God Poet Transmitting.......
Why did the president announce... so many days in advance... that he would be attending The Super Bowl? Given the mood of the opposition, I wonder at this and that is all I will do for the moment.
When I try; rather let me say, when I have tried to understand what Trump and his handlers are up to, I am left with a great deal of confusion, and empty blanks... that I am unable to fill in, mostly because I am not a speculator. I don't know what is going on with the players of The Gameboard. I do have a general idea of what is going on with The One who sits on both sides of the board... His Will to be done; Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Let us consider The Mind Divided. Your mind has to be divided to see two entities sitting on opposite sides of a gameboard. Let us say that one represents The Lower Mind, and one represents The Higher Mind, BUT... There is only one mind. You either live in Reality or you live in Delusion, and most people... because their lives are controlled by Appetite... Desire... and Ambition are... residents in Delusion.
You cannot talk to people in Delusion about Reality. Delusion is down around The Bend from Reality and Reality is up around The Bend from Delusion. The people in each of these locations speak a different language. They cannot be understood by each other. The highway between these two towns is called The Road to Damascus.
Jesus Christ lives in the town of Reality. He does sometimes visit in Delusion where the people believe he is a Jew. He is not a Jew, but... he appears to be in those places where people cannot see him for what he is. There was no Buddhism before Buddha came around. There was no Islam prior to Mohammad showing up. The same can be said about every religious tradition. These are all coat racks and it is the coats hanging there that give the coat rack its function, but it is the one who wears the coat that gives the identity to the coat.
Today's song talks about The Blind Spot of Truth in your eye. This is a ubiquitous phenomenon that causes most people not to be able to see what is really in front of them. It also causes them to misidentify what they see. Everything gets meaning from the name given to it. Adam means; namer of things and The Bible goes into this aspect of Adam and his duties.
Those who are today's Jews make up the largest concentration of atheists within any particular group of people. They also possess the highest concentrations of sexual deviants. These are two peculiarities which this group is known for. There are other peculiarities that we are not going to go into. These are not the same people as the ones spoken of in The Bible and Jesus... in his ministry spoke about the ones who masquerade as the offspring of these Biblical Jews. He said, “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”
The people in The Bible are the same as The Palestinians of today. This SHOULD explain to you why the present residents of Israel are at such pains to replace The Palestinians with themselves. They are busy... busy... busy changing the names of everything to suit the history they have been creating for some time. Remember what was said about Adam being the namer of things? Names are identifiers.
The Kabbalah was taken from the same place the Hebrew alphabet was acquired. That is the Chaldean Tradition. The Hebrew alphabet is the same as The Chaldean flame alphabet. They did not come up with these things. They appropriated them. This is another of the peculiarities already mentioned.
The Kabbalah is a two-edged sword, metaphorically speaking. In one direction it is a mechanism to speak with angels. In the other direction, it is a mechanism to speak with demons. Demons are the angels of the plane they operate on, BUT... it is better to think of EVERYTHING as being... an expression of the same energy... that is defined by the level it operates at. On the one hand... the mirror is clear and on the other hand, it is distorted. That should explain everything about what has been going on... if you are in the mood to understand it.
I have no judgments to pass on anyone. Everyone passes judgment on themselves. They do not need me to assist them in this. If you go one way, you encounter all that one finds in that direction. If you go another way, the same rule applies. Everyone finds what they are looking for. If you steal something from someone else, it will be taken away from you, and you will also lose what was coming to you as well.
Certain inviolable rules administer Justice in every location here, and... on every plane, Justice has its adaptation to that plane. Things have been looking very screwed up here for some time and that is because things have been very screwed up here for some time. People seem to be getting away with just about everything, AND... then permitted to return again, and again, and again to get away with it again.
You have to understand that existence does not move at your preferred speed, but it does move, and it does change. Change is the governing constant of the manifest. It has taken some time to get around to what is presently happening, AND... let me inform you that it has ♫ only just begun ♫ (God, I can't stand that song.) Gotterdamerung has been at work here and the dystopia intended was almost arrived at, BUT... something has gotten in the way, AND... once again... it is not due to the players you presently see dancing on The World's stage. They are just actors operating on a script, which The Director... who wrote the script... is adhering to.
Everyone is on a road and all roads lead somewhere, even if some roads simply disappear when they arrive at the desert... or mountains... or the sea. That is the destiny of that particular road. Some roads lead to The Gates of Hell and some lead to more refined locations; Hell being a refinery and a smithery... if you think about it. What is coarse is refined in the fires of experience. It is sometimes forged. It is sometimes hammered into shape. Depending on the constitution of that which is coarse, it is sometimes distilled.
Well... there are all sorts of methods and mechanisms. That is why there are also so many roads. Your intention actually builds the highway you travel on, even if you find yourself moving along a highway constructed by many others over preceding centuries and even much greater lengths of time. So... everyone gets where they are headed. What's wrong with that? Oh! People are constantly being told where the road they are on leads. There are signs every so often, and people to ask directions of, and... that is where you need to be careful.
Here is where Faith can do you a whole lot of good. Most people lack what I consider to be the requisite amount just to start off with, so... they are always worrying about outcome... or why so-and-so got away with this and that... or this... or that. Worry serves no good purpose that I know of... except to create more to worry about. There is a reason that Faith... Certitude... and Determination come as a team.
I have been praying... for decades... for The Qualities of God. I also pray for a greater presence, because you can never have enough God. I certainly can't. As much as I get makes me hungry for more. I pray for Divine Luminous Wisdom and The Power to Heal, and for Regenerated Innocence, and I am often told they are a package deal. I don't care much about anything else. Lots of people do care about all those other things. God sees to it that I have what he wants me to have and I am content with that. I'm not going to trouble him about amenities that I know are on their way already. I don't want to be the guy who keeps trying to start the car when it is already running. That makes a horrible noise.
So... everyone is on the road they are on. Often people just stay on whatever the road is. Your road is your karma, but nothing keeps you from building another road while you are on your present road. Sooner than you think, you could well be on that new road. I've seen it happen. I've had it happen. It happens.
Yes... conditions and events... Trends and Patterns... have been going... in a determined fashion... to Fugazy Town for a long time now. People have gotten used to it and since they don't have enough Faith, they pitch and moan. They whine and grind. They expend the greatest energy for the least return. They seem crazy to me and I am certain they are... in fact... crazy, but they think I am crazy too. You betcha!
As The Avatar gets closer and closer, all sorts of things are going to be happening; very good things and very bad things. It depends which road you are on what conditions you are going to encounter. It really is time for people to start thinking about where the Hell they think they are going. The truth is... the closer you come to The Divine, the more sane and balanced you become. The more you resist The Divine or depart from The Divine, the crazier you become. That... is... a... fact! With The Avatar getting closer and closer, this is not the time to be on The Road to Crazy Town. And...
... one last thing.
Bro's a fairy 🤣pic.twitter.com/XAa5UUsdua
— Community Notes & Violations (@CNviolations) January 31, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
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Tonight's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) February 7, 2025
"The Blind Spot of Truth in Your Eye."https://t.co/p9XMnBxVrS pic.twitter.com/kjCW8mJ8Td
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"Let us consider The Mind Divided."
The difference between having Facets of self and be-coming the pearl of great price which has no facets, and is the same in whichever context it finds itself within. Course one also studiously removes or calcines from self all the varied groups that required such facets to allow membership as well. Having No group memberships one becomes a member of the only Objectively real group. Good stuff!
Ahhh take me with ja Jesus…Zz top
I always liked me some Whitney Webb.
Nostrils to the sky!
I absolutely loved your post today. I felt as if we were One.
I feel excitement at the possibilities that lie ahead. I could nearly burst because my cup is so full it runs over.
Thank you for sharing that beautiful post.
I always said you are a master of words, and although I am clumsy in my delivery, my heart swells with the love of the Divine too. I hope I have been able to share some of that love with others, as you do, because it is a wonderful feeling to be able to shine a light for others, so they can see the path to their highest potential, even if the role you play is infinitesimal. I imagine what is going on here on this plain has a lot to do with that :o)
Luv Kazz
Excellent, Les!
A new Smoking Mirors is up now=
"The Pedophiles... Became Minor Attracted Good Old Boys. Then... it Morphed into a Worldwide Rocky Horror Picture Show."
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