God Poet Transmitting.......
I was standing in the kitchen earlier and the ineffable came to me. He began to tell me that phenomenal events were coming and that present changes on the manifest plane were only small indications of what is on the wing. He said that many of them were to be immensely positive, BUT there were also going to be horrific events, such as are always occurring at the turning of an age.
He told me that, yes, it is a new age coming, but that I should forget about that part of it because what was coming, primarily, was a great shift in consciousness; a shift in awareness... that was going to reveal a commonality in human consciousness... that would transcend religious differences... language barriers, and other separations of culture and color. It is all going to happen in the spirit of Brotherhood and common unity of mind and purpose.
It is going to link minds around the world in a united state, and... there will be large numbers of people... suddenly in the same mindset... joined together in a commonality... that is going to radically change existence as we formerly knew it. It would make all... who were so inclined... into kindred souls. It will automatically dissolve borders and old conflicts will be put aside. New technologies are going to make hunger and homelessness a thing of the past, and the predators that have fed upon the rest of us will become outcasts... bearing the mark of their offenses against the rest of us.
I was told that forgiveness would be at hand in every case where redemption was sought through a changing of the heart, but that there would be some who would sneer at such offerings from on high. However, their power to offend and deceive would be at an end for a time and they would... of their own accord... retreat to the shadows until it was time for the shadow to rise again. Unfortunately, this is a part of the human condition... in a world of seeming opposites, but the good news was that all who made themselves able to leave the attractions of this plane behind... would be warmly welcomed in brighter... lighter spheres of being. No one has to remain here who does not choose to do so.
I was told there were worlds beyond imaging past the closed confines of this plane, and... in time... each of us would find our kind in a long-forgotten but familiar landscape, and that some of us would find a harmony with all living things through a transformation of perspective, and... in a new awareness of the measureless ocean of impersonal love... that lies in residence within the undiscovered regions of the heart.
It was a lot to take in... in a short space of presentation... because some of it was in images that adhered to that old adage of a picture being worth a thousand words, and possibly... a great deal more than that. The force of it hit me with an authenticity I am powerless to convey. It... literally... lifted me up for a moment, and I realized that I had been expecting the coming changes to occur in a predictable fashion, but it wasn't going to be like that at all. I was made to understand that the significant factor was... consciousness... and that Trump and all the other world players were only peripheral to the outcome. I saw that the good and the evil among us were both small change by comparison with the incoming spiritual force.
Meanwhile, those LA fires are burning up all kinds of evidence, but... I am quite sure they are too late, AND none of them ever count on God witnessing everything and then arranging the relentless exposures and denouement to follow. I might add that so many who wished The Palestinians all the harm they have been getting are now... themselves... homeless. There are boatloads of irony in this whole event, but... I expect you will see your share of it as you go, dear reader.
Mr Apocalypse is everywhere! It turns out that Bass... the mayor of Los Angeles is a full-blown Marxist. Check this out!!!
This is who the REAL Karen Bass is, are we actually surprised? No wonder she didn’t bother to offer an empathetic response to her constituents. She needs to be fully investigated!! pic.twitter.com/Ym13f1fRku
— Michelle Maxwell (@MichelleMaxwell) January 9, 2025
The Details are amazing. Soon enough we are going to have so much truth being exposed, that one is going to have to book extra time to catch up with it. Some of us will find ourselves working on weekends and at night, and... some of us already do. Have you seen The Truth? Oh! She went up thataway early yesterday, and boy! She was really moving! If you ask me (not that anyone has) the best way to stay level with The Truth is to reside in it in the first place. That way you are already there... never have to go anywhere.... and never have to catch up to anything. Everything has to catch up to you.
This is one of the most riveting interviews you will ever see.
George Soros collaborated with the Nazis as a teenager.
— Naomi Seibt (@SeibtNaomi) January 8, 2025
He knew exactly what he was doing and he shows no remorse today.
This psychopath is destroying the West.
Not Elon Musk.
They tried to ban this interview everywhere.
Here you can see the truth for yourself on 𝕏. pic.twitter.com/vcZvvUxjQW
Then... when you factor in his son and heir marrying Huma Abedin; she is the former wife of the man who owned The Weiner Laptop, and also Hillary Clinton's demonically enhanced bosom-buddy... who shared with her the flayed child face mask... you can start to realize what kind of people hang out with what kind of people and how what they do... may eventually... trickle down to you.
They called the Hillary snuff video with the child's skin mask, Frazzled.rip, and lots of celebrities were wearing the Frazzled.rip T-shirt; Tom Hanks, Ellen Degenerate, Jay-Z. Why would anyone wear a T-shirt like that? I'm not going down the rabbit hole on this. If you go to a real search engine, like Yandex, you can be reading for days on the matter. It's too grotesque for me and I lack the necessary hard proof. The fact is... these elites like to create false trails to cover the real trails and people go running off into the Forest of Manufactured Reality to find a bunch of false constructs. I'm not the kind of bloodhound that winds up chasing his own tail. I already know what these people are capable of.
Why did I bring it up? Well, all those tunnels that run from The Playboy Mansion and The Getty Museum are gone up in smoke now. I just wonder about things happening at specific times, like just before the cleaning crews come in with the new administration that has sworn to expose all of these things. Surely you know the LA fire is not an accident. There are no accidents. What Trump knows and is going to act on has a lot of people running for cover.
Here I would like to point out how it is that no one EVER gets away with anything, even when they seem to. I should add also that in times of apocalypse the circumstances of truth being exposed, and justice meted out... are different than other times.
If you take a legitimate tarot deck, like the Rider-Waite Deck or... The Case Deck, and lay them out in a tableau of 7 cards in three rows, leaving out The Fool card which is a force unto itself, you will see that the middle card... of all the 21 cards... in the second row is The Justice card.

This is also the balance card, representing the scales of Libra.

It is a visible expression of the arcane maxim; Equilibrium is the basis of The Great Work. Everything is about balance, and existence is always in a state of action... bringing it all back into balance.
I could take you on a travelogue to ancient Egypt and the feather on the scales... onward through Greece to Rome and further on, or... we could go back the other way to Chaldea and thence to Mother India and... The Rishis and The Brotherhood of The Himalayas. The Material World and those who manage and manipulate it have little interest in this sort of thing because they have their own systems by which the masses are deluded and controlled. However... as an individual, if you really want to find The Shining Light Behind The Veil, you certainly can. I did... without the help of any institutions... to my satisfaction, and this is no indication that my journey is at an end whatsoever. I am... simply enough... in the right company to ensure my ongoing success in the matter.
Forget about all the changes in The World that are coming. That is not where your salvation is to be found. It will be a better world... nonetheless, but... it's just appearances changing from one thing to the other, and... never being more than appearances. Soon this will all be as forgotten as the countless civilizations and cultures that preceded Atlantis and we know little of Atlantis either. No. It is the shift in consciousness that is the real deal and the big deal, and that is the wave you should be seeking to catch. The World will only disappoint you in the end. It is... after all... The World.
When you come into balance with yourself, you are automatically in a position to catch that wave. In the meantime... in this time of apocalypse... everything is being brought back into balance, and an automatic part of that is Justice. Justice is about to go exponential in all those places so desperately in need of it for such a long time. The set-up has been taking longer than any of us might have wanted, BUT... it's a big deal... it is a sweeping... world-circling... precise and comprehensive thing, and... such things take time.
God's laws are absolute and reach to the furthest extreme without and to the smallest concentration within. They can be avoided by no one. Make the slightest gesture and it leaves a mark and a trail. Get ready to have your mind blown, and...
... one last thing.
We are nothing without God. pic.twitter.com/qViU4u1mLp
— Talk Church (@churchtalkative) January 7, 2025
I realize I really whipped through this and left many things unanswered, but they will clarify themselves with a little contemplation.
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
Our latest tête - à – tête with James Jancik
on Feet to The Fire is located here.
(at one point there is an interruption and you have to just fast forward a tad. Inexplicably we were being messed with again and it ended the same way)
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
A new Visible Origami is up now=
— Les Visible (@visible_les) January 9, 2025
"Forgiveness Will Be at Hand... in Every Case... Where Redemption is Sought... through a Changing of The Heart." https://t.co/lrzNdWiLY8 pic.twitter.com/S0IEsfiCZd
Substack is here=
Even my boyfriend, who tends to roll his eyes at me and is skeptical of things I say, came to me yesterday and said "Why are there fires in Southern California? It's not fire season." I just said it's fire season anywhere and anytime they're started because of human dealings.
Yeah, he's putting two and two together...
"Trump and all the other world players were only peripheral to the outcome. I saw that the good and the evil among us were both small change by comparison with the incoming spiritual force."
I figured as much since it seems none of them could ever be trusted to do the good work whilst only concerned with maintaining their billionaire lifestyle. It's going to be an inside job en masse and I personally lived this myself. People have no idea the forces that can take ahold of us both negative and positive at any moment and suddenly you're being schooled and there is no escape.
The "system's" we're currently living under are not conducive to the life ahead and could never work, they're age old control systems and cannot be "fixed" by anyone for the new age. It's why I always felt Trump was not the savior but more so the wrecking ball finale. He pitches polishing the turd system when that can never work in a world that works for everyone. Control is control no matter how many way's it's doled out. We saw many Biden followers waking up and now we shall see many Trump followers doing the same. The Divine will now show all they need to look to God for all their needs, not some celebrity, government nor religion.
Good post Vis!
There is one plus side to the LA fires. After the smoke clears, no more smog. (Gotta post that so maybe I can be promoted to Arsehole to the 34th Degree.)
Wonderful post. Nostrils to the edge of the Nose-iverse post, in fact. Wonder how long this will all take. Hopefully no more than a couple of years.
I personally seen their narrative burn to ash and dust in the bon fire.
and now you are seeing it too. Everyone is.
put another log on the fire.
As it is in Heaven,
The city of Angels has entered the baptism of the refiner's fire. The refiner's fire burns out all impurities.
So it is on Earth.
"It is a visible expression of the arcane maxim; Equilibrium is the basis of The Great Work."
sound words for a noble cause. All them tarot are expressions of energy in my magnifying mind. The Lovers Card speaks to me. I am pausing before I proceed. I was praying this morning and last night, The Lord spoke to me and said, Speak and Let me do The Work. It is The Father that doeth the work.
For me, Personally, everything is in a glowing new light, I feel like a Million dollars. I am exponentially getting physically stronger and stronger. Feel 20 years younger. Nothing aches at all. I have never felt better in my life, Truly remarkable. May it be the same for you.
Dear Visible, I know you don't care to be called one, nor claim to be one, but I'll
post this just in case someone might be looking for one:
Disciple: Once I remember John Lennon asked you, "How will I know who is the genuine guru?" And you answered, "Just find out the one who is most addicted to Krsna (God). He is genuine."
Srila Prabhupada: Yes. The genuine guru is God's representative, and he speaks about God and nothing else. The genuine guru is he who has no interest in materialistic life. He is after God, and God only. That is one of the tests of a genuine guru: brahma-nistham. He is absorbed in the Absolute Truth.
The real guru is God's representative. He represents the Supreme Lord, just as a viceroy represents a king. The real guru will not manufacture anything. Everything he says is in accordance with the scriptures and the previous acaryas. He will not give you a mantra and tell you that you will become God in six months. This is not a guru's business. A guru's business is to canvass everyone to become a devotee of God. That is the sum and substance of a real guru's business. Indeed, he has no other business. He tells whomever he sees, "Please become God conscious." If he canvasses somehow or other on behalf of God and tries to get everyone to become a devotee of God, he is a genuine guru.
Dream on...
Vis, Elijah challenge to the prophets of Baal springs to the mind. Afterwards Elijah commands the people to put the prophets of Baal to death. This time however, the whole world can witness the spectacle in live stream, Ultra 4K with Dolby surround sound.
Well that is plenty enough for me for a while. I am heading to the gym. What a glorious, beautiful day it is here in The One Kingdom. Good chatting with ya. Enjoy the show. :)
The whole yuga cycle and the changes being asserted as inbound lend credence to the idea that its the underlying space that acts as the medium for consciousness that is becoming more Dense as we start to move from the outter most place the solar system reaches back inwards towards the center of the galaxy. The more dense the specific gravity is of the underlying nothing, the more interconnected all things founded on it become.
It will be interesting to see where it goes.
It seems like the cuntrollers still want to keep the USA as their top tier "cuntry" and have labeled the earths continents similarly to the fema10 regions within the USA itself.
Fire in LA. Inches of Snow in Dallas.
Guess we'll see what shakes out here next.
I know your readers are intelligent enough to know this, after talking with God for a while, someone has to say it. God told me to say it, So, I am going to say it.
3 more days after this fire business, which is the easy part of the refiner's fire, The fires are just the start.
in 3 more days it will become absolute chaos. Every man and woman for themselves. There will be hording of resources, rape, pillage and plunder, looting and crime beyond anything seen in a very long time... make the Rodney king riots look like a trip McDonalds playland by comparison. and nobody will be able to stop it.
Phaze 2 of the refiners fire is when people have no water to drink, no food to eat.. for a week, no fuel to buy because they aren't trucking in fuel and food, and the water service is going to be rerouted to put out the fires.... no electricity, no cell service, no emergency services, the cops aint answering the phone.
Listen, There is over 800,000 Illegal Immigrants in Los Angelous County. There is over 200,000 Active Gange members in Los Angelous County alone. That is over 1 million people who don't give a flying f about the law. On top of that there is over 100,000 homeless US citizens who have been waiting for this day.
What are they going to do when 800,000 Illegal Immigrants have gone with out water and food for week. All those homeless people who had been spit on by the people who had nice houses going to do?. Wonder what are all those active gang members planning to do? When there is no water, no emergency services, no electricity, no food, no phone services? Nothing being brough in... and no emergency services?
Governor Newsome just activated 5400 National Guard to aid in the fires. That is alot like throwing a tictac at 60 mph freight train to stop it.
Phaze three will be the disease..... it always works like that.
Welcome to refiner's fire. At some point, We are all having that Come to Jesus talk out at the woodshed.
Note: Those of us who do business with THE LORD, Dwell within HIS economy. We aren't so worried about it.
Somebody had to say it. God said why not you? So, I said it.
I will return to my sight...
That was really well put, Andy!
And thats just LA huh. Fulfords claims for Japan:
"Japanese military intelligence sent me some very alarming information last week. They say that since the spring of 2024, the Chinese have infiltrated 800,000 People’s Liberation Army soldiers armed with automatic rifles into
Japan. The operatives landed in about 40 to 60 locations. They have selected a total of 135 targets including the Prime Minister’s Office, the National Diet, nuclear power plants, and oil refineries.
The sources add they were contacted recently by a man who says “A container sent to my company was so heavy that I opened it and found it to be a 10-ton truckload containing 3,000 automatic rifles. When I told my boss, he didn’t tell the police but called the Chinese consulate. The Chinese consulate came right away and took all the automatic rifles and machine guns. He told me to keep quiet.”
If this is true, the Chinese army secretly stationed outnumbers the 247,000 Japanese self-defense forces and 53,000 US troops almost three to one.
To make things worse, the Chinese have sent thousands of beautiful women to seduce and marry members of the Japanese military. The sources say 10,000 regular troops, 6000 Coast Guard troops and 600 officers now have Chinese wives. They are all sleeper agents and spies."
Gonna be like Whack a Mole. Be sure to sort what shows up on ones doorstep aptly!
Fulford is nothing is not outrageously over the top. What? No more multi-colored ninjas? I have not seen him be right about anything yet.
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=
"Always Be Mindful that When Sneaking Up on Anything, that Someone or Something is Also Sneaking Up on You."
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