God Poet Transmitting.......
Spring has sprung... God’s in his Heaven and all’s not right with The World or... maybe that’s a time-capture POV. We are in a period of transition, so... there is a lot going on... on the other side of the window... as we move on up the road. It’s all Trends and Patterns... curling up and down between the seen and the unseen. It has always amazed me how people can be so certain they are right... when they never see more than half of what is going on, at... any... given... moment. Sure... it’s all algorithms, but don’t they call it theory for a good reason?
I never realized how many people were on the government tit. I’ve had reasons for that recourse a time or two, but I never got more than the bare minimum, which is all I get now. People were making out like gangbusters and doing little to nothing at all.
I never had a regular job for more than a year or two... now and then. Oh! I was always working but in a freelance capacity. I was living a dream of being in pursuit of The Dream and it never got there because it was only a dream, and I let the search for God get in the way of everything else, except for when everything else was getting in the way of the search for God. Suffice to say that if it were not for The Divine, I would be in a Charlie Dickens novel still.
I remember that cartoon about the grasshopper and the ant; I think it was a grasshopper and an ant. The ant was full-on industrious and kept telling the grasshopper he should make hay while The Sun was up and the grasshopper always had some excuse for living in the moment. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen that cartoon but I have never forgotten it. I was a lot like the grasshopper but only because what I was chasing was immaterial.
I never bought a house or land. I didn’t even have a driver’s license until I was 35 years old. I either walked or hitchhiked. I lived in a tipi for years. Nature and I were kindred spirits. That would probably have been fine in former times, BUT... these past decades have been all about material things, and if you didn’t have some eggs in your basket, you probably weren’t going to eat breakfast, though I never ate breakfast anyway.
If you make it a point to look for God in Times of Material Darkness, you are... very likely... going to run into problems. Sometimes I will look back in wonderment as I say to myself; I can’t believe I survived all that. Now, I am living proof that you can live with nothing and still accumulate a lot of... stuff. In the end... if you find God... nothing you experienced... in the process of discovery... mattered a wit, and you would have gladly gone through so much more for it to happen because it INSTANTLY washes away everything else. Meanwhile; "if you don't look for God in the springtime of your life, he won't be there in the winter."
There are millions of people living on the street because they ran out of couches to surf... got waylaid by drink or drugs... or lost their minds; that’s a bad one when you lose your mind, cause... with all the other reasons and excuses, you can always wind up back in your right mind, BUT... if you lose it, where are you going to look for it?
They want you to think that a lot of people fell on hard times when the economy tanked, but... it really came about when corporations took over the rental market and a whole sector of society could not afford to have an inside life. I don’t think it is a coincidence that there were suddenly all those billionaires... juxtaposed with poor people who have nowhere to go. If one end of the culture is sucking in the life force... there has to be somewhere they are sucking it in from. I‘m sure there are algorithms for that too.
It seems like a large part of the problem is the people who work the middle between the haves and the have-nots. They are usually lawyers and accountants and they get paid according to however much they can squeeze from all available locations. They call them bean counters and there are only so many beans. Their excuse is always that they work for the stockholders. They are just looking out for other people’s interests and... if they didn’t, they would be out of a job too. It’s a cold world when you reduce it all to numbers in a ledger, especially if you live somewhere like New Yawk City... where the weak are killed and eaten.
Regardless of the excuses given by the people doing The Necessary Work, I don’t think anyone can say that the world is not extremely out of balance BECAUSE... Lady Nature sees to it that there is enough for everyone. In fact... she makes sure there is more than enough for everyone, AND... when there isn’t enough for everyone it is USUALLY because certain people are grabbing more than their share from the common weal. (you might have to look that up. It hasn’t been in the common parlance for a long time now.)
Maybe there have been cabals of socio-psychopaths since the onset, BUT... the various arts from other periods of time speak to a more inspired consciousness than we see these days. I don’t remember... outside of the brutality of war... any time when a small number of deranged individuals were trying to kill off the rest of us. I don’t remember the food and water being deliberately poisoned for no clear reason, and then there is the disparity between the castes. I know of people who have a whole drawer of a dresser that is filled with millions of dollars worth of watches. I don’t even have a watch or want one.
I am getting a real insight into human nature these days and I am seeing entirely new pathologies that are developing in certain segments of society. I don’t remember ever seeing women like Miley Cyrus... Paris Jackson... Ariana Grande and... well, there’s a bunch of them... whose bodies are graffiti walls for jailhouse tattoos. These are ladies with high incomes who deliberately cheapen their appearance for... what? Degradation and Humiliation are only some of the costs of fame. Another serious misfortune is the people you have to hang out with. EVERYTHING... except for an enduring relationship with The Divine has a downside. Some people feel compelled to try just about everything before they are willing to stop feeding The Separated Self.
What I am getting around to here is that when Nature goes out of balance... I mean, REALLY out of balance, the female aspect is the first polarity to forget who they are and have to spend all their time trying to create a persona that keeps melting on them. Then... along come all these men who want to be women because of something their mother did to them in the early years; you see the connection? Obviously... the human hormonal balance is getting DELIBERATELY messed with.
Anyone capable of an objective perspective should be able to see that humanity is directly engaged in trying to destroy itself, AND... they are getting plenty of help from crazy rich people who want fewer people around. I wouldn’t try too hard to figure out why they are the way they are. They’re crazy. That should suffice for an explanation.
So... now for the $128,000 question; (I adjusted for inflation) what is going to happen? Let’s look at the options. There is plague (we’ve seen some of that and also the cure being worse than the disease)... there is war... there are both natural catastrophes and engineered unnatural catastrophes. On a positive note, there are the next stages of the spiritual awakening already in progress. There is the sudden appearance of world-changing tech and there is the possibility of aliens showing up, though... I suspect they have been here all along, and some of us are aliens from other locations who have forgotten where we came from, and then... there is the big one, which is The Coming of The Avatar, and that’s the most certain of any of them because there is plenty of historical provenance for that.
The imbalance has gotten absurd. Not only are our betters living it up in high style at the expense of everyone else, BUT... they are trying to kill us and/or reduce us to terrible extremity. Then there are the genocidal maniacs who are demonstrating their psychopathy for all The World to see. Obviously, something has to be done about them, and... something will be done about them. I feel certain of this, BUT... how is it all going to take place? I think it will be a combination of all of these various possibilities. It will depend on where you are and it will depend on who you are, AND... what you are doing.
I tend to think that some superior feature is going to appear in The Human Mind at a wide... wide reach and judgment will happen within each separated mind, and each ambulatory slot-car will then continue on to its destination, either seeing it for what it is or... seeing it as something it is not... kinda like the way something sticky and sweet can drawn you in and it turns out to be a glueboard. I think we are going to see a ubiquitous coming to Jesus or Satan moment, which... as I said... will happen in each human consciousness. I have long believed that The Avatar is going to show up in The Hearts of Humanity, AND... be as much (if not more) a presence there as in any individual appearance. There is also the possibility of The Avatar coming in 7 variations and applying to the 7 rays that compose the entire spectrum of human expression.
It can’t be too much longer because The Bad Guys keep getting worse. As an example we have Bill Gates financing an effort that involves thousands of planes spewing some kind of reflective or anti-reflective matter; it’s sort of vague at this point, and which stays up in the atmosphere and blocks The Sun’s rays. Why there has not been a joint effort of governments to shut him, and Sore-ass and the rest of them down, I... don’t... know. There is a great curiosity going on behind The Curtain... which is hidden from the rest of us, and...
Keeping mountain paths cleanpic.twitter.com/KIFwZoGU36
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) March 22, 2025
End Transmission.......
Today’s Original Song is;
A New Visible Music Album Just Dropped
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
This Evening's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) March 23, 2025
"God is Everything" https://t.co/ieluS52SZY pic.twitter.com/VAgEcn3tdC
Substack is here=
In reality, you can't own land in the u.s.. See how long you can keep in when you don't pay your property taxes, and there's always Eminent Domain unless you live in a really inconvenient place to build things.
Also, if life is temporary and existence is eternal, why should anyone be concerned about more of fewer people being here? Oh yeah. They haven't a clue. They have no idea why they even came here. Gods, I swear! And early life NDE should be mandatory for all.
By the way, I find high population density very inconvenient. The hurry up and wait life for someone with no patience makes me wonder why I haven't had to be cleaned up off the walls and ceiling yet. I've got my hours arranged so I have to do a lot less hurry up and wait, but still. . .
I can't believe I asked for this stint, even with the warning I did not have a good track record here. Well, one more electric fence to piss on, I guess for an individual addicted to pissing on electric fences. Well, I guess that's cheaper than a heroin addiction. On second thought, maybe not.
Nostrils to the sky.
P.S. I wonder if Israhell is still gonna be around in 2028. Same with Ukraine. I'm expecting them to become Prussia-ised.
"Their excuse is always that they work for the stockholders."
In my experience they who start off with excuses or justifications rarely have Either.
Instead they start with that as a Lead-in so that when they bring up the point they're trying to sell you on, you will be more agreeable to going along with their proposition.
Much like when whatever talking head wants to take a position in places where they pretend nebulous ideas like "the greater good" is something hard defined and plainly able to be objectified, and thus measured accurately via objective methods, huh.
Theres always some nebulous concept stated as if it was a solid objectively present thing, which funnily enough returns to being nebulous as soon as you start asking for the receipts for how whatever was allowed burned thru so much money but never produced the benefit for whoever the "greater good" is.
Generally they couch their Own benefit as being that "greater good" so that people will think they're talking about something other than themselves, when that type of person can only see themselves as "the greater good". That or they take a cut pretending to be the administrator of the "greater good", while producing No Good.
Its a shit world built on shit, made of other shit, and it all just allows for a higher rate of change for those who take up a seeded iteration of form for their Own be-coming.
Its a shame so few seem to tumble to such, or perhaps they who are after such just see no real reason to spend time doing much else besides what they took their form to do for themselves. I suppose to be hopeful, I'll take this latter view.
Be Prepared!
(grin) It appears you like this sort of thing even less than I do.
LV! I just called to say I love you. George Carlin was right when he said more for them (controllers) and less for US but the controllers won't last six months after they get rid of all those who make and fix things.
One of the reasons for the witch hunts lasting about 400 years was these sensitive women and shamans took out the socio-psychopaths when they were still young to protect their communities. They probably poisoned them with herbs. Since the psychopaths are no longer taken out of society at an eraly age, they become adults in high positions of power and violence in large quantities.
A new Smoking Mirrors is up now=
"The World Does Not Operate in Line with The Whims of The Players in the Punch and Judy Dramas of The Given Moment."
hehehe... yeah I have become more like the guy with lung cancer with a bomb strapped to his chest on a Timer from interstate 60 than I'd like to admit...
Push me, I blow it all up!
What a great movie that is!
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