Thursday, March 27, 2025

"It’s Comforting. It’s Familiar. It’s Yadda Yadda; Reliable… Consistent… Dependably Itself... Like a Hitch in Your Giddy-Up."

God Poet Transmitting.......

Today... I spent half an hour going through the yadda yadda at the usual sites. I was distressed to find that it was all still yadda yadda.There was nothing new. Most of it was yadda yadda, which I had seen before. Some of it was from back in the day when yadda yadda was young, BUT... yadda yadda has never been young. Yadda yadda is almost as old and timeless as the nameless state that existed before there was yadda yadda or anything else. However... yadda yadda came soon enough... along with everything else and it is still here.

Yadda yadda is one of the things that gives uniformity and predictability to existence. I think of it sometimes as Old People’s Friend because even though yadda yadda is always changing into a new iteration of yadda yadda, it is still the same comfortable... lived-in yadda yadda... that people of previous generations came to depend on. It’s just in a new wrapper. Sometimes they give it a different name, BUT... if you dig below the surface, and even all the way to the center, it’s still yadda yadda; Yadda Yadda is a name you can trust. Get Yadda Yadda! No home should be without Yadda Yadda. Yadda Yadda, the old people’s friend.

It’s comforting. It’s familiar. It’s Yadda Yadda; reliable... consistent... dependably itself... like a hitch in your giddy-up to remind you that you are alive... sort of. But... for all its folksy... down home charm, Yadda Yadda is big business. It’s Nationwide! It’s international! It’s a global enterprise. Yadda Yadda is what plants crave!!! (Idiocracy reference)

Without Yadda Yadda, our culture could not function as it presently functions. Yadda Yadda goes in and out of fashion all the time. It’s the most Zen thing I know. It is and it isn’t... all the time... at the same time. Old Yadda Yadda is no longer relevant. New Yadda Yadda is cutting edge. A lot of people have problems when Yadda Yadda changes from Yadda Yadda into Yadda Yadda. New and improved Yadda Yadda is just... well... it’s just better. Still... the transitionary phase from Yadda Yadda can be difficult for some people to process. Here is an example of what can happen to you when the Yadda Yadda you trusted and believed was real turns out not to have been a real Yadda Yadda.

Did I mention that Yadda Yadda was the old person’s friend? Sometimes, it can be an old person’s friend and a young person’s enemy at the same time.

This example also proves that Yadda Yadda can make you really stupid so that even when someone is talking about apples and oranges to you, you can forget what apples and oranges are. It might be embarrassing if you were not completely clueless. Fortunately... in a really weird kind of a way... you are clueless, and soon... you will be Yadda Yadda.

That is the penultimate nadir of all possibilities! It happens when the Yadda Yadda you have been watching... and listening to for your whole life... turns you into Yadda Yadda, AND... everywhere you go... You are now looking in the mirror; as if you hadn’t been doing it already since, like... well, since like... forever. It’s so fun to think about... for as long as that capacity remains for you. It won’t be long now (♫ yeah... yeah... yeah, it won’t be long till... something... something ♫)

As you may have expected, there is high-end Yadda Yadda and pedestrian Yadda Yadda. It’s still Yadda Yadda, but one says you are concerned about the Yadda Yadda you are associated with, and the other says that you don’t really give a fuck. The worst case scenario is when you don’t know the difference between high-end and pedestrian Yadda Yadda. That’s when people start to talk about you while you are still in the room. Fortunately... once again... you are clueless.

There may have been times when being clueless meant you might be alone more than you liked or... more definitely... not around for as long as you might like, BUT... now? There are countless millions just like you. You don’t have to feel alone anymore; a shared mediocrity is the new and enduring Yadda Yadda... until something happens and... something is going to happen... because the one who set it all in place is taking steps to set the general and basic Yadda Yadda back in order. You see... when Yadda Yadda becomes singularly pervasive... it becomes increasingly more and more difficult to tell if life is out of balance or... if that’s just more Yadda Yadda. Sometimes... someone has to help the people who just can’t help themselves.

Yadda Yadda... don’t leave home without it.

Yadda Yadda doesn’t care... not really. Yadda Yadda doesn’t care if you like it or not. Yadda Yadda is just as happy being your friend as it is being your enemy. The thing is... at a certain point... which doesn’t take that long to get to... no matter what direction you are going in, you can’t tell the difference, and neither can the Yadda Yadda. So... it’s at a point like this where you can say, it’s all gud, even if it’s not all good, cause you can’t tell the difference about that either. You see what I mean? Maybe you do, and maybe you don’t.

Yadda Yadda is kinda like The Golden Mean when you don’t mean it. It’s a pathology that might not be a pathology. It might be something else too... and it affects The Will... the heart and mind... the weather... and even the shape of your behind; not to mention the mindset of whoever may be watching it after you have passed by.

It’s times like this... when you are sitting on the old folk’s porch in your mind... and you turn to whoever isn’t there anymore and you say, “whatever happened to Yadda Yadda?” You might counter by asking, “Who’s on first and what’s on second?” That might be really funny if either of you got the implications, BUT... since there’s only one of you sitting on that porch in the first place, it’s kinda moot. Isn’t it?

Well... It’s no secret that Yadda Yadda runs most people’s lives. Many people rebel against the very idea of that at first, but... they usually settle in right smartly... after the first skirmish or two tires them out enough to become compliant.

All of this... and much more... ran through my mind today, while I was tripping the heavy mundane through The Yadda Yadda, as opposed to the light fantastic. There’s not much that is light or fantastic about The Yadda Yadda these days... unless you consider being light in the ass OR it’s fantastic that you stopped by and now it is even more fantastic that you are leaving. When life gets to be like that, you are probably getting down to your last Yadda Yadda.

So... there was an ominous atmosphere that crept into my thoughts while I was considering the texture and composition of today’s Yadda Yadda. The sense of deja-vu was continuous, and when you get an uninterrupted sense of deja-vu... while deep into The Yadda Yadda... you should know that bad people are... probably... about to do something bad. Of course, bad people are always at some point of planning on... or doing... something bad. It’s in their nature, but... there are degrees of something bad... just as there are degrees of Yadda Yadda, AND... when the idea of bad people planning something bad seems to you to be only so much Yadda Yadda, well, it might be time to call in a professional. I have no idea what that means.

One of The Readers sent in this article yesterday.

If you are somewhat familiar with the science, you will get all kinds of insight about the up-and-coming next versions of Yadda Yadda, as seen through the filter of stars and planets... dancing in the universe... and trying to dance in you. Most of our problems... individually and collectively... have to do with our inability to be in harmonious accord with the invisible part that moves the visible parts. As we continue through life and from life to life, we are supposed to get better at this, BUT... given the electromagnetic nature of Material Culture... many of us become resistant to that which... can and does... affect our relationship with Material Culture.

I got a lot out of the article without knowing any more afterward than I did going in. If it makes your eyes glaze over, just sidestep the commentary and find your way back into the Yadda Yadda.

It is a given or... it should be a given... that really big and sweeping changes are about to come down on everyone here and hereabouts. Some of us will be able to dance with the conditions that these changes bring into play, and many of us will be at some degree of difficulty with the force of change... because most people are resistant to change, which... is not a good thing because Change is a constant in The Manifest Realm, so... you will be discommoded whether you want to be or not. It’s best to already be in the mindset of adjusting to what’s coming.

I know we’ve been talking about big changes for a long time here. Time is different in the cosmic sense than in the personal sense. It’s different in primitive and civilized cultures. It’s different in prison than it is in a day at the beach, and it is very different if desire is hounding you about something or... You are on top of that sort of thing...instead of it being on top of you.

Regardless... if you are watching Trends and Patterns... and you see the incremental intensification in polarization... that is presently occurring in the culture wars. If you are watching the relentless press of the Khazarian Mafia over the issue of Ukraine... the genocide in Gaza, and the fallout present and coming in the Trump against The Deep State thing, you... should... know... that it won’t be long now (♫ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... it won’t be long ♫)

Not everything starts out as Yadda Yadda, and not everything turns into Yadda Yadda, but one thing seldom changes, and that is that most people... most of the time... are into the Yadda Yadda... because it pretty much frames and composes their existence. So... when the cosmos starts messing with the Yadda Yadda, well... that’s something to think about and maybe start adjusting to... ahead of time, and... last thing.

(it has proved impossible to insert one last thing today. I tried half a dozen links and nothing will go.)

End Transmission.......

Today’s Original Song is;

A New Visible Music Album Just Dropped

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AL said...

I was always a Yadda Yadda Yadda guy because two didn't seem to be enough Yadda.

Much love Vis

Love To Push Those Buttons said...

Scotty! Scotty? Come in, Scotty! PULEEEEEASE BEAM ME UP! YESTERDAY IF YOU CAN!!!!!!!

Uh, yeah. And I have to live with this garbage. WILL EVERYBODY JUST STAY AWAY FROM MEEEEEEEEE?????!!!!!!

So don't ask me why I've been contemptuous of everything by age too young to remember. Probably around 10, give or take.

Nostrils to the sky!

Duntoirab said...

For reasons I know not this resonated. Kinda I get it thing going on. Maybe it's my age, 4 weeks to retirement and things have been yada yada for a while now.

Anonymous said...

Its interesting be-coming Comfortable with being Uncomfortable huh.

About all it does for me is makes me not want to be around people.

Dogs, plants, nature, all good, add people, I'm staying home.

Yadda yadda huh. ha.


M - said...

Here's a simplified version of the upcoming Uranus/Gemini "thang":

Anonymous said...

greeting viz

out standing post you got there viz.
some of the best yada yada explained expressed of yada yada.
spot on and hilarious
your friend

Anonymous said...

Tripping the light fantastic. (dancing) Bending the light to the right...... (perceptions)

Human beings are closer to God by nature, than planets.
The names of planets were given to them by Humans.
planets are not gods.

that which can be named in this realm is not above that which named it.
Does a church define God or does God define a church?

even Jupiter got its name from a Human.

"It is a given
changes are about
Some of us
bring into play
the force of change...
Manifest Realm
It’s best to already be in the mindset of adjusting to what’s coming."

^^^ That is God speaking through you. the rest as you said is yada yada.

it was never a compliment to you. it was a compliment to God as He may express Himself through you.

i am not interested in you. I am interested in God.

have a wonderful weakened.

Visible said...

A new Smoking Mirrors is now up=

"It is Due to These Rules and Laws that Everything Meets The Destiny that is Appropriate to The Actions Taken by It."

Visible said...

I'm not interested in you either. I believe I've told you that several times already, yet... you come here, don't you? Anonymity suits you for all kinds of reasons.



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