God Poet Transmitting.......
Imagine the consternation of those who are presently responsible for releasing the files on JFK... Martin Luther King... 9/11... Epstein, and... whichever one I left out, should that be the case. Consider their dilemma when each one of these traces directly back to Israel, as is presently the case.
Pam Bondi was told by the president to look through the files and then to release them. Now... concern is mounting because she has not released them.
🚨 BREAKING: Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna is now pressuring the Department of Justice on not answering her letters for the status of the Epstein, JFK files.
— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) February 25, 2025
Luna leads the declassification task force. She publicly asked A.G. Pam Bondi for the status of the documents, ordered… pic.twitter.com/1x0EhHFyr6
I'm guessing that adjustments will be made.
There was energy afoot to audit The Federal Reserve. Then... there was not a word and the latest new's buzz is Fort Knox. That's kinda like going after The Federal Reserve, eh? No. It's not. That also traces to Israel, and it is the source of the usurious interest being paid on the federal debt. It is a very simple matter.
For a long time now, it's been a snake moving through the grass. One section goes left and the next section goes right... then the reverse is true, and then? The reverse is true again. So... you get Republican administrations. Then you get Democratic administrations; allemande-left and allemande-right. The same vested interests provide the sequencing schematic to the square dance caller and the auctioneer.
The United States system of checks and balances looks like a decent strategy for keeping things honest... sorta... kinda. You got your administrative sector... your legislative sector, and... your judicial sector, BUT... eventually you get the Business As Usual patterns that emerge and corners get cut. Sometimes... the excuse is efficiency or economy; some kind of convenience gets employed that makes it easier to get the job done. Nobody likes red tape. However... when the people who don't like red tape, and the people who use red tape are the same people... everything winds up in the hands of the bankers, which is who the accountant works for.
There are quite a few gangster movies that center around the accountant; keeping him alive long enough for him to testify, using him as a mole... him wrestling with his conscience, and then he goes on the run... where of course he meets a girl whose mother needs an operation.
Whether you are working a con at the street level and whether you are working a con at a high government level... there isn't a lot of difference between tactics and techniques. Most of the games that are being run were in operation when The World was young. There are a few basic methods with a whole lot of variations. You got bait and switch; The Murphy Game and The Badger Game; Ponzi schemes, Pyramid schemes, 3-card Monte, thimblerig... swindles... forgeries... flimflam, and bunco. There are a lot of words for the same thing. These criminal stratagems operate at every level of society. There is a nation in The Middle East that employs all of them.
Ghislaine Maxwell's dad was a scammer extraordinaire. He died on his boat. She hooked up with Epstein. He died in jail or so... they... say. Then Diddy and Jay Z come along. One of them winds up in the cooler and the other one is dancing to somebody's tune. All criminal types wind up in the employ of God in Disguise. He wears a mask to provide an identity, but it's God alright, and so... the criminal never wins. However, life is a game, so... naturally you get cops and robbers... cowboys and Indians, cause you need protagonists and antagonists for the narrative.
Bad Guys and Good Guys get confused with each other, and depending on who owns the media, either one could actually be the other. History gets written this way, but... you know that.
Here's The Kicker. The people... who are actually The Bad Guys in real-time... depend on the system they employ to stay afloat. Over time, these systems get fine-tuned and passed on from generation to generation. History... or at least what we are told... tends to indicate that the same people keep getting away with the same things while... THE APPEARANCE OF JUSTICE... is maintained for the sucker on whom the systems depend for their daily bread. Well... that's not actually The Kicker. That's just usually how it goes in ordinary times.
The Kicker is that these are not ordinary times. These are extraordinary times of cosmic change in which a re-balancing takes place. In times such as these, The Kicker becomes The Kickee more often than in ordinary times. Conditions are reversed. However... those who have been depending on their systems of control are just not able to believe that anything could change because... always in the past there was something you could do... someone you could reach... arrangements that could be made... agreements that could be reached between reasonable men, BUT... in times of change, realization comes too late to those who continued to rely on what no longer works.
In the end... everyone gets what is coming to them. That is the good news and the bad news.
Usually... The Good Guys and The Bad Guys are convinced that everything depends on their being on top of the action; and that they are doing everything all by themselves. Because The One who is really doing everything... traditionally stays out of sight, you can see why people who don't know any better would assume that they were the ones who are in charge.
It just doesn't seem reasonable to reasonable men that some mysterious entity could be more powerful than what their ego tells them is not so. Oh! But it is!!! And... as we just said, usually... because The One in Charge keeps out of sight... there is no reason to believe that business as usual would not continue to be business as usual. Still... no one is as patient as The One who is really in charge, so... eventually... those who spend their time setting traps... inevitably fall into a trap. Precise and inviolable laws see to the fulfillment of the looping certainty. What goes around does indeed come around.
Meanwhile... there is the other factor that is also utterly reliable; those whom the Gods would destroy do indeed get driven mad. That too is governed by immutable laws. Let's see if I can explain why this is true. When you are wrong... when you are going wrong, you are headed either directly or circuitously to a state of adjustment. EVERYTHING that is wrong gets righted by... once again... the particular law that is triggered by the wrong act. Every right act also triggers a law. God set all of these laws in place at the very beginning so that he doesn't have to micro-manage creation. He can run around and play or watch with amusement how his perfect laws play out, which... is also what he does.
God also likes to forget and then rediscover himself over and over again in one of us. He never gets tired of it. People who think God is some remote and incomprehensible... thing are only partly right, and even then... it depends. God is also rough and tumble. God likes to get in on the action. The Bhagavad Gita says that “he is the gambling of gamblers.” Scholars... who generally do not know their ass from a hole in the ground, are certain to argue about what that means, and... they do, just like the Christina scholars and the Muslim scholars. They're all pinheads. God told me this. It is why you have to become as a little child. Until you can authoritatively say... with visceral conviction... that you do not know, you are stuck with what you think you know and you have closed the aperture through which God would inform you, if... you... let... him.
Anyway... you can call it an apocalypse... you can call it a summing up... you can call it a comic adjustment of the scales of balance, which are always in a state of adjusting anyway, BUT... God time is not the same as human time unless you got the thousand-year stare, which is to the thousand-yard stare what regenerated innocence is to senility.
In any case... the time has come and you can already see... all around you... that it has gone into action, AND... it has only just begun. There will be, as always, the appearance of mixed results, but I assure you The Jot and Tittle Factor will be in operation. There are no loopholes. The names have already been taken. The ass-kicking will follow, as is customary. Sometimes you get The French Revolution and sometimes you don't, but... heads are gonna roll in any case.
The Boy with his finger in the hole in The Dike does not have enough hands. The people he works for do not have enough boys and... neither of them has any sense because self-interest puts blinders on common sense. Tunnel vision can only take you where the tunnel goes. The Mind is a funny thing. If it's operating according to self-interest it is certain to get brought up short because The Universe does not work that way. The Universe is a precise system of interdependence and if you operate according to that you are always in balance. If not... you are always out of balance and... on your way to an adjustment. The Chiropractor will see you now, and...
... one last thing.
In 2017, a boy asked Roger Federer:
— Wholesome Side of 𝕏 (@itsme_urstruly) February 24, 2025
“Can you please continue to play for 8-9 years so that I can play you when I go pro?”
Roger Federer Kept His Promise ❤️ pic.twitter.com/Cmetey4vo4
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
(this song ties right into the post)
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X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
A new Visible Origami is up now=
— Les Visible (@visible_les) February 25, 2025
"Sometimes... You Get The French Revolution, and... Sometimes You Don't, but... Heads Are Gonna Roll in Any Case." https://t.co/BopgxwzrYY pic.twitter.com/ilm1MIRoaf
Substack is here=
Humankind – as opposed to Nature and Animalkind – is filled with lies and deception at every turn.
On the other hand, your "one last thing" brought a big smile to my face. What a great way to start my day. Thank you.
Conditions are reversed, huh? Sounds like it's gonna be Saturnalia on steroids.
A few heads seem to be rollin' right now. Oh well. It's only the onset. Might need a snowplow to clear the roads pretty soon. Or would that be a headplow?
Well, what ever. NOSTRILS TO THE SKY! Also your snake song has a very strong 1960's vibe. Robert Zimmerman can eat your dust on this one. . .and quite a few others, to be frank.
yo viz! ;]
i can’t figure out why-
finger in the dyke -
never got more play…sheesh- too obvious er what?
thanks again
I no longer eat pork, for many reasons, and due to economics and other reasons, i’m mostly vegetarian now.
I wish RFK jr. would give us his definition of democracy, because he says “democracy” every chance he gets. I try to get past it when i hear him, because the message is important, but he seems to think “democracy” (dumbocracy) is what this nation is based on, smh. It was not Jefferson’s “vision”, and quite the opposite from what i’ve read of Jefferson and the rest of the founders. Democracy is two r*pists and a target riding in an elevator deciding who pushes the buttons. But whatever.
Mr. Visible, i’m not trying to flatter you, but your song lyric compositions are extraordinary, and ought to be world renowned. Guess that’s what happens when your resident God is a poet, aye?
Thank You, J.C. Let me repond this way to your statement, I agree with you and I am not bragging. The Divine is responsible. I can see this. I can feel this. I hear it all day long;, concerning The Presence. I'm just grateful for playing a part. It just shows that if you love God perks will abound in your particular wheelhouse. Thank you, Lord.
Hmm... I wonder is that why most of the time no one ever says any nice things to me because they are concerned about my reaction if I think they are flattering me. I don't respond well to it, BUT... I can tell the difference between flattery and a genuine heartfelt statement.
I haven't eaten pork (knowingly) since 1966
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=
"It is ALWAYS Best to Come to Terms With and... to ADAPT to Existence... BEFORE Existence Comes Hard Upside Your Head."
Orangeman has a harem of chicks working for him.
First, that press gal with the gold crucifix gently-rubbing on black velvet....the cheerleader as press secretary. Then the scary psychotic milf in heels spewing out in forked tongues. What the flock director of religion? Then the serious drama, Anna Paulina Luna calling out Pam Bondage for the goods on Kennedy assassination / Epstein / RFK / MLK / 911 / Federal Reserve, etc, etc.
But Pam's blonde hair it seems is tinged with a bit of Dorian Gray. Molecule by molecule leeched out and something else seeped in. She's already seen bad shit, she knows bad shit, she's done bad shit and it shows. Jared Kushner / Palestine / domestic antisemite hate laws, etc. She's scared because she'll have to go on the offensive to quash shit & look like a fool.....like invoke hate law mumbo jumbo which aint gwaina fly with nobody.
Anna Paulina Luna looks like a kid proceeding in good faith but hitting a wall. Mike Flynn claims to have her back. This is where it's crazy biblical. Luna does not have the power to do anything, so that's why they let her talk. But what if she gained such power, maybe only thru a court of public opinion?
I've seen BW photos of the 1915 Armenian Holocaust. 4 million died at hands of crypto jews of Ottoman Turkey. There was an Appian way of horror where the crytpo jews raped and tortured only most vituous young women, nailed them to cruxifixes along the way like sparticus, then took pictures. Luna appears like one of these women of 1915....but it's going to be different this time.
This gal can be like an old testament Esther married to Persian king Xerxes. Instead of Ester saving the jews from a massacre she could be saving heartland merka from full rectrum rumsfeldt zio domination of satanyahoo Epstein FBI CIA. So, then hope to see a few Hamans hanging about.
Not that I know, so I went to a bible dictionary & the best pick of the harems name, Esther is derived from Hadassah sometimes called Stara which is Persian for star. Maybe Luna can be a star & I have no idea it figures with Venus in the west.
Jess Sayanim,
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