Friday, March 14, 2025

"Many Pointless Wars have been Fought in The Name of The Prince of Peace. This Is Just One of Life’s Terrible Ironies."

God Poet Transmitting.......

I am going to again recommend The Door of Everything which you can download or read online by clicking the link.

There are only 48 pages in the online version here. It is a pretty quick read and... if you are at all spiritually inclined... you will never forget having read this book and will... likely... read it many times. I had already read it many times and yet... this last time really rang the bell for me. You cannot fail to improve your life if you read this book. I will try to have it permanently linked here on the blogs.

Now... where was I? Actually... I wasn’t anywhere yet. We have all this virgin... virtual parchment before us and anything could be written here. Sometimes, when I wander the internet, I will look to see how often The Divine is mentioned in conversation, especially when it is mentioned in a non-religious context. Here... we have the single most important feature of existence... that also turns out to be the least mentioned feature of existence. It’s all stuff and more stuff... with a lot of contention between talking points... because The World is deeply polarized these days.

The most positive forces... that are presently working on the human psyche... is the tag team of Mr. Apocalypse and Lady Awakening. They are matched up against Mammon and The Dark Lord of Distraction. There is more than one dark lord and lady fighting for your attention. Both The Light and The Darkness are consciously... and intentionally... fighting for your attention. At the negative pole, they are fighting to divide and splinter your mind in order to militate against the possibility of concentration. They are forces of dilution AND pollution, and there are other agencies working to lure your attention away from The Higher Mind.

The Door of Everything is a portal into The Higher Mind and it discusses various elements of The Higher Mind with the intention of awakening you to their presence within you. This book is only one of many that work to make you aware of what you don’t usually see and hear in this world. There are many other texts like The Impersonal Life that work within the construct of The Christ Mind, and the writings of Mabel Collins who wrote The Light on The Path.

I don’t have a particular or specific preference when it comes to religious perspectives. I do not care for religion. Religion is for people still learning to walk and ride a bike spiritually. The information is there if... you can find it within all the other noise that surrounds it. If you can tell the difference... that is even better. However... the source of ALL wisdom is within you. You simply have to still The Mind to access it.

Religions have been responsible for a lot of great art, which has the capacity to inspire and uplift the mind out of pedestrian thoroughfares. It is also responsible for many serial cruelties visited upon humanity. There have been so many pointless wars fought in the name of The Prince of Peace. This is just one of Life’s Terrible Ironies. Religion provides a comfort zone for people to fall asleep in.

Many... many centuries ago... Religion had an entirely different mask that it wore. This mask provided for a greater amount of light to shine through it. People lived in communities where Unity was present because The Spirit of Brotherhood was present. Over time they all became cash register religions. Religions came to exist in an atmosphere of; business as usual. This is a common and regular happening that repeats itself over... and over... and over again until it all collapses into nonsense... disorder... superstition and complexity.

Every time this happens, God sends an emissary down to The Material Plane to dispense a particular portion of Ageless Wisdom... which is tailored to the meaning and intent... of the specific age he appears in. The Age of Pisces was The Age of Sacrifice. The Age of Aquarius is The Age of Brotherhood. We have just come out of the cusp period between two ages, and that usually lasts around 200 years.

Presently we are seeing the alarming specter of Satanic organizations like The WEF... numerous NGOs... as well as a planet-wide loss of a moral compass... material corruption of every kind possible, and... a general losing of the way. People do not know where they are going and an alarming number do not care. Nihilism and Possession can be seen everywhere. Random acts of violence and indifference are the order of the day. Most especially, The Dark Side is focused on perverting childhood... thereby causing entire generations to be lost.

I don’t want to spend too much time dwelling on The Negative side of transitory existence. It’s all passing and this is a phase. If we don’t learn certain things, we won’t have any protections against them in the future. Rites of passage USUALLY involve some amount of suffering... mostly because people operate in various states of ignorance concerning the shortcomings and drawbacks of attachment.

What I find particularly worrying is that The Awakening seems to be having no impact on a large percentage of the population. As a result, these people are suiciding themselves through bad lifestyles... unbridled appetites... and pedestrian entertainment. A large portion of humanity is gravitating toward The Rim. These are the people who mindlessly allowed themselves and their progeny to be inoculated with The Killer Vaccines. These same people are eating foods that are guaranteed to destroy their health and make whatever life remains to them a protracted misery.

Because of this thing called Woke... larger numbers of the public are being seduced into mindsets based on ephemeral delusions. Creatures of a poisoned mist are dancing in their minds and gradually leading those... so captivated... into darkness and ruin. Woke is to Awakened as senility is to regenerated innocence, AND many poisons that are presently being released into the atmosphere, and included in foodstuffs... are causing an epidemic of early-onset Alzheimers. We have a health crisis of monumental proportions and it is all being caused by agents of The Dark Side... in search of a reduced population, and... here I am still talking about The Negative Side of transitory existence.

I find that I have to take quite a few steps back in my mind... back to where I can embrace a detached and panoramic perspective... so that I can see the bigger picture. There have been plenty of die-offs in the past. There have been plagues and disasters... at one time or another... that wiped out existence in terms of the people who were there. These things seem to happen here because... Here... is a way station. Here is a place where one demonstrates... through their actions... the character and climate of their next destination, and... three dynamics are ALWAYS in play. There is an upward curling spiral. There is a downward curling spiral, and there is a looping circular route along which people keep coming back to the place they started from, AND... they have their reasons for this.

It is true that a significant portion are woefully ignorant of much beyond the state of; I want that! This is the mindset that materialism causes and it reflexively leads to a dumbed-down state of being. Stupidity is always digging a bigger hole to fall deeper into. A climate of pervasive Stupidity is one of The Dark Side’s greatest assets.

Everything I have mentioned so far is an aspect of the visible side of existence, and... if that was all we had... we would truly be screwed. It is not all that we have, but... when your mind and your senses are caught up in the dance of externals, you are easily persuaded into believing that is all that there is. The Baphomet holds up his right hand in a mudra that indicates; what you see is all there is. His left hand is holding the torch of ignorance which ignites the lower passions. You either climb out of that sway or you die... to try... another day. The moment you are in... is the most important and only moment you ever have.

God is a reality and he is never more present than in those times when he is most entirely concealed... under a cloud of material noise, and shifting shapes of prosaic appearances. You can be ABSOLUTELY certain that if you seek God... you WILL find God, and... on that account... the most important feature is to not cease in the effort. If you do not stop, you cannot fail.

The quickest and most certain route to The Divine is through Love. This is why The Greatest Commandment is The Greatest Commandment. Your speed is determined by the intensity and consistency of your expression of the attractive force. You actually do not need to know any more than that. It is one of the reasons that the simple-minded have an easier time of it, and...

... one last thing.

End Transmission.......

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