God Poet Transmitting.......
Well, President Trump knocked it out of the park last night. Usually, I only last about 10-15 minutes with political speeches. This time I watched the whole thing. The opposition was left bleeding in the aisles. Independent of the president, The World is changing in a big way and this is a very necessary thing because of behavior like this...
I’m an ER doctor and when we see a covid-19 patient with a MAGA hat we inject him with estrogen to make him trans. We say it’s hydroxychloroquine
— Sean Padraig McCarthy (@SeanMcCarthyCom) April 27, 2020
...and also like this.
WTF is wrong with liberals…!? pic.twitter.com/HcLCTUTjA7
— American AF 🇺🇸 (@iAnonPatriot) March 3, 2025
I have seen a number of examples of people reversing The Hippocratic Oath. It stands to reason that these are only the tip of the iceberg.
I mentioned several times that as The Avatar descends down the planes, he drives the demonic forces before him. Finally, they are driven out into The Material Plane where they run about looking for a place to stay. It's not hard for them to find accommodations in times like these. There are so many shiftless and adrift personalities... here in The Declining Days... before The Spring of The New Age. That is what accounts for the behavior these links indicate. When you grow up as the faithless offspring of indifferent parents, this is what you turn into. Holy jumping j'apostrophes!!!
The good news is that they don't survive long. They just want to get back to where they came from and they think that dying in a human body is going to grant them passage backaways. Nope. When you deceive yourself and... by extension... become a deceiver of others, you are adrift on a sea of your own misinformation. It's not likely you will have accurate coordinates.
This is what Materialism does to people. It makes them faithless. Krishna speaks of what happens to those who have demonic tendencies in Chapter 16 of The Bhagavad Gita. It's not a kind future and you can count on Time being a prominent factor in the process. Time is a form of gravity. It has a definite weight. Having been both in prison and at the beach. I can tell you... there are distinct differences in the way Time passes, and... the way Time affects you, as... it... passes. It is similar to waiting in a government office as opposed to watching an entertaining movie.
Time tattoos the human face. It etches your features and it cuts deeply... or more superficially... depending on the nature of your experiences and ruminations. Some people eat themselves up inside. Some people devour others. Some people create a sanctuary in their being. The fruit of The Imagination is a wonder to behold.
I often imagine myself sitting at a golden table in The Sun. Everything in The Sun is defined in densities of Gold... running to shades of yellow... orange... and red. At times, I have felt like I am actually there. The residents are dressed in ancient garb of flowing robes and sometimes mail breastplates and metal skirts, with helmets that have a red Mohawk of some material running across the top. It's something like a bristle brush.
What I would like is to have an endless stream of Christmas Spirit running through me... flowing out in all directions. Sometimes... I can smell the pine needles and sap of the tree. There are rare smells and warm lights, and the feel of The Christmas Spirit is like pure joy and love in equal measure. There is this sense of safety as if a sanctuary had materialized from the precipitations of joy and love into form. I can hear music and there are wind chimes, as well as the distant tolling of bells.
I would like very much to become a character like Johnny Appleseed, but... instead of apple seeds, it would be Christmas Spirit that I would scatter to every side... as if I were Spring... dancing across a meadow and causing the chiaroscuro shades of Winter to blaze forth in colors deep and vibrant as I passed. I happen to know this is possible... very possible and... all I have to do is feel it coming into being... as The Mind visualizes and then... channels The Will... directly upon the virgin parchment of existence. Everything comes into being this way and... it is a shame that people use this power in such a casual manner to create Suffering instead of something finer. They are unaware of even doing so, BUT... they get results... indeed they do.
We all get results and have to live with them. They are as much our children as any physical progeny would be. We make ourselves into reservoirs of whatever our thoughts and feelings generate within us... and then we spill it out into The World around us. Why should it not be Christmas Spirit that spills forth?
Christmas Spirit is a real thing. I have felt it on many occasions, though... not so much in recent times... as I see it has absented itself from the general thoroughfares of human traffic. It doesn't really fit in with the grasping and conniving spirit that has usurped and displaced the Christmas Spirit. That is what Materialism accomplishes. It drives The Christmas Spirit away. The Spirit of Giving has been overwhelmed by The Spirit of Taking and The Spirit of Appetite.
I remember times when The Christmas Spirit came upon me like the rush of clean LSD on a glorious summer afternoon. That is as close as I can come to describe the feeling. I suspect some might think it diminishes the idea of Christmas Spirit, BUT... my heart was pure on many of those occasions when I took the LSD. I needed to take it to clean my jets because Materialism had caused such a carbon buildup all around and in me that I couldn't climb over the top of it on my own. This chemical infusion would lift me right up out of the scrambling... hot... fury of wanting that seemed to hem me in on all sides. I was careful to ingest it in the pristine wonderlands of Lady Nature, AND... if I was alone or with the rare kindred spirits, there was no telling who might drop by for a visit.
Many times The Divine Mother would appear... four arms waving at the edge of the forest. Sometimes she sent a few mosquitoes to visit because she said she wanted to taste me. Heh heh... those were the days. I took it longer than I should have... even into the times when The Good Stuff was nearly impossible to find. I have no regrets for my indulgence because the single burning desire that drove me was, to... be... in... The... Presence... of... God. Intention determines outcome and I was often granted what I sought.
I do not engage in such pursuits anymore, and it looks like I stopped at the right time... given what is going around these days.
I found other ways to get the same results. The effort to get there is more protracted, BUT... perseverance furthers, as The I-Ching tells us. Sometimes, I would spend hours of a trip... reading the Witter Bynner translation of Lao Tzu's Way of Life over and over. I called it Imprinting. I did this on many occasions. I was a very serious fellow in this way. Regardless, it all turned out right after all. Ah! The things I saw and experienced... words truly fail.
No... it wasn't the LSD that did me wrong. It was all those other things that came after, and so... I wound up by The Wayside. I wound up by The Wayside many times before I got to Right Side again. It was all part of the movie though. I understand that now, so... I have few regrets, and soon... those will be gone too.
Imagine yourself in the days leading up to the best Christmas you can remember. You had this feeling. It was in the air all around you, and... it was in your heart as well. Where did it come from? Well... we know where it comes from and we know it is just one of the infinite permutations of higher love.
Maybe you can see and hear the sights and sounds of that further time and... I imagine you understand what I mean about being able to dispense this elixir of God... at will... into The World around you. People couldn't know it was coming from you. Sometimes someone might catch on, but... you would soon be gone... up or down the road, so... no harm done because... otherwise... you might turn into some kind of rock star or celebrity and... it wouldn't be long before your Christmas Spirit was gone, and you were... once again... back into the moribund apprehensions of the same old same old. No... you can't stick around for too long after, and... that's just as well. After all... you didn't come up with it on your own. It was a gift that was meant to keep on giving and not pay no never mind to anything else that a selfish mind might come up with.
You can only keep that spirit if you are giving it away, AND... the loss of personal celebrity or... the loss of concern for the fruits of action is a small price to pay. Who are we after all in this world where nothing lasts... where there is no permanence? This is why there are so few who are empowered with dispensing this spirit. It's a monumental achievement to have risen above all concerns of loss and gain; to be able to just give yourself away... each and every day... with never a thought for anything else.
I can smell those smells of Christmas Spirit right now. It is the perfume of The Divine... who... in the invisible garb of angels... just went thataway; the mysterious stranger that is God in human form... already out of sight over the rise of the next hill. You might get the sense that you could follow after him and... you would be right. That's how it works; following the one who made The Christmas Spirit possible and you don't want any distance to appear between you. That happens when people mistakenly believe that they are the ones who came up with Christmas Spirit. You can NEVER think that.
Now... tell me... isn't that something grand to wish for? AND... I tell you. It is absolutely possible and all you have to do is want it more than anything else. You just have to want it more than anything else, and...
... one last thing.
This is such a precious moment!❤️
— Wholesome Side of 𝕏 (@itsme_urstruly) March 3, 2025
The animals noticed that the farm owner was upset and immediately wanted to support her. 🥺 pic.twitter.com/hI5XmTpAgo
End Transmission.......
Today's Original Song is;
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Tonight's Original Song is;
— Les Visible (@visible_les) March 5, 2025
"I Need More Light." https://t.co/8Ug71w17iL pic.twitter.com/DBeyJMThPk
Substack is here=
As a teenage Marine in 78 or so, I was hanging with a few buddies in an nco room. My friend says chew this up, it was acid. An hour later I look over at my friend and realized we had both turned into frogs and we were at the bottom of a pond. He said something and the words turned into brilliantly colored metallic bubbles and floated to the surface.
Ahhh the good old days!
Great post as always
"....the grasping and conniving spirit that has usurped and displaced the Christmas Spirit...."
Is that not what Dickens was riffing on in 'A Chistmas Carol' back in in 1843? Lord Buckley really cooks with his hip jazz monolog cover version, 'Scrooge' .
Nothing's showing up in GAB for today's post...
Didn't put it up.
Beautiful, Les! Thanks!
Thank you Vis!
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