God Poet Transmitting.......
With the uncertain fate of TikTok... still spinning in the cradle of the unrealized dreams of worlds yet to conquer; meaning... probably... whatever Black Rock... State Street and Vanguard don't presently control. It turns out that China has a backup plan called The Little Red Book; Red Note before it gets translated. I do not think it is the same little Red Book as this one.
No doubt, it is related to Mao's Little Red Book, which is a collection of his quotations.
I used to see Mao's little red book and those awful posters... celebrating the various blood-soaked revolutions he sponsored... for the good of the people; whatever people were left after that revolution ran its course... in the dorm rooms of rich kids at private universities. It always fascinated me how the children of the rich would be such fans of a man who would have had them right in the front row of the people he intended to kill... as soon as he was able to. Life is filled with little ironies and I notice them as much as I do Trends and Patterns, which means... quite a bit.
When I want to understand peculiarities and anomalies about Western Culture, I observe them through an Eastern filter. When I want to understand it the other way around, I do it the other way around. What I mean is... when I want to get a fresh perspective on something, I change the way I look at it. If I look at it the way I... or anyone else... USUALLY look at anything, I'll see what I saw the last time, with no improved insight; The Surface conceals The Depths.
Most people dwell on the surface of things. It's human nature. Also... The Depths can be scary, as anyone who has spent any time in The Subconscious (like me) can tell you. I don't go running around in those locations without Ariadne nearby. I don't just assume The Minotaur is down in Cabo for the weekend. They speak a different language below decks. That's where some degree of study in the area of universal symbols comes in handy. I had The Tarot for a reference and was bright enough not to use it as a fortune-telling device. It's those same archetypes that I was talking about the last time I was talking about them.
Fortune telling... and... all those prophecies that come and go as about as useful as a left-handed sky-hook when what you really need is a Phillip's head screwdriver. Mayan prophecy... Celestine Prophecy... Nostrildamus does Dallas; all these prophecies... and none of them have come true yet.
Edgar Cayce said that around 1988... China would turn Christian. That's not in their little red book, but... Mao did not believe in God. He thought he was God. This is the mistake that all despots make, then Destiny comes upon them while their eyes are closed. Often enough... all the rascals get gathered together in the same time frame... which to me... means the time of the passing of the baton from one Avatar to the next avatar, (which means NOW) and who is always powered by the same Almighty God that happens to be In Residence in each and every one of them.
Impersonal God is The Divine Spirit that descends like a white dove into the specific persona chosen for the specific task of a specific age. It is the higher self of all of us, coming to do The Job because... if you want something done right, you had better do it yourself. Why is that so? It is because no one cares as much as you do about The Job. It's best to be there in person.
I don't put much stock in prophecies. It's a rule of thumb that they don't come true, but... you can always sit on that thumb... if you get bored waiting around for something to happen. I believe he comes like a thief in the night. I believe that no man knows the hour of his coming. Prophecies are what people who think they are wise use to gull those who don't understand what wise is. I am more of a wise-ass, like Apuleius. People might be more in the know if they read up on the early Greeks and Romans. At least they might learn that they don't know, which can make one cautious when you need to be.
These days, people are not nearly as careful as they ought to be. In times of advanced materialism, masses of people often fall in love with Death. You can see it all over these days. I'm going to come back to what I always fall back on, and that is that God is the ONLY THING worth inquiring after. These days everything has become an act; Benedictine monks running around with cellphones. Inscrutable Asian monks with cute accents... Yoga for Dummies... Chicken Soup for New Age Scam Artistes. Today's song kinda deals with all of this and leaves you no more improved than you were to begin with.
Here's what one hard-ass Progressive had to say... about the baseless rumor that is going around... concerning Elon Musk buying TikTok.
🚨 LIB HAS A MESSAGE FOR ELON MUSK: Elon Musk, if you buy TikTok, we will burn it to the motherf*cking ground. We will all delete our accounts IMMEDIATELY. Immediately. We do not want you owning this sh*t. This is ours. Stay out of it.pic.twitter.com/3XQxWbmefq
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) January 15, 2025
There is probably a prophecy for that. Here is what is more likely about The Social Credit System in China.
There are a lot of ugly tales going on about China. Myself, I am interested in The Truth ONLY. So... it's not what you think it is, and it's not the same as what Chosen Demon, Klaus Schwab, and The EU have in mind for the parts of The World they think they control. They do not control The USA, regardless of what Black Rock... State Street... Vanguard and Bill Gates are trying to get done; if we will only bend over and hold still for it.
What I'm trying to say is that there are a lot of lies out there. It's the same with the people from India being twisted and uncouth. These are not the Indian people I know and I know quite a few Asian Indians. We have millions of clueless and uncultured people of our own. It is what Materialism does. It causes people to live on the surface in The World of Sensations. These people... no matter what country or culture they are from... are not likely to survive long; much like the sexually bent, there are limits on how long they will be around once things come back into balance, and... that is what's going to happen.
You don't need to worry about the digital currency control systems that Eat Ze Bugs has in mind for you, unless you are one of those people who are just wild about The Killer Vaccines and can't wait to get your next clot shot. Then you have bigger things to worry about anyway.
A revolution in consciousness is coming and not everyone is going to survive it. Meanwhile, Klaus Schwab... George Soros... Bill Gates... The EU... The Satanists... The Globalists... all those think tank Murder Inc. organizations... Hollywood... Black Rock and Ilk... False Israel... The Elite and Indiscreet... ALL OF THE PEOPLE AND GROUPS who think they are running things are... on... their... way... out.
During these times of transition, there are going to be worse disasters than The Kalifornia Fires. There are going to be natural and engineered debacles all over the place... as the agents of The Infernal Kingdom... try to make war on The Celestial Kingdom. This and much else are merely stages of transition between what was... for a long time... to what will be... for a long time. None of the people and groups that are running around trying to control everything are in control of anything... including themselves.
This is a dreamscape of patterns moving through their changes the way The Moon moves through its phases. This is a world of cycles and bio-rhythmic sweeps up and down... up and down, and that applies to all personalized objectives as well... depending on what anyone is up to and where whatever that is winds up... according to the inflexible Laws of Existence and The Rules of Conduct. It is what it is. The WEF will not change this, nor will Bill Gates or any of the other scoundrels who are inexorably on their way toward a dreadful epiphany for The Purpose of Demonstration.
These can be difficult times if you don't know what you want; if you want everything... if your wanting is greater than your ability to contain it... if The World is your guiding influence... you are doomed. I don't know how to stress the degree of importance that attends the statement that... God is Real. God also knows who you are and is willing... very, very willing to help you traverse the obstacles in your way... if you will only let go of them in the first place.
It's all a matter of magnetisms and attractions that aren't managed with Best Interest as the intention. You live in a snatch-and-grab world of ridiculous convenience and something... is missing? What is it? Something is providing a telling emptiness by its absence. Well... everyone has to figure that out for themselves and that... that is what you see in front of you. It does seem that most people are going in the wrong direction because... somehow... priorities got confused with the non-essentials.
That is what the shocks and surprises of existence are all about. These are stages of waking up. Fortunately, that dynamic is seriously engaged in a cosmic sense... right now... and... if you want... you can get on board that train, and...
... one last thing.
This guy is always funny!! pic.twitter.com/klJje3iAX0
— Santa Trump.. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@lovetocook12345) January 6, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today's Song is... (heh heh)=
Okay... this is the last time we will make note of last week's Feet To The Fire broadcast with James Jancik, and the fact that it is located here.
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
A new Original Song is now up, and called;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) January 17, 2025
"Somewhere a Wing (no bird is flying)"https://t.co/Bm7GSyWe6I pic.twitter.com/32MPGXyWD3
Substack is here=
Mao Tse Tongue. Oh, that cultural revolution. I read they really took 'EAT THE RICH' to heart. Literally.
All I want is not available on this planet. The only thing I want regarding this world is to leave it behind. In some ways I did, but the body is still stuck there.
Oh well. Just gotta wait a little bit longer.
Nostrils to the sky!
Trump holds ‘very good’ call with China’s Xi
"President Xi and I will do everything possible to make the World more peaceful and safe!”
Trump is wiser than your average yank
Yes Vis, SLD's abound, as we observe on our travels
Surface Level Dwellers
It becomes.more and more profound each passing
day, how much we ignored what was all for our own
Good (lessons in suffering) from the past, but we
Mistook it for wrecking our hell for leather party.
God was present the whole time
What silly duffers we've been!!
Onwards and Upwards!!
Love Leesa
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=
"The Fears of The World Cannot Get to You... on The Outside... Unless They Have Already Gotten to You... on The Inside."
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