God Poet Transmitting.......
The World is a complex thing. Anyone looking to manage it... is going to wind up being enslaved by it; one way or another, sooner or later. A lot of bronc-busters and skilled wranglers have come down The Pike over the centuries. They... mostly... all got thrown... and a good many of them wound up under the hooves because... The World is a rampaging beast on occasion and you never know what might set it off.
Sometimes, The World is docile for a while, but... it gets hungry and horny at regular intervals, so... as long as you are of a mind to stay on a schedule, and cooperate, The World won't start kicking the stalls or... getting too frisky when you want to take it for a ride, and... yeah... let's look at The World as a wild horse or a bull in the pasture (or the wild). It's something big that can also get ornery if you irritate it or... its needs aren't met.
This won't concern you... unless you are looking to tame that horse or bull or... you have to take care of it. If you know what you are doing, and especially if you are a horse or bull whisperer, you can get something... much larger and considerably more powerful than you... to do what you want it to (most of the time), BUT... it will ALWAYS be a trade-off of some sort. So... you are going to have to make deals or... enter into arrangements... that's just how it goes. It can get extraordinarily complex.
You are better off to leave The World alone. That can be hard in Times of Advanced Material Darkness. Negotiating The World... getting around The World... can take a lot of attention.
The Material World is a lot like the front porch of some big... falling-down... antebellum mansion... out in The Bayou of a summer evening. There are lights on and this porch is not screened. Depending on the time frame... there might also be a couple of bug-zappers in service with zzzt!... zzzt!... (crackle...crackle) zzzt!... going on all night, cause The Bayou (the material swamp) has got plenty of flying creatures that are mesmerized by The Lights on The Front Porch of the World.
Let's say that this front porch is also... a lot like a Mexican restaurant at fiesta time, so... there are all kinds of lights... of all kinds of colors... and different degrees of luminosity. For a bug, it would be a lot like Times Square on New Year's Eve. Let's say that the bugs are Humanity in The Wild when it is wild, and... like I said... The Front Porch/Mexican fiesta restaurant/Times Square is The World... as it presently represents itself, and The Lights and the bug-zappers are... The Attractions of The World.
Now... when you look at it as an objective observer... the whole sad, strange, and stupid-looking drama of bugs and lights may well appear as a kind of suicidal death dance, with a soundtrack of zzzt!... zzzt!... (crackle...crackle) zzzt!... going on, and it makes no sense.
The next morning you can see the carnage of fried bugs everywhere... after a night of irresistible attractions... have met up with crowds of people... in a fugue state of fatal attraction, and... that really is The World... doing business under the influence of The Moon or... even in broad daylight when you're singing... ♫ me, and my...shadow, strolling down the avenue ♫ and the shadow part of you is leading... BUT...
...Mr. Visible, what about the wild horses and bulls? Well... the horses and bulls have to do with the individual aspect of, me against the World, and the bugs are a group effort. In the cities of The World... where you can see people killing themselves in slow motion (most of the time), and... not be paying attention to it the rest of the time, because... when you are caught up in life... you can quickly lose your objective awareness... of what is going on around you... cause Mr. Subjective has taken over at the controls. Unfortunately... for whoever we are talking about, Mr. Subjective is NEVER in control. Something else is always in control of Mr. Subjective and Mr. Subjective is a real whiz at not paying attention.
Mr. Objective (or Ms... or Mrs...) is the one who pays attention. Unfortunately, for Mr. Objective, he can never just let go and get caught up in all the lights and zappers on The Front Porch. That may seem to be a loss for those looking to let it all hang out, BUT... it can get chopped off real quick... by the agents of distraction... who are always working the crowd... wherever there happens to be a crowd.
The World is a perpetual theater of mortality and loss. It is a school of hard knocks... a basic training area. The idea... in a cosmic sense... is to interact with The World and to learn... after a seriously protracted stretch of time... that it is best to just leave The World alone. Now... that might not make a great deal of sense, but... The World doesn't make any sense in the first place... unless you have reasons to be engaging it.
God... the primary originator or... whatever you want to call the ineffable inexplicable... created The World to experience it through his creations. The World exists to entertain... fascinate... and inform him; not to mention all those things I don't know about, and if you are willing to play along... you can become his friend and he will teach you... over another protracted stretch of time... to be like him, and then... once you understand how to operate the machinery... you can be his representative here. That is how I am given to understand it, though I am told there is more to it overall, still... that is the basic idea. Some get to create their own Heavens (like Amitabha and Jesus The Christ) and can invite others to come and reside with them.
This also applies to Hell as well. Satan has his regents and reps who control entire realms of being... where the suffering ones go... to expiate and learn the hard way. There are a lot of easy ways on The Dial of Existence that look hard at the beginning, and... a lot of hard ways on The Dial of Existence that look easy at the beginning. It is all upside down and backwards on the one side of The Veil of Appearances, and something entirely different on the other side of the noise and confusion of The World, which is... the central locus for appearances.
This is why Jacob Boehme said to walk in all ways contrary to The World. Now... it is true that God delights in showing people how to rope that steer and bust that bronc, and... that is a part of it, BUT... so is The Front Porch with all the lights and bugs. However... there are other options one can turn their attention to... if they were to be so motivated. I am one of those people. I'm not interested in bronc-busting or riding the bull; mechanical or otherwise. I'm also not a wuss in that regard because... on my course... I have to engage dragons and cosmic serpents... along with all manner of chimerical creatures. It's just a different strokes sort of a thing.
God has mentioned to me... numerous times... how much he appreciates having someone who recognizes that he is behind everything... AND... in the midst, and at the end of everything, AND... who is... ALSO... not looking through the bewildering lenses of religions and philosophical constructs, but... rather... interacting in a direct and personal way. Nothing, as I understand it... gives God so much joy and pleasure as to have someone to run around with and observe all the stages of bull-riding, bronc-busting, and bug-zapping that go on in The World without respite.
God loves to have someone to pal around with. People don't seem to get this... for some reason. They seem to prefer men dressed as drag-queens, waving censers, and doing strange dances around altars, dedicated to... someone. Or... engaging in mind-numbing rituals... as if God likes it when they do the same thing over and over, and their heart's not in it. Then they go to war with other people... of the same persuasion... because someone (or several someones) decided that certain chapters and verses should go thisaway instead of thataway.
They are always scheming for a better position... closer to the money and power... because... in the end... it is all about what they want and has very little to do with God. God tells me it is generally a fucked-up state of affairs and he's not fond of it, and yes... sometimes he uses those words. God is... in many ways... when he gets into the personal aspect... simply a regular guy, AND... he never tires of telling me that... he is me... in my higher dimension of being, and he is taking me there by stages.
I have been seeking God for a very long time and he has been watching me the whole time. Finally, he announced his presence, and... though it took some decades, now he is right here ALL THE TIME, and... he took his time... bringing me to this state... so that I could appreciate how REALLY valuable his presence is. I now... really... desire nothing more... than an increasing intensity of his presence because... everything he is... comes along with that, and that composes the totality of all I am interested in.
Now... I know this to be true. It has all been proven to me in an irrefutable manner... over and over again. It is practically branded on my being. It's as real as real can get; while I acknowledge it has not gotten all the way there yet; not hardly, BUT... I get good glimpses of what lies ahead, so... what can I say? I talk about it all the time because I can't imagine that everyone would not want to engage in that conversation, BUT... sadly... it appears not to be so. Still, my job is not to convince anyone of anything... or to concern myself with body counts and memberships... in organizations with secret handshakes and mystical signs.
My job is to just keep talking about it, cause... even though... in Times of Material Darkness the interest level is low, there are some people who also like to talk about it, and... somehow we find each other, AND... everything is under control, so why would anyone worry about anything at all?
I know with a degree of certitude that some number of us will (on that day that never ends) be cavorting on The Beach of Forever with The Great Companions, and... that is something to shoot for. Others are, of course, permitted to hang out at The Rodeo or on The Front Porch with the bug-zapper, and... they'll leave the light on for ya there, cause... they never close, and...
... one last thing. (I'm not that harsh anymore, but it is probably accurate. As I said recently, this is the year of transition for a number of demonically-possessed miscreants in high places.)
OK, WHO DID THIS???🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/f0hv6i7v1E
— il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) January 4, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is;
The latest Feet to the Fire broadcast from Sunday.
Links appear at GAB=
We've been on X for a bit now too.
(this makes it less possible to get shut down)=
A new Visible Origami is up now=
— Les Visible (@visible_les) January 6, 2025
"The Material World's a Lot Like The Front Porch of some Big Antebellum Mansion in The Bayou... of a Summer Evening." https://t.co/Lc4bFOldCB pic.twitter.com/Kzf3d00h0q
Substack is here=
Good post today. The beach that never ends huh. Wouldn't that be a nice change of pace. From having a pace. :)
So a cop shows up at a ranch and tells the cowboy working there,” I’m going to take a look around your place.”
Cowboy says,” ok but I wouldn’t go over that hill.”
Cop pulls out his badge, and says,”see this badge, it says I can go anywhere I want.”
Cowboy shrugs and the cop goes over the hill. Next thing you know the cop comes running down the hill being chased by a furious bull.
Cowboy says,”Show him the badge! Show him the badge!”
Great post as always, brother
Joe; I fixed your comment. I hope that's okay. I have a feeling it would have bothered you otherwise. (grin)
A law of The Cosmos says that if you visualize something correctly, it will precipitate down through the usual stages until it becomes material reality.
Thanks pal. There is nothing I want except to continue be-coming that which the all needs one to be.
Prolly means I just head back to the causal plane till the all induces in someone already in a location to draw me back into form for further objective accountability.
That is all ok by me.
This weeks first half from fulford.
Not real sure what US Civil War hes talking about, but the staged terror attacks in vegas and nola seem to be aimed at getting people to form public opinions that are anti-military in spite of it being the fed gov and its policies that created what we have now.
Been walkin' contrary to the world since before I had a frontal lobe. (I swear, me thinks that happened in my 30s when it became fully developed.) Hence I'm in a completely different world from what I'm reading about. All I want is to leave this POS BEHIND! I've HAD it with being a slave to circumstance and this feckin' prison of a meat suit, though I must admit it's been a lot worse in the past.
Nostrils to the sky!
Appreciate having you here for the awakening my friend as The Divine always gets a message through for me and I'm sure many others.
Much Love
It’s fine. The comment section tends to disappear and makes it impossible to fix spelling errors.
Things are looking up!
I hate it when it happens to me. I know you meant brother instead of bother. (grin) So I fix things when I can.
Oh boy, a new feet to the fire. Drop everything and head over. I LOVE these talks.
Oh no, I can't find a cc option, guess I'm screwed as my ears are all messed up at the moment. Focusing on silence seems to be turning into a physical thing for me. Bad news for a geetar man!
I am sorry to hear that. God willing that is only a momentary thing.
There are 13 people that have Coates' latest book (The Message) on hold at my library. I am one of them.
Additionally, 161 people are waiting for the downloadable audiobook and 83 for the eBook.
Imagine, if you will, a World without Zionists and their Agents of Death.
Mas and Mas Visible,
the new gregorian calendar year seems to have raised your creativity up another notch, marvellous
and 'M'... you mean a world without parasites ? wow, what a world it would be... !!!
even Just-in Castrudeau has resigned... amazing
Cheerful Love GrizzlyBear hug
Just sayin' "Hi." Enjoyed this post. Thanks for keeping the faith.
I am sooo sorry, i couldn’t hold back on the “one last thing”. That was one of theee funniest things i have ever seen. That is some upper level ai. The expressions on their faces was priceless. Especially the lil’ pipsqueak’s. Classic! I gut laffed hard. Thanks, Visible; i haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. That one is going down in the Meme Hall of Fame.
Beautiful post.
The message by Coates
I also recommend PDFDrive.com. 78 million free books. It is an amazing resource. I find a lot of old texts hear.
You see people getting all jacked up about AI here and their with their Skynet paranoia problems. It would be a problem to take note of... were it not that A CHANGE HAS COME... as well as The Avatar, and the new age that follows in his footsteps. It's time to look to The Sun... within and without.... which is not going to be blotted out of the sky as some had hoped.
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=
"Some Number of Demonically-Possessed High-Rollers are Going to be Meeting Their Maker... in The Coming Months."
I don’t know if your comment was meant for me, but it looks like the usual cast of undesirables was a chunk of reality, but look at olde Sorrows in the coffin, it looks like a photoshop image. Who lays in a coffin like that? Why is his knee up? Is it better circulation for the formaldehyde? IDK, it just struck me funny.
A little paranoia never hurt anyone and i haven’t seen more than 1 day of sun in a month. Maybe that’s what it is. Maybe you could send some from where you are ; o )
Honestly; it looks like I was just responding to a general tone, but also... honestly... I can't remember. (grin)
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