Thursday, January 30, 2025

"They are Engineered by Diabolical Minds whose God is Portrayed on The Blood-Soaked Banner of Babylon Rising."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Nothing is more real than The Divine. Everything other than God is secondarily real, by a temporary extension into Time. Think of a descending bank of mirrors... facing a bank of mirrors, with the light of The Sun hitting the first mirror on the first bank, and then... in a flash... being reflected into every descending mirror on both sides. With each reflection... the light of The Sun being reflected... is less real, and a greater degree of shadow attends it. This is simplistic and elementary and perhaps not entirely accurate, but the idea is translated by your Subconscious Mind, which... after a period of magical rumination... will reflect the intended meaning to The Self-Conscious Mind.

In other words, your own mind can take what I wrote... and then rewrite it in terms understandable to your mind. This is what happens anyway... concerning everything we hear... or read... or see. Of course, we might be in a delusional state, so... you can then expect more delusion. (grin) I suggest you work your way through the reflections back to the first mirror that got that flash from The Sun. This is what I have been doing, as the human equivalent of the salmon swimming upstream, although... that is an illusion because I am actually being drawn on an invisible tractor beam of Love. As per usual; things are not what they seem.

You see, most of us imagine that we are doing it (whatever it is) by ourselves, BUT... in actuality... we are not doing anything by ourselves. All motive force comes from The Divine, AND... when you figure out how this applies to your life situation... your life will become effortless. You will then ride the wave... or the currents of the air... a sunbeam... a moonbeam or... the aethers, simply through the power of The Imagination... focused and concentrated by Faith, and powered by Will.

There is a timeless dynamic at work that interpenetrates all forms and the formless... at all times. This mysterious something is the source of all life and all motion. The Mind does not like you spending too much time... reflecting... on that. The Mind wants you attentive to the business of The Mind, which... as observation proves... amounts to running around in circles and chasing things that aren't there. It's kind of like waving your arms at invisible bugs... cause you took the wrong drugs.

The World is... literally... a globe-encircling mental institution. Some people think they are Napoleon. Some people think they are Jesus Christ. Most everyone thinks they are someone else... someone other than who they are. Everyone you will encounter, and with who you might engage in conversation, will give you their version of things... based only on what little they have personally experienced and what other people have told them, and... let us not forget; what they have imagined and convinced themselves is real because... they desperately... and badly need for it to be true, so... they talked themselves into it, while finding a peer group that agrees with them.

Meanwhile... there are these invisible currents that radiate from the planets, which include The Sun and Moon, and... which are both outside of you and inside of you, and depending on whether any aspect between the planets in you... is conflicted with other planets... in or outside of you... you are going to experience the result of that, You may have harmonious accord in one place, and an opposition in another. You might have a more complex arrangement, AND... IN FACT... everyone does. The trick is to turn your deficits into benefics... while amplifying the benefics. Someone said; a wise man rules the stars. Maybe it was Shakespeare. I know he said something like that. It could be that he also said; the fault lies not in the stars but in ourselves. Both of these are true.

Few conditions are worse than a negative headspace. This determines your perspective, and your outlook is responsible for how you handle what you run into, and PROBABLY... is also responsible for what you run into.

I test everything. I look for Trends and Patterns. I observe the lessons to be had from The Purpose of Demonstration. I look inside myself for the answer to what is outside myself, and... I want for nothing. Wanting nothing... I am an obstruction to no one. How do I align that with commentary that appears here... concerning things like The Plight of The Palestinians? I substitute wanting for knowing because... God takes care of everything that appears because everything that appears is subject to immutable laws, which is why everything, and... I mean EVERYTHING... is resolved for The Purpose of Demonstration. That doesn't mean everyone benefits from it... because... not everyone is paying attention to it.

Ah... The endless distractions of existence! Everywhere people are chasing shiny things and colored lights. They are snipe hunting in a field of will-o'-the wisps. If they were of a more penetrating mind they might consider these are caused by the ignition of methane gases. Hmm... what else produces methane gases? Moving right along...

Yes... although bulls are not the only source of bullshit... for some reason we refer to it often as a label for all kinds of other things. Occasionally... something might be labeled as horseshit, but... I suspect... there is little difference between them.

Nature is an amazing resource for meaning and the source of meaning. Well... if you think about it, everything comes from Nature, which is God's medium for the manifest. Once extracted it is then put into the hands of the folders... spindlers and mutilators. Really... what we make of Nature is wholly dependent on our capacity to visualize and imagine. The times we live in are determined by the quality of the art we experience. Certain demonic mindsets took over The Art World and turned everything in it into shit.

This way they were able to reduce the quality of life for everyone else. Certain people can be blamed for all sorts of things but this is one of their most egregious contributions.

When the quality of the art has been reduced to pornographic sleaze-pits and offenses against The Sacred Geometry, you get their last great experiment in The Weimar Republic. They have been working very hard to reproduce those conditions in our times, by taking control of the art... film... and music industries, controlling what is produced by them, and making everything either banal or prurient. This is EASILY proven to be so.

(I wonder whatever happened to Lasha Darkmoon?)

You see what happens? When you are atheistic, you believe in nothing but carnal enterprise. As far as you are concerned, sex is the object and purpose of life. HOWEVER... all great art comes from channeling the sex drive into higher statements of beauty, such as is seen in the work of Titian... Bernini... Beethoven and Bach. Michelangelo and Da Vinci. These days we get crap produced by inferior minds intoxicated with nihilism... bleak horizons... and rutting fevers caused by a poisoning of the blood... that comes about from poisoned minds, AND... all of it has to do with the perverting of the sex force, which is brought about by atheistic perspectives and mindsets of Godless Materialism. This leads directly to Satanism.

All of the highly financed movements of transsexual and... assorted sexual attractions... bent out of the normal bandwidth... are caricatures seen in mirrors of darkness... that reflect the appetites of The Carnal Mind. They are engineered by diabolical intelligences... whose God is portrayed on the blood-soaked banner of Babylon Rising. Asmodeus is the guidon that marches with it, and trails behind him the legions of tortured souls who are the slaves of the many variations and vagaries of degenerate behavior, and so it goes...

...or so it has gone, BUT... there is a new world coming. This world has been refurbished many times before. The agents of The Darkness are on the run, even as they believe themselves to be on the brink of controlling the whole world, I can tell you that NEVER has anyone controlled the whole world. As Lao Tzu said, and I have oft repeated here; The World is a sacred vessel and at the mere approach of The Profane... it recedes. What we have... on deck... is one of those long-lasting... long-resounding... Purpose of Demonstration moments coming, and it IS going to rock The World.

So... I would not overly focus on any world leaders. They are just the playing cards of the moment; not the cause of any of what is coming but only the facilitators of what got drafted into being at a much higher level of awareness. I would not harry my thoughts too much... about flying objects... going bang in the night... because someone wants to discredit AI. I think they just realized that it's not going to work for them; too much is in danger of being exposed. Little do they know; the cat and all of its kittens are out of the bag... while Sirius howls at The Moon; metaphorically speaking, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

Today's Original Song is;

I am still recommending---
The Life and The Way by AK Mozumdar.

AND... if you are on the fence about it, just go to Page 41 and read from there for a while. You'll get an idea of where he's coming from.

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robert said...

Gracias Visible!

Light twinkling down through a prism made up of mirrors in minor misalignment...

Shown today again by a clearer prismatic lover

Think of a descending bank of mirrors... facing a bank of mirrors, with the light of The Sun hitting the first mirror on the first bank, and then... in a flash... being reflected into every descending mirror on both sides. With each reflection... the light of The Sun being reflected... is less real, and a greater degree of shadow attends it.

If we reflect on our being for any length of time, we observe that we are like 2 facing mirrors, never perfectly aligned but near enough to permit a lasing action and an infinite series of created images

All from a geometric ideal, manifested in matter, allowing light to escape only after it bounces in almost unlimited fractal impregnation

From the side, an observer sees a full spectrum of images in a diffusion that looks solid

But can we stand to see that we are nothing more than a flaw in a perfect system?
Standing in the way of pure transmission of an Image?

Or are we at least, a dream of an idea realized in holographic detail, by an Artist with a Purpose?

If we could just be still enough for the materialization to complete, like the Star Trek transporter beam...

What would we become then?
An empty phantom image of the only Real?
or a fully animated representative of an infinitely thought through love child?

When we decide to accept the gift of infinite love and the real promise of living, we will discover more than we now possibly imagine!

0 said...

What Nature produces, She consumes.

Try not to end up a shitkabob so nature doesn't keep spewing you into iteration of form after iteration of form. :P

Good post!

0 said...

The one last thing was amusing. Thats not ancient Tech. Thats an induction Cooktop, that became available for purchase in the late 90s.... whats kept hidden is hidden because people wait for it all to fall in their lap instead of Seeking it out where it resides. And then because of their limited grasp of things, its labeled ancient or ufo tech. Nope. Funny tho.


Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Had to read a few paragraphs twice today. But hey! At least I got it.

The Divine in charge. Well, if I were in charge I'd have transitioned already probably at least 20 times with the stunts I used to pull. Evel Knievel, eat my dust. Well, not quite but I did try. But hey! I'm still here. Source ain't through torturin' me yet.

Nostrils to the sky.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, Les! Yet another Tour de Force et plus encore s'il vous plait!

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=

"These Low-Life Infernal Creatures from The Land of Excremental Landscaping, Turn Everything They Touch into Shit."



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God in Country

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With gratitude to Patrick Willis.

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