Monday, January 27, 2025

"The Fall of Lucifer... is a Relentless Allegory... Always in Operation... in The Lives of Many People at The Same Time."

God Poet Transmitting.......

So... let me re-clarify my clarifications from the last time I had to clarify my positions, which is a regular thing here now; but... this time it isn't because someone said something to me. It is because so much does not make sense. I'll get to that in a few minutes.

I have mentioned, several times already... that back in 2020... I had thought that both sides might have all been in on The Steal, and... that it was prearranged... so that all of the awful... treacherous, AND incompetent behavior of that sold-out husk (of what might never have been human in the first place); Smokey-Joe Biden... could provide a staging ground for Trump to return with a mandate for World Change.

It all seemed so orchestrated to me. I do not doubt... that at this stage of progressed and advanced materialism... there exists the power and know-how to do all kinds of things under the guise of something else. Yet... every time the thought of such a wheels-within-wheels strategy comes into my mind, it is immediately followed by the certainty that The Divine is in absolute control of everything, AND... it might be only this that I am seeing confirmation of, and not the fruits of the efforts of some shadowy cabal.

Here is some of what I find concerning; Trump has arranged for 1,800 TWO THOUSAND POUND... bunker buster bombs... to be sent to Israel. Of what possible use could these explosives be? Although an alleged peace has been arranged between Israel and Hamas, Israel is now bulldozing The West Bank and attacking areas of Syria and Lebanon... in their relentless quest for Ersatz Israel. They won't be dropping those bombs on Iran. They would never get anywhere near Iran, Russia, or any other major power, and they generally operate with false flags... when they are doing this sort of thing... because the intent is... usually... to set superpowers at each other's throats so that they can finance the conflict for material gain.

Do they intend to drop these bombs on Syria... Lebanon... or, God forbid The Poor Palestinians? I don't get the point. Now Trump is saying that the reason other countries have these hypersonic missiles is due to their having stolen the blueprints from America. Doesn't simple logic beg the question; why do we then not have hypersonic missiles if we had the idea in the first place? That seems like ridiculous bullshit to me.

Now neo-con butt-boy, Marco Rubio is saying that The Taliban has American prisoners. You know what that suggests, right? The neo-cons are the representatives of fascist Israel, as opposed to Communist Israel; they are the two prongs of a controlled opposition dance.

Meanwhile, Trump is doing The Hokey Pokey with Satanic megalomaniac, Larry Ellison.

How bad is Ellison? Go to any search engine and ask; why is Larry Ellison such a jerk... such an asshole... such a creep? You will get pages and pages. There is even a book written about his remarkable style.

Also meanwhile, Trump is negotiating with various countries in The Middle East to take in The Palestinian People because... Israel wants that land to be 100% stolen, and he is helping them do it. The endless warfare of The Middle East has... since the creation of false Israel... been because of and due to Israel.

Here is what I think is going on and Trump is only a pawn in the action. That force, which is often called The Devil, but which is really just The Lower Mind triumphing over The Higher Mind... due to the advance of Materialism... has reached such a stage of preeminence... worldwide... that it has not only corrupted human sexuality... to the extent that one can literally see Babylon Rising, but it has also corrupted all of the religions and temporal governments of The World. This corruption is visibly present at every level of human engagement.

Because world culture has come to such a pass, Divine Intervention is required, and much of The World... as we think we know it... needs to be torn to the ground and rebuilt. We are looking at the virtual reproduction of The Tower of Babel, and we are also looking directly at the inescapable result of its erection... which is... The Lightning-Struck Tower.

All of the worlds that are coming and have gone... operate according to allegories of creation... maintenance and... transition. There are ageless tales that reproduce over... and over... and over again, and it is the same story... each time, but told differently. Many grains of sand on the beaches of The World... were once a part of buildings from cultures... whose history has completely vanished from human memory. Every desert was once a seabed. Every mountain will... over a great stretch of time... in a blink of God's eye... disappear.

I keep... at least... a peripheral eye on all the players of the moment... who are engaged in being on the top rung of The Same Old Same Old. These players can seem enormously powerful for short periods of time, while whatever version of The Fall of Cardinal Wolsey plays out for The Purpose of Demonstration, and... then... they... are... gone. The fall of Lucifer... is a relentless allegory... always in operation... in the lives of various people at the same time.

God is FAR... FAR... FAR more powerful than you think he is, and he lives... vicariously... in all of these people. He samples and tastes the victories and defeats of life and then moves on to something else. He is engaged in everything because he is exploring himself in everything else... because everything is composed from God's own body... for God's entertainment, and there is no more than that to the whole of the phenomenal world. Don't kid yourself. You may think you are a thing apart, BUT... no one is. That is just a brief mental disconnect from the inescapable destiny of UNITY that plays out in all forms of existence.

If you have the wisdom to aspire to unity with The Divine, you will travel from one state of harmony refining into a finer state of harmony; each more rarefied than the one before. You will go forward into ever clearer and more profound densities of light. Wonder upon wonder will open before you. Splendor and Glory will be your constant companions for just... so... long... as... you... are mindful of whose splendor and glory you are celebrating and enjoying.

If you chose to set yourself against The Divine... as so many do... you may experience all manner of material good fortune as you are being set up for whatever purpose of demonstration applies to your particular expression of resistance. In times of The Ascendance of Materialism, there are going to be a lot more people in a state of resistance. I should also point out that the quality of the character of those individuals... who gain large amounts of money and power... is much more likely to trend toward despicable and unpleasant than toward generous and welcoming.

I am not here to dump on Ellison. He is doing a fine job of that himself. I am also not here to dump on any of his demonically possessed kindred. I feel deeply sorry for them because I understand the degree of suffering that attends such a course, AND... there... is... no... escaping... it. I am just wondering how Trump plans on negotiating his way through this wilderness of true depravity. He is... as has been amply demonstrated by now... a man of destiny, and many destinies are tied to him. Hopefully, he is deeply aware of this.

I see events and conditions I wish I were not seeing. I am also aware of the glaring and indefensible weaknesses of an excess of ego and bombast. Too many self-congratulatory antics can only lead to misfortune. It can be worrisome, but... it is not my problem. I hope for the best, and no matter what game President Trump thinks he is playing, he is only a pawn in God's Greater Game. If he knows this... then all will be well.

A time is going to come when every mask will come off and we will be clearly revealed to The World and... to ourselves. Amazing events are going to take place... having to do with ascensions in consciousness. Everything is consciousness anyway because everything is MIND. As I have said many times, all these billions of souls are not here by accident, and... a significant portion of them may not be here much longer. Of course, in a hundred years, just about everyone who is here now, will be somewhere else regardless of any major events in between.

I chose to see all of us as various pieces on a gameboard. Some are playing for The Home Team and some are playing for themselves. The odds ALWAYS favor The House... otherwise, The House would not be in business. I expect some degree of sanity to return. I also expect those displaced by the vagaries of Fortune to behave badly at the soonest possible opportunities, once they feel they have waited long enough. Those who have been in power, seldom lose their taste for power unless Epiphany has been kind to them, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

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Tom said...

True evil owns both sides of the aisle. Israel will get their 3rd. Rockefeller/Rothschild war. Many Americans will die as usual. Just another war to defend democracy!!!!! Just like the Ukraine, the Jews will not send their children.

AL said...

What has to take place, for those predisposed to do so, to move toward God and leave behind the worship of technocracy. What forces can pull people away from worshipping social media and the material realm and turn within. Historically it has always been destruction of the status quo. That's what is coming in various ways of which I have no idea the itinerary of.

Much Love my friend.

Visible said...

I hear you both. I do think this time, because it has been an emerging trend of late... that the schemes of the too clever by half... are going to turn upon them in unexpected ways. This has been happening at every level lately, but those who are too full of their own wickedness... fail to see that the tides have turned. They could step back... even now... but they won't. They have always been able to squeak or sneak thru before. I assure you... not anymore.

Anonymous said...

Visible when you say “I assure..not anymore” it gives me some kind of hope for the future . A future I will probably not be here for , however knowing these demons responsible for so much death, horror and destruction have met up with their Karma , gives me a sense of Peace.

Visible said...

Jesse; I can tell you with absolute certitude and conviction that this is so, and the preliminary stages of those most concerning to you are already in action. Things are not what they appear to be... OFTEN... so it can take a few stages of change before it becomes obvious.

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

From what I read in the alternative news, some degree of sanity is already in progress, and me thinks it's gonna be on steroids shortly. Overdrive, even.

Lucifer. Light bringer. Morning Star. Another name hijacked by the church that as far as I know from my research was never meant to be a name for 'the adversary'? Well, what ever. I am finally going to get a black T-shirt with the silver Enki/Lucifer sigil made as soon as half of my favourite artistic team recovers from an injury and perhaps the chaos of a rather recent move from Scandinavia.

Cool sigil, though corrupted. Heh-heh-heh. I'm also gonna get a revenge T-shirt made. CHRISTL (I can't believe the given name of that psycho quim. Christ with an 'L' at the end?) K- - - - - -'S TWAT SNOT, and I'm gonna wear it as much as I can, since I want to add 'twat snot' to the common u.s. lexicon. I think it's a hilarious description.

I see this year as the start of a real topsy-turvy existence. If the trumpster does anything, I really hope he does get rid of the federal reserve. (And whilst he's at it, get rid of civil asset forfeiture, chemtrailing, weather modification, and the thousands of laws that only exist for the sake of extorting the public.) That should put a bit of a damper on the a few Khazarian Mafia families. A lot of what I'm seeing predicts one awesome future for those of the right mindset.


0 said...

You heard of the Millenium Challenge Corporation? run by the fed gov and evidently sending hundreds of millions to billions to every other nation on the planet?

Check it out, just ran into them today.


Visible said...


So, I'm asssuming that any financial problems you were ever going to have are now gone before they get here. Eh? heh heh...

Anonymous said...

Those were the exact things that shouted out to me about what Trump is allowing, 2000lb bombs and clearing gaza, also that Stargate nonsense. My heart keeps pulling me back with “no, let’s just wait and see, don’t be hasty”. I still feel like something really good is coming along with the chaos, and the message to me has not changed about my well-being through this so.. eating a lot of popcorn lately tho!! -Dan

0 said...

Ha. as if huh.

Nah, all this MCC thing shows is that the FED GOV already sends places like Colombia 400 million USD annually, so making them pay a Tariff of say 100 million would just be the fed gov money laundering tax payer funds thru the tariff scheme. Nevermind thats 400 million good reasons for colombia to bend over and take the trump huh.

Fairs fair.

Me personally, I'm still working thru separating what I earn from what the now ex-wife earns since we had still been sharing an account till this week. Now we'll work thru having to discuss the bills or I'll short sell the house and she'll give up about 65k in funds she would have got if she helped clean her part of the house to sell it at market prices. I'll have to see how that shakes out. The only potential good news is we're financially separated regarding debts taken on, so if XRP doesn't hit, then that gambled sum is my debt to carry.

I can say that when I've gotten into a pinch I've always had the all sort me out in short order so maybe I'll get a leg up, but if not, then I will just keep on keeping on as I have. I don't change my behavior due to having funds or not having funds, talking to friend or assholes, dealing with seeming authorities or nobodies. No point in generating facets of self for such, it just deludes the self and makes one incoherent, if not incongruent.

The all looks out for its own and its own look out for the All.

Take care Viz!

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"It is a Truth of Metaphysics that Whatever Flashes into Being in The Mind of God then Precipitates into Reality."

Visible said...


I am much more elated by your loss of that heavy weight on the back of your neck that was her presence in your life. That's going to ring clear and true for you shortly. Fuck the money! The loss of other things far more precious are the real concern. Anyway... your karma with The World's currency is such that you will be fine at all times in that regard, and it's going to improve in noticeable fashion, now that the albatross anchor is no longer there to weigh you down.



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