in denial of this truth... that accounts for ALL of the uncertainty of your present state of being.

Depending on the state of uncertainty you are resident in... prayer is likely to do you more good. You are in a small boat on a wide and always restless ocean. You have a sail and a tiller. You may or may not have navigation equipment. Of course, if you are informed about it... you have The Stars.

It is right around here... in this area of our conversation... where it is a very good idea to recognize that there is, ONLY... ONE... MIND. Let me say that there is a mind behind the personal mind you employ... to get from here to there, and... to do this and that. Most people are unaware of... or indifferent to... the concept of One Mind BECAUSE... most people have their own agenda, and... it is a compelling agenda. It is compelling enough to make you avoid... at all costs... the idea of The One Mind. There is a war going on in your head.

Unless your seemingly separate mind comes into accord with The One Mind... you will remain in a state of conflict with yourself because... the war you are engaged in is with yourself.

Think of it as something like a game. Your best interests are on one side of the board and your senses... your appetites... your ambitions, and... quite a number of other combatants are on other sides of the board. Sometimes... certain factions will gang up on you and conspire against you. It goes on and on. From life to life it continues... as you try to gain a stable purchase... in a world of temporary things. You see that this is impossible, yes? Don't worry, you will soon be convinced otherwise again. That is what ALWAYS happens. The Dream Force is very powerful.

You are like a sleepwalker moving through imaginary spaces in your mind. You need to wake up because there is a real world and it is not the one you are presently transiting. Most people are not trying to wake up. Most people think this dream world is the real world. It is not. This dream world is The World of Mortality. Everything lives and dies there... over... and over... and over again.

You are shadow-boxing with the images on The Walls of Plato's Cave. There is nothing anyone can tell you that will change your mind about what you think you are seeing and that is why The Magicians are having their way with you; getting you to work on their treadmills and fight in their wars, getting you to play Fetch, getting you to do simple tricks. This entertains them because they are sociopaths. However... as long as you live in their world... which is actually in your mind... you are subject to their antics. So it goes until you wake up. Then... then... your tormentors work for you.

We have explained this from so many different angles... over and over again, and we will continue to do so until we are told to move on the something else. Sometimes what we have to say involves only a handful of readers. Not every post is for everyone. This one is.

You can go from being a galley slave to the master of the ship in the wink of an eye. I am not lying about this. Many people have proven it out. They are a small number by comparison with everyone else, but the numbers are significant enough to verify the action.

I wish you a remarkable new year! This is going to be quite a year. I won't even begin to itemize some of the things I have been told are coming up. I lack sufficient details in any case. I'd be speculating and I don't like to speculate, AND... as scripture has mentioned; “Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left.” So not everything applies to everyone at the same time, and sometimes not at all.

Surprising things can happen here. Many extremely surprising events of the past have been omitted from the public record. Many surprising events have taken place where there was no one to record them; no one human anyway. However... while we are busy skirmishing with ourselves, and looking for others to join in, we might well miss something of true importance that is happening off to the side, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Song is;

(I will find you when you find me)

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We've been on X for a bit now too.

(this makes it less possible to get shut down)=

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Missing Munichh said...

Happy New Year all around!!!

M - said...

In Ecuador, it is tradition to burn the effigies of famous people to destroy bad “juju” from the past year and start fresh. Additionally, January 1st is World Day of Peace.

So I plan on burning effigies of Satanyahu, Gates, ad nauseam while imagining World Peace.

Upon waking this morning I asked Ramses, "Are you ready for another year filled with Wonder and Adventures?" Of course, he is ALWAYS ready. LOL. We should be, as well.

Happy New Year to you and all your Readers.

AL said...

May it be a happy new year for all! I'm hoping plan A get's rolled out because you know what they say about plan B?
I'm glad the Divine is in charge because this is quite the complicated mess we have here. More meditation and more prayer should be the cure for what ails anyone. It's like the festering puss coming our of a badly infected wound and nothing moves forward until all the puss runs out.

Here's hoping for a speedy detox for the world and much love to all!

Duntoirab said...

The dog video is a hoot!

Visible said...

And oh! How true to life it is too.

Letgoist said...

Thank you Vis for your posts throughout the year. You have begun 25 with one of your finest I have read. All the best for the year ahead.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Nostrils to the sky!

Anonymous said...

Truth is the blessing of the times.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"Trends and Patterns are Coiling Like Iridescent Snakes in a Bucket cause Someone Broke... The... Kaleidoscope."

Andy said...

"You can go from being a galley slave to the master of the ship in the wink of an eye." I heard this in my mind yesterday while I was working out at the gym.

huh.... Ok, cool, thanks!

Last night, I was watching Tv and I remember what very old and wise Hopi Elder, (over a 100 years old) said to me a while back, "If you don't like this movie Andy? just click the button and change the channel. It is really as simple as that. Perhaps you would prefer a Romantic Comedy or an Adventure Movie, or one of them feel good wholesome lifetime family movies. You have the power to change the movie.

So, I changed the channel and watched a romantic comedy adventure movie.
It was really good. I liked it so very much.

After the movie, I realized, the Movie I selected, did not have a single person found on Epstines flight list nor Diddys party lists. All the Epstein Clients and Diddy clients were nowhere to be found, in the movie I selected.

They didn't make the cut so to speak, they were written out of the script. They didn't exist anymore.

Sometimes the best answers come from looking at a blank sheet of paper,
After all, Today is page 2 of a 365-page story.



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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