God Poet Transmitting.......
Well... the rising wave of Hallelujah(!!!) and Amen(!!!)... must... perforce... at some point recede, and what remains; the picture of what needs getting done... will present itself. The cocky bastards at The Department of Haywire Weather Engineering are a stolid bunch and they haven't given up yet.
I'm not the sort of person who thinks everything that needs getting done... is magically getting done... by the person who said they were going to get it done. I don't know how the players sort out yet. I know that The Satanic Cabal of Daddy Warbucks Billionaires are meeting in The Back Room about it all right... this... minute, and... for all I know... it's still a matter of touch-and-go because who... Who let the fruitcake saleslady deliver the sermon to President Trump this weekend?
In all the out-of-breath excitement of the moment, was someone just not paying attention? This is what Fruitcake Lady does when she marches with The Cuckoo Patrol in The Wayback Machine. Whose fault was this?
When you are carrying The Next Golden Age in a steamer trunk in the back of a Chevy Suburban, and... you have to drive clear across the country to deliver the blueprints, you need to know that the highway is likely mined at points, and you also need to know that there are bands of desperate outlaws looking to claim the bounties being offered by The Satanic Cabal of Daddy Warbucks Billionaires.
Then it's a lot like the telephone switching room at The Continental Hotel... where John Wick likes to stay... until he gets excommunicated, and the big board at The Life and Death Betting Room... gets all lit up... with the LED ticker tape readout and... The Odds, Baby! The Odds tell you what people think is going to happen, BUT... if what people thought was going to happen... or wished would happen... or what someone told them was going to happen... turned out to be true... then there wouldn't be all those hi-rise casinos in the desert, and wherever else they are because it is a world-wide malady that people have... that involves wishing and hoping... and betting on the come... till they go home broke; if there is still a home to go home to.
I'm not trying to rain on the parade here... if it really is rain. I'm saying; pay attention... be watchful... don't get excited about anything... because as soon as you get excited about something you... don't... already... have... it gets much harder to put your hands on it. The Laws of Attraction and Repulsion are a bit more complex than most people imagine them to be. That's why there's an angel with a flaming sword outside The Gates of Paradise. People have their own ideas about what Paradise is, and... usually... that... ain't Paradise.
The hand is ALWAYS going to be quicker than the eye when you are not paying attention, and as soon as you are invested in the outcome... the outcome becomes less certain by inverse proportion... as the imbalance of power switches from one to the other... according to what you want and what you don't want. This is the sort of math I work with and I suspect everyone is not familiar with it, BUT... I hope it is... at least... somewhat understandable because it is a VERY important point... or equation... or whatever it is, and if you don't get it... you don't get IT; if you ever figure out what IT is.
This is why suspending all wanting OR... putting all wanting on one specific thing or intention... is the most certain avenue for success... period. On the one hand... you already have it; if you know what IT is. On the other hand, it is coming at you with speed and certainty. Let me ask you a question; do you have to know how something works in order to work it? Often enough... you do not. Of course, if it breaks... you usually won't be able to fix it. There is that.
So... Donald Trump is not the answer to your problems and if you think he is, you are going to have problems. Many conditions will be better now that he is president, but some things will not even be addressed. God moves everything toward a state of equilibrium. It is what he does. Some people are on one side. Some people are on the other, and some are trying to straddle the fence, but! The point is not to be on one side or the other. The point is to be detached from being invested in any particular outcome. Only then can you see clearly in any case.
Here is something I saw today that exemplifies the intelligence that The Divine awakens in humanity when the need is on us. I do not know what shape the effort to liberate and enslave humanity will take. I do know that one will always be at the inspiration of The Light and the other will always be about spreading Darkness. Darkness is a state in which you cannot see and cannot distinguish items from one another, whether they be things... feelings, or thoughts. In The Light, there is clarity and a sense of contrast. One can even see the degrees of incline on The Slippery Slope.
When I look at President Trump, I see a showman. He's putting on a performance and that is what he likes to do. He also likes to get results, BUT... one of his biggest problems... in efficacy... is that he doesn't pay attention to detail a lot of the time. He seems to prefer sweeping gestures. Those are fine if you are a magus, but... he is not a magus. So... he is going to have problems.
On the matter of Israel... because of his sweeping declarations of support, they are now cleansing The West Bank. These personalities... due to the culture they are raised in... degenerate into monsters. So... in the long run... they destroy themselves and you can look for that to happen because that is how The Divine Ineffable effects change. He works WITHIN us to accomplish external transformations. If you are moving to the bestial end of things... he will direct you there. If you are on the upward way... he will direct you there. Everyone is headed where they are headed... according to their intentions, and...
… they learn as they go or it gets harder and harder until they turn to stone. When I see people like Larry Ellison putting on the feedbag, I know no good can come of it, and all of these scheming Satanists are looking to get fat in the next available way. They don't care about country... honor... community... right and wrong... or ANYTHING but Money and The Power it brings. So... I expect changes for the common good and I also expect suckups and fuckups.
Too many decent people are running around now with a bad sugar high. That's why the casinos and the betting parlors make so much money because people get pixie dust in their eyes. Maybe they will sneeze at the opportune moment and the bad spirit will be expelled. Then again... maybe not and they will have to find out another way.
I do not look for President Trump to personally accomplish the best outcomes for The Greater Good. I do expect him to live up to his promises. There is a reason that The Usual Suspects get dispersed. Diasporas come about through divine fiat because every time they finagle or wheedle some form of an Israel... they turn into an international mafia organization, and Heaven has to send them in every direction again. It's just the way The Law works down here because... that is the way the law works up there. Up There... everyone behaves or they evict themselves. Down here... it depends on the time of The Yuga.
The Kabbalah is a very effective and efficient machine for organizing by reflection. It's not my system but I am pretty familiar with it, and I KNOW that when you reverse it, as modern-day practitioners are doing, it will bite you in the ass. It is the same as reversing the Kundalini, ONLY destruction awaits; what's this button here for?
I'd like to say... once and for all here, that this is not a Trump rah rah rah zone. This is also not an anti-Trump zone. This is a God-centric Zone that believes equilibrium is the finest objective anyone can have, and that comes about through the balancing of opposites and recognizing that; This goes here, and That goes there. The body parts of The World have their functions and so do yours; putting things in the wrong holes and trying to operate a vacuum cleaner as a leaf blower is possible, BUT is it desirable or efficient? Get the right tool for the right job and make sure you are doing the right job in the first place.
Conditions are going to sort themselves out, but you had better come to terms with it on your own and not rely on the government to arrange your life for you. The people in government... at the administrative level... operate by cutting deals, so even though this is going to make some people happy every time, it is also going to make other people unhappy every time. Align yourself with The True (internal) Government and The Temporal Realm will not trouble you. I think it has to do with rendering unto Caesar, and...
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
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Yeah, there's gonna be a split alright, but it will have nothing to do with that 3D-5D crap that makes no sense. It's more like do you have a brain and critical thinking skills, or are you a hive-mind sheep? Pardon, I'm insulting the sheep.
Nostrils to the sky. . .as I continue to wait.
Perhaps every generation thought they were living in special times and maybe they were. Everything leads to somewhere. I was not happy to see Mr Ellison yesterday however I am reaching the end of my time here so whatever he gets up to will probably not effect me and future generations will have to fight the good fight. Yes deals are made and compromises get written into the contract. If Trump accomplishes 30% of what he says he is going to it will be a good start. More depends on US and our individual spiritual growth than on what Trump can accomplish in whatever time he has left here. I feel good about him though I know he will do things I do not think are good or worthy and yet who am I. I don't know the why’s or wherefore’s . Time will tell and we shall see and in the meantime let us never factor out God. His hand is in all. You say this all the time every time and it is the Truth. Your words do not go unheeded . I especially enjoyed your last paragraph.
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