God Poet Transmitting.......
Let us consider Hindu astrology for a moment. According to Yashraj Sharma;
“On 26th Dec 2019, a Grahan occurred in Moola Nakshatra, the nakshatra that aligns with the Galactic Center—the cosmic womb, where a massive Black Hole resides.
Moola, ruled by Nirriti, is the nakshatra of destruction and renewal. Right after this eclipse, the world saw:
🔸 The pandemic that changed everything
🔸 Economies collapsed, old systems shaken
🔸 Political & global power shifts
🔸 A digital revolution & rise in spirituality
The eclipse at the galaxy’s root uprooted the world itself.”
He went on to say that The World turned gloomy; a lot of information was discussed in the thread if you want to look deeper.
On 26th Dec 2019, a Grahan occurred in Moola Nakshatra, the nakshatra that aligns with the Galactic Center—the cosmic womb, where a massive Black Hole resides.
— Yashraj Sharma (@Yashraajsharrma) February 28, 2025
Moola, ruled by Nirriti, is the nakshatra of destruction and renewal. Right after this eclipse, the world saw:
🔸 The… https://t.co/L9yQAoRFwr
Anyway... the next 'event' that we need to be aware of takes place on March 30th of this year.
I do not follow astrology much but I am a student of Esoteric Astrology and I can feel planetary influences acting on me. Everyone feels The Moon and although they might not associate what they feel and experience with The Moon, that does not lessen the impact of it upon them. The movement of the planets is an indicator of the manner in which The Cosmos arranges and directs the forces that affect human life here.
I believe in the statement, a wise man rules the stars. You are only a pawn of these forces if you spend your time being unaware of what is going on around you and within you. The reason I do not follow astrology much is because I don't have The Gene, so I have to dance with the planets through the prompts of The Intuition. That seems to work out okay for me.
A person with wisdom is on a surfboard at all times; metaphorically speaking. Everyone else is in the water. The ocean waves are never still and sometimes they are wild indeed. The one possessing wisdom just rides them up and down. Everyone else is subject to the lessons imposed on them to awaken and educate them. If you already know that God is in control of everything, that... is your surfboard.
March 30th indicates a new twist in the direction of Fate as it affects the lives of everyone not paying attention. As is a common fact... conditions will not change dramatically at 12:01 AM on the 31st. Change comes gradually and as it progresses, and gains steam... it becomes more... and... more... noticeable.
A lot of people... a disturbing number of people... are trying to figure out what the predictions are for their lives. A lot of people visit Tarot readers; astrologers, palmists, and who knows what anymore? The problem is that these soothsayers they visit do not... generally... know Shit from Shinola. You do not usually see Shinola around anymore. It's called something different now, I guess. I think Shinola is/was a brand name. I don't have the desire to check up on all these facts and features because they are only incidental to what gets discussed here, and it doesn't matter... not really... what the details about Shinola are. The point is that Shit and Shinola are different, and the implication is... if you don't know that, it is very easy for you to be confused.
Many centuries ago, they used to cut open pigeons to see what their entrails could tell them. This was pretty good business for the people doing the reading, and... not so good for the people who depended on them. I have no time for bullshit... any more than for trying to make myself look important... or staring overlong into mirrors. I consider any concern with self-importance, vanity, and... all the assorted mental illnesses that attend these forms of obsession... to be terminal behaviors. All of these things will kill you dead... or make you wish you were dead... sooner or later. It is why I have no patience for bullshit. As a result... certain kinds of people don't like me, and that really helps me to like myself better. So... it all works out.
I have only ever had one astrologer who told me useful things and he passed on a while ago, and I only consulted him once. I was very young then and did not realize how rare he was. Then we lost touch with each other. He said I was going to be like Krishnamurti and I do not care for Krishnamurti at all, (grin). He clarified that for me by saying “like”, not the same as. I had made the mistake of telling some blabbermouth what he said to me, which caused a short circuit in the local coconut telegraph, so... he called me back in to clarify the matter. We genuinely liked each other.
It seems to me that everyone who is obsessed with astrology and similar methodologies is just people searching for meaning or hoping to hear good news. These people do not... usually... realize that all the things the majority of humanity goes chasing after... are not blessings... they are curses. People actually want to be famous... or rich; preferably both. They want these cumbersome weights attached to them and actually think that would mean greater ease of passage... more fun and excitement. Let me tell you this, excitement is not what it cracks up to be.
I have had a ton of excitement in life and I now avoid it like the plague. There were periods in my life where glamour got in the way of my good sense. I was just as vulnerable as anyone else to the attractions of The World. Fortunately for me, they all led to disappointment, and it wasn't what I was looking for anyway. The best thing that can happen to anyone in life is to find God. That's a fact. Unfortunately, for most people, they do not want to find God because that gets in the way of all the other things they think they want. Also... God does not put up with bullshit or personality-driven nonsense. God will trim the branches of your being back to stubs.
God is guaranteed to make normal life unbearable on the way to discovering what normal life actually is. So long as The Personal Self is running the show, God is the last thing you want to encounter in the Tralalala Land of The Separated Self. However... people have blinders that close off every effort of The Divine to inform them that they are going the wrong way, and so... The Purpose of Demonstration is activated... automatically... as a result. There's no way of getting around The Law of One Way or The Other. You might as well Meet it at The Marrow. Otherwise... Life WILL kick your ass sooner or later or... all the way up and down the road full time.
It is a real puzzle to me how people can see, every... single... day... what certain behaviors result in, and then just keep doing them because... maybe... maybe this time it will go their way. People come up with strategy after strategy in an effort to con The World and themselves into believing something that just isn't true, and... you can't tell them anything. They have to fuck around and find out on their own, and that is what The Purpose of Demonstration is for. This world is not the place where everything works out. This world is the place where you find out that everything does not work out. You have to discover the things that do work out and practice them exclusively.
Lessons can often be painful. Sometimes they are boring and repetitive. Sometimes they are a delight. It really depends on the direction you are headed in. When I was going the wrong way, I could not understand why nothing worked out. I did my best. I am an extremely hard worker, one of those truly dedicated types, but it is to no avail if you are going the wrong way. Once I got back into the groove of doing the right thing because... in my case, it was more a matter of falling by the wayside with consistency and then looking for the way back, rather than finding it for the first time. Well... every case is an individual matter. That is why the critical thing is to find your dharma. After that... for some reason... it all works out.
Some people are actually meant to be on the wrong side of the law. Sometimes The Law is on the wrong side of The Law. The value of certain qualities never changes. It doesn't matter what The World does. If you have the right qualities they will see you through. God is unknowable in the absolute sense, BUT... you can get a working synopsis of God by adopting his qualities and... no matter what... Love will find the way. Love is a universal magnetic that makes The Web of Existence tremble... whenever it moves and wherever it is. Imagine that God is the spider at the center of The Web. He instantly knows where you are if your love is making The Web tremble. In reality... Maya is the spider, BUT... God is behind Maya, so... maybe you don't get the usual protocol of treatment, if... Love... is... directing... you. It's something to think about.
At the sweet, silent center of existence... things are really quite simple. If they are complicated then you are going the wrong way. Complexity may be useful in Science, BUT... it is a serious hindrance if you are looking for Truth in philosophy or spiritual matters. Complexity is a given if you are ruling an empire. It is not necessary if you are ruling yourself, and then The Empire is going to serve you and your needs anyway. It is automatically responsive to anyone who is in command of themselves, and...
... one last thing.
«Unbelievable skills»pic.twitter.com/ZUnpqnL62c
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) February 24, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Tonight's Original Song is; (I've only got about a hundred and fifty more to go from every genre you can imagine and some you cannot.)
— Les Visible (@visible_les) February 28, 2025
"I Don't Love You Anymore." https://t.co/TeCQXAQLSj pic.twitter.com/oIk2f6xRuo
Substack is here=
Some time ago the express “shit happens’ was coined. I always had a different take on the emphasis and its meaning. Nothing happens. Shit happens.
Nothing comes of all this exposure being done to the rest of US. No one is even indicted never mind in jail. As for the March 30 or 31 , it kind of reminds me of the 2000 when the computers were going to fail, 2012 when the Mayans said the world would end. And since then there have been hundreds of carrot dates dangles in front of us. Wait til this date and then guess what …Shit happens, it’s just so tiring yes? Maybe Mr T sill save some $$ through doge but will the real villains ever be exposed. It will take the Hand of God to do that. I enjoy your posts, just letting of stream because shit happens all the time
HUGE CME popping off just now today... means we'll see what comes from it in about 3 days presuming the earths in its path.
Best news for me would be the sun goes nova in 5 minutes, though opinions may vary. Anyway, that one last thang was 'verra' impressive. Wonder how many trips to the hospital before they got that good. Anyway, I got an AWESOME off topic link on history that very few know about. I mean, I just learnt aboot Phrygia yesterday. Gods, talk of the spawn of 'the adversary'!
That link should be spread far and wide for those who do social media. I don't, so. . .
Excellent, Les!
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=
"It is a Closed Shop. It's All Fixed. Look in Any Direction. You See people Getting The Result of Their Efforts and Intentions."
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