God Poet Transmitting.......
Every morning, first thing... I read from the Easwaran translation of The Bhagavad Gita and Johnston's; Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This is prior to the rising of The Sun. Then... when I have my main meal around noon, I will read from something... while I am eating... because as my body is digesting the food... through the process of a specific Pranic force... my mind is digesting the words I consume, and tying the two together really energizes the process of assimilation and imprinting.
I read The Door of Everything, by Ruby Nelson decades ago..
Then I read it again here and there at different times. It's a brief book, and now... I am reading it while I have my lunch. Maybe I was less aware at earlier times; actually... that is most certainly true. In any case, this is such a fine and wonderful source of spiritual food that I must recommend it to the reader. The book provides a unique perspective on unification with The Divine, if that sort of thing interests you. You can't download it for some reason here, but it's available for sale in various locations.
This was extremely difficult to get a copy of but I managed somehow. Anyway... for those to whom this applies... you will find powerful insights there.
Why am I recommending a book at the beginning of a post? I never do that. It is always at the end of the post, once it has been completely written. The reason is that... according to signs... Trends and Patterns... and the Arachnoid Tremblor, there is a keen likelihood that there will soon be disturbances at every level of human awareness... as it interfaces with the external world. There is every indication of alarming events in The Event Horizon, so... if you need something to keep your head and heart in order, this is a fine book.
This Thursday we have Purim. Then on Friday, we have a Super Blood Moon. On Saturday, we have The Ides of March. It is an ancient superstition that trouble comes in threes. Now... I am not a superstitious person, BUT... a substantial portion of The World is, and whatever The Hive Mind has percolating... generally precipitates. I could provide a lengthy dissertation on all the implications that could be drawn from this fantasy wrapped in the possibilities of fearful outcomes, BUT... I'm not going to. I'm just tossing it out there.
I've noticed some pretty remarkable changes going down in The Department of Trends and Patterns AND... in areas directly relating to The Purpose of Demonstration... coming on the heels of the recent blood moons of the last several years. That this one falls just before The Ides of March, well... we'll see.
Planes are falling out of the skies. A recent event with a Cessna revealed that it was loaded with intelligence tech. Then there was a ship collision off the coast of The UK. Recently there have been all sorts of mishaps with planes and other vehicles around The World. It seems that someone is messing with the various computer systems of these conveyances. That is the obvious take, and... who else could it be but The Deep State?
Take your mind back to 9/11... and Dov Zaheim and Systems Planning Corporation. They had that tech 25 years ago.
It's not being directly reported in The Compromised Media but there is a real war going on at every possible level between The Deep State and the present administration. This is happening round The World. The Romanian government canceled the election when it looked like someone they didn't approve of showed signs of winning. I could list many contiguous events... all bearing similarities, BUT... you are probably aware of them or certainly could be with even cursory inquiry on the internet. Canada installed a Deep State puppet so... they are just going to have a Trudeau 2.0.
They have been ramping up the fire-starting... Weather engineering, and... the DEW attacks are becoming commonplace. At the street level, grassroots agitations are suddenly popping up everywhere, as Soros and other demonic intelligences are being closed out of their access to taxpayer funds. Wackos all over social media are calling for the assassination of The President and Elon Musk. It's a hot time... in the old town... all the time lately.
If you need any further confirmation of Israel's interests in Ukraine... the recent outbreaks of pathological support at every level of society should do it.
Okay... okay... there are a lot of ways to look at what's going on. On the surface, it can prove to be very disturbing, if that is where you are getting your impressions from. The truth is... at a deeper level... CHANGE is being generated that indicates a power shift, and those used to running things are not happy at all. It's too bad but there is NOTHING they can do because; when The Lord gets ready... you got to move! Still... there is going to be a sustained ruckus happening as The Juice and The Momentum get rerouted. You can get all antsy and uncomfortable about this if you want to OR... you can simply pay attention to the sequencing and rest in the certainty that God has got it all in hand.
Most assuredly President Trump knows about the geo-engineering of the weather... the poisoning of the skies... the unusual fires on Maui... Southern Kalifornia... Long Island and lots of other places. Most certainly Robert Kennedy Jr knows about it all... and... so far... nothing has been said or done. Kennedy said one of the first things he would fix would be The Chemtrail attacks on public health. I'm watching... many others are watching. Nothing will destroy the reputation of a person or a movement like killing the faith of the people who believe in you.
The sudden halt of the release of ALL confidential files... without explanation... is as much of an explanation as if the truth were told anyway. It is now being discussed on every alternative site and podcast about Israel being the reason why all these promised files are not being released. It can be concealed no longer and the fact that it is being concealed is a powerful indictment of who is doing the concealing.
NO... MATTER... WHAT... The Truth is coming out! Because THEY can see no good options for misdirection and distraction, (which they badly need right now)... something wicked is probably on the way. The reason that something hasn't happened already is because... not only do they know they are being watched, but they know about The Apocalypse and The Awakening. On the one hand, they are very wary. On the other hand... the pressure to do something... is building by the day, and... they... just... can't... help... themselves... because the push to action is coming from another source entirely, For The Purpose of Demonstration.
For many years they have acted with impunity. They are used to it. They are cocky and arrogant. They think of themselves as Masters of The Material Plane. However... times have changed. Conditions are not what they once were. I think I can say... with confidence... that they are about to step in it, big time. They have too many balls in the air at the same time, and this kind of complexity is the perfect recipe for disaster. The people who are unable to release the files are going to find out that the truth is going to step out into the public thoroughfare, and... start shouting and pointing at itself.
When you spread yourself too thin... you are no longer able to manage your personal borders and you become prey to the weakest link syndrome. Everything is based on numbers, and everything operates according to the progression of events in the space-time continuum. Sometimes... the numbers do and do not add up simultaneously. This is where we find ourselves at this time.
I have no idea of the manner in which circumstances will play out, I just know that every progression of events unfolds the same as they do in a book... a play... and a movie. Only poetry does not conform to the same rules of progression and we are definitely looking at some kind of poetic outcome in a Shakespearean sense, AND... there's The Ides of March ♫ waiting on the weekend ♫ (visible paused to reflect.) Okay... time to suit up, folks, and...
... one last thing.
John Christie Electric Generator – Generates 24 Kilowatts Of Free Electricity pic.twitter.com/SSol3bYG0b
— illuminatibot (@iluminatibot) February 28, 2025
End Transmission.......
I have heard from several people that the search engines are denying my existence and that I can be hard to find; I am Les Visible, folks; do the math. Yeah, they've been doing that for a long time, I don't care. That's not my problem. God takes care of The Details. I just concentrate on my end. If you don't want to lose track of me, just go to the upper right of this page and click on Follow. The same applies at X (there are 3 dots at the top right of my posts there. Click on that.) and wherever else I am. I appreciate the concern, BUT... there's a lot going on that they don't know about, and I don't care. I'm not in it for clicks.
Today's Original Song is;
A New Visible Music Album Just Dropped
Links appear at GAB=
X is hosting us for the moment at= https://x.com/visible_les
Tonight's Original Song is; (heh heh)
— Les Visible (@visible_les) March 11, 2025
"I Love Country Music Except for Ninety-Nine Percent." https://t.co/NK1OKFpBB4 pic.twitter.com/aCf9sSGray
Substack is here=
This is the simplest DL i could find, and might be a helpful place to go for future reference.
X had a DDOS attack yesterday and none of your links to it worked – for me anyway. They’re saying it came from UKR. Sure, whatever.
I had some unnerving strange this morning (which i’m not going to get into) which disturbed me out of bed, and was able to watch the Sunrise, so it at least helped me further my efforts to transition to a “morning” person.
We’ll see how it goes.
Purim. From what I read, it must be the intensest, craziest party ever. Make Animal House look like Donna Reed. I read they make pastries in the shape of body parts, from what I recall. Symbolic cannibalism of Persians? What ever. Don't feel like lookin' it up to 'verifry'.
I see a bunch of idiots who can't seem to think of consequences if they bit their nose off, gettin' royally deleted. . .not in a good way. It's like GODS ABOVE AND BELOW! GET ME OUTTA HERE VIA SCAPHISM! AT LEAST THAT ENDS IN A WEEK AND A HALF! Or maybe lingchi (Nose first.). Dat's faster. (Aren't I just adorable?)
Why be disturbed? We're just passin' through this sewage main. It ain't our real home. It's just that we forgot, but some of us remember that we put ourselves into this self-imposed prison. . .some out of obligation, some out for getting our priorities on the right track. The latter is kinda go left to go right, but hey! Some of us need a slap upside and have to live to appreciate Death (Transition!!!!!) to that realm of virtual limitlessness by mortal flotsam meat suit standards.
Locally, we've been gettin' chemtrailed like no tomorrow. It's like someone's been having a last feast before they won't be able to eat again for 2 months.
I am following you, but I don't get the e-mails. People can also get you via bookmarking or going to rumormillnews.com, or the barely read sta-rising.site.
Oh, mixed dialect again. Solly! (Me and my Chinese restaurant.)
Evidently my 0 blogger account logged me out and I don't recall what password I used so I'll just be posting under anonymous till I setup another goofy account.
Most of the X links aren't working for me tho that one last thing did load up and that company used to be called Lutec, and as the accent shows they were australian. Heres a link on how things played out for those guys:
Thanks for the link to the Door of Everything, I will read it today.
Also reposted the Dov Zakheim stuff on my substack... Will see how many of my few subscribers that puts off.
Guess we'll see how things shake out this week eh? The iso20022 thing got pushed till July 14th from March 14th so whatever crypto play they have waiting in the wings has been delayed a bit, perhaps so they can pretend they need the CR that funds USAID to be passed this week...
Thank you!!! I'm sure the readers will appreciate it.
Thank you!
Now I see. It says 'borrow unavailable' and "Book available to patrons with print disabilities." There was no download possible and I got it from there a couple of weeks ago. Weird.
Nobody, I had to remove your comment because it would only show limited amount of pages. Anyway... I found a site.
I'm about finished Destiny of Souls so I'll read the Doors next. I get all my "books" at oceans of pdf.
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