Wednesday, March 19, 2025

"Did The Boys from The Federal Reserve Read You The Riot Act? The Federal Reserve is The Graveyard of Presidents."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Well done, Mr President... I would weep but I have no tears left. I’m all cried out, Orange Man. I expect to see you dancing... any day now... like those air puppets in the manufactured wind... outside the discount tire stores; just another bloviating... soulless holiday float... a vacuous emptiness with dead eyes... Hell is waiting and you’re glad to go, given that it looks like what it isn’t. Anything is better than this, eh? What have they got on you, Mr. President? It has to be pretty bad.

Did you green-light this latest offense against the terrified and defenseless? I hear you gave Satanyahu the go-ahead. Say it ain’t so. Please... God. You had such an opportunity, Mr. President. You could have changed The World. You could have set a standard for the ages. You could have achieved the impossible in bringing honesty and transparency to government, BUT... you have done nothing but tarnish a legacy that will never come to pass.

Is this true Mr. President?

When you can get a clueless whore like Piers Morgan to be shocked... that’s a real win. Piers has less courage and conviction than Jordan Peterson and that is saying something.

I close my eyes and I see you before The Glory-hole of Evil, blowing The Devil... for reasons as yet unknown. What will you say to your son, Mr. President? What will you say to your wife? Are they simply battery-operated animatrons, so... no problem there? Is it a Stepford Family for a Stepford World? Did they arrive shrink-wrapped from Amazon? Did they land by drone on the lawn of The White House?

They have a Mar-a-Lago in Hell, Mr. President. That’s the place where you lose every round to your political opponents and once the sulfurous sun sets... you’re off to the penitentiary level to be the jailhouse bitch of everyone who hated you so much they sent themselves to Hell just for the opportunity to get even with you.

I prayed for you, Mr. President. You were the hope of the nation, a nation that had labored under bad leaders for decades. You were going to drain the swamp. Instead... you wind up doing the backstroke there. You’re right at home with the reptiles who dwell in the swamp.

You are bombing women and children, Mr. President. You are burning them alive. They are burnt offerings from The Synagogue of Satan... in honor of the one who eats children.

I knew there was something wrong with you. I watched you closely the first time around. I saw all the things you didn’t do. I heard your promises, and you sounded like the kind of megalomanic carnival barker who mesmerized the people too stupid to think. In the end... Hope is an ugly thing. Pandora should have chased it out of the box to begin with. I expect your tell-all-all book to sell by the millions. What’s it called? Cliff-Notes for The Damned? Good title. I was hoping it would be, Chicken Soup for The Usual Suspects, But... ah... what the fuck difference does it make?

I can’t come up with suitable outrage, Mr. President. I can’t muster enough anger. I’ve got plenty of regret and disappointment, BUT... somehow it isn’t enough. I need the emotions of a God to rise to the necessity of the moment. No human heart could channel the force of what is needed here. It would shatter like cheap china... pretty much like all those hearts that are going to lie in pieces... in the wake of your passage. You dishonored the nation, Mr. President. You are the ringmaster in The Circus of Death where they shoot Palestinians in a barrel.

Israel is starving them too now... and ambushing the aid trucks. They have bombed every hospital in GAZA. They blow up the ambulances. They kidnap and torture the doctors. They shoot the press right through the great big PRESS letters on their jackets.

Mr. President? You have used the might of the most powerful nation on Earth to genocide the weakest and most defenseless people on the planet... at the behest of invaders who stole their country and never had any right to be there in the first place, and who are killing these people so that they can steal their heritage and identity and pretend to be them.

God is watching, Mr. President. God is watching! You have turned your supporters... the majority of Americans... into accessories before and after the fact. As mentally ill as most liberal progressives demonstrate themselves to be, they are right about what is going on in Palestine.

For thousands of years, these people have lived in their homeland of Palestine. Eighty years ago an invading force occupied their land... poisoned their wells... drove hundreds of thousands out of the country, and then created the largest open-air prison camp in The World for the ones who wouldn’t leave.

They can’t shake the memory of the glorious gulags. They want another Right of Return... for everyone who gets in their way. These invaders have not a single drop of Semitic DNA, and... with the greatest irony... they accuse everyone who opposes them of Antisemitism, AND... THEY... ARE... NOT... EVEN... SEMITIC!

I do not have space here to detail the crimes of these people against the rest of humanity. History teaches that they have been expelled from over a hundred countries. Cursory investigation shows that the reasons for being expelled were the same in the majority of cases. They have caused the biggest mass murders in human history; in Russia... Armenia... and The Holomodor in Ukraine, which is where they originally came from. Now they are exterminating the Palestinians in their homeland. Have you heard Itamar Ben Gvir, Mr. President? Have you seen what your permission slip to Israel has resulted in?

Do you hear the screaming of the dead children when you sleep, Mr. President? You are the enabler of a nation of sexually twisted Hannibal Lecter clones. See here page... after page... after search engine page... about what a haven Israel is for the most despicable criminals on Earth. You can read for days about it, and much of it in their own press.

It is understood, Mr. President, that the agents of corruption... who serve the great corrupter; the Father of Lies... are permitted great latitude in Times of Material Darkness, and so... they have been operating with impunity... without conscience or restraint. HOWEVER... this is ALL for The Purpose of Demonstration... as a prelude to The Summing Up. The Time of Judgment is coming and no man or nation can delay it for an hour or a day. It is an inexorable conclusion to The Will of God through the medium of God’s Law, Mr. President.

Are you a willing collaborator or are you as deluded about this as you are about your singular importance in this world? You really believe you are someone and something that you are not. You are in the position to be someone great and noble, BUT... your complicity in the mass murder of children precludes the possibility that you will ever be great or noble. Alexander and many other powerful personalities on The World’s Stage... have learned the same lesson again and again. It is some kind of destiny that attends everyone whose reach exceeds their grasp. You are just the latest iteration of Napoleon... on the way to Waterloo or... Elba or... The Courtroom of The Lord of Death.

Have they told you how expendable you are if you depart from the deals you agreed to? Did the boys from The Federal Reserve read you The Riot Act? The Federal Reserve is The Graveyard of Presidents.

Mr. President, I mentioned a few days ago that if The Butchers of Palestine returned again to their killing ways that this time... this time... it would be that bridge too far. Those being driven mad are being sorted and routed for destruction. Times have changed. One can no longer kill and torture with impunity. A new influence has come upon The World. Its greatest weapon is its presence in every human mind. Here it is that one is made sane or crazy through contact with the unassailable Will of God.

You are either on The Rim or near The Spindle. Destiny inhabits every inch of the spinning disk. I can only hope you are leading the psychopaths to their ruin, BUT... if that is true, you had better watch the hands of the clock because the hour is late and soon The Darkness will lose its power to mislead and enslave humanity, and then? Then those who have been leading humanity into darkness will find that The Darkness has closed over and around them and that they did... indeed... abandon all hope when they entered in there.

Mr. President, I prayed again this morning that you might experience an epiphany on your own personal Road to Damascus. May God mercifully hit you with a thunderbolt upon your brow. May it trigger a sympathetic incident in your heart and awaken you to the certain and assured costs of your imperious disregard for the humanity of The Palestinian People. Every thought... word... and deed comes at a price, and... last thing.

End Transmission.......

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M - said...

I don't mean for this to sound like gloating because I wish it wasn't true but...I told you so. Business as usual...

Anonymous said...

My sentiments exactly. My (only) friend asked, did you vote for Trump?
I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I am never voting again…because every thing is in Gods hands. If you vote for someone you are putting your stamp of approval on what ever they do. The bombing of civilians in Yemen has to stop!

Later bro



Love To Push Those Buttons said...

This post is a much needed slap upside. But there is one consoling thought. Life is temporary, existence is forever. Gods, there's so many lives I would have never been masochistic enough to have signed up for, and being a Palestinian in Gaza since the inception of Iraehell is one of the top 5.

Nostrils to the sky!

robert said...

I hear you gave Satanyahu the go-ahead

Did you ask your invisible friends if this mediated presentation of "facts" is really true?

Are you demonstrating how personality can go off on emotional tangents, yet the One loves us still?

This melange posing as coming from a moral high ground is corrupted by excessive personality emoting, evoking the vibe of the virtue signalling ritual of the perpetually offended.

Is this how we propitiate the higher good?
Indulging in the passive aggressive expression of a jilted lover?

Apparently probing your audience for how far posts may go in demonstrating hypocrisy before the positive feedback is affected?

As always, written well.

Not a useful example of positive prayer; perhaps instead an illustration of cursing the fig tree?

We have gotten the distinct impression from recitations of ageless wisdom that judging from appearances is above our pay grade.

Perhaps in ascension, prophets may dish from their accumulation of disappointments in human behavior?

Mysterious miasma trending...

Visible said...


"I hear you gave Satanyahu the go-ahead

Did you ask your invisible friends if this mediated presentation of "facts" is really true?"

This is widely reported from the dozen or so news reports I read that directly stated he was green-lighted. I am stunned that you felt I was a supporter of the man. I have been at pains to explain this. Seeing as you read every post this smacks of something unfortunate on your part. Seeing as what I said was absolutely true and that Trump himself commented on having done so, It appears that you are not looking at me but instead into the mirror. I've been waiting some time for this to happen and so I am not surprised. You might remember my mentioning the stealth action that goes on around me at a distance. In conclusion... appearances were not consulted for my commentary but rather direct statements that you will discover to be true once you go and look and discover for yourself.

Visible said...

and plenty more where these came from;

Anonymous said...

Strange that on all the conservative sights there is nothing about this (that I could see anyway) yet when googled (which I hate to do) there was a helluva lot about it on MSM. More irony that. It is sickening, it’s beyond human comprehension. In all the years I have been following you I have never witnessed the anger and outrage (justifiable)as was in today’s blog. Anyone who is truly human would feel exactly the same
I hoped Trump was really ‘choosen’ (if you will )to finally drain the swamp. Well I guess thats not happening. Maybe this is truly Satan’s Domain , maybe God doesn’t care. I DON’T KNOW . Ironically this trumps everything . Doge, the spaceXrescue ,Blondi and her Epstein list, the freakin corrupt judges all pale in comparison to the horror done to Palestine
Please God we need You now.



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